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Fair Trade - Chapter Twenty Two: Waiting

Yuliang arrived at the Crystal Estate as the sun was setting but no one had returned as of yet. While there was a little concern, knowing it was typical of Shizhe was both a relief and an annoyance. Shizhe wouldn’t risk Xueye’s life. She would even fight to protect him should anyone slip past her foresight. Yuliang was more annoyed because she knew Shizhe had a tendency to dally on her outings to the city. It’s why Yuliang wasn’t in a rush to arrive, even arranging for an increase in patrols in the area didn’t seem to kill enough time.

She knew the grounds better than anyone in the upper court who had visited the estate. She often helped Yushi deal with suspicious dealings there. The lie she prepared wasn’t far-fetched, Yushi often helped her under his guise of Shujing. She still thought it would be a bit strange for Xueye to find her inside. Thus she decided to go reside in the surrounding gardens to avoid any misunderstanding. 

She settled at the small table nestled in the lovely garden in the back, soaking in the quietude of the natural setting.Yuliang did enjoy Shizhe’s taste for beautiful flowers as they did often meet in the palace gardens that surrounded Shizhe’s abode. Yuliang felt more at home in a more natural setting having been a hunter before joining Yushi. She spent most of her life in the forests until she rescued Yushi and Riluo from their imperial pursuers. His cause became hers and she never looked back. She still missed the tranquility of nature from time to time.

She recalled Shizhe helping set up the garden on the grounds of the Crystal Estate and arranging for one of her trusted handmaidens to come and tend to it. Shizhe was so adamant about it, even getting dirty to help plant everything. She had roped Yuliang into helping her decide on some of the plants and placements. While it was Yushi’s home away from the palace, there was a touch of just about all the upper court’s influence over it, aside from the General as far as she was aware. Then again perhaps his influence just wasn’t known to her. 

As the first few stars began to glimmer in the encroaching darkness, Yuliang heard the distinctive chipper tone of Shizhe’s voice, even if she couldn’t understand what was being said from this distance. She quietly rose from her seat and waited silently near the wall of the house, out of sight. She waited until she heard the door close as the chatter became muffled inside. She let a little more time pass before she moved to the front door and knocked firmly. 

The one who opened the door was Shizhe who’s sharp glare through the crack of the door quickly melted into surprise, “Lady Shanfeng? Is everything alright?!” Shizhe opened the door the rest of the way, waving her inside.

“Yes, nothing to worry over, for the time being anyways,” Yuliang reassured as she stepped inside. “The matter is complicated.”

“Shizhe? Who-?” Xueye stepped out of the kitchen with tea prepared, he saw them both walk in from the entryway as he set the tea set on the table. Once his attention turned to them he recognized Yuliang from having seen her from afar. “Lady Shanfeng?”

“Greetings, you must be Young Master Meigui,” Yuliang offered a small polite bow despite their difference in station. “I must apologize for the intrusion but tonight I’ll be borrowing Shujing’s talents and network for tonight. He wanted me to stop by and inform you that he won’t be able to return tonight. I also wanted you to know that I’m handling your case personally so he and I wanted to make sure you stay here where it’s safe. Don’t leave without trusted company to protect you.”

“Oh, I’m honored you would look into such a small matter personally,” Xueye blinked, astonished by the news.

“It’s no small matter, even if you make light of the situation your safety is important!” Shizhe piped up.

“She’s right,” Yuliang nodded. “I know this isn’t your first time dealing with such matters. While I had already intended to take on your case, knowing that made it all the more apparent it was something I should look into personally.”

“As far as I’m aware they are all separate incidents,” Xueye tilted his head as he thought about it. “The company has all sorts of enemies, my position sometimes makes me a target. People often foolishly think that I am a bargaining chip against my father.”

So Lord Meigui is the common link, even if indirectly, Yuliang mused. “Did these types of incidents occur before you became heir to the company?”

“No…” Xueye sighed heavily.

“Xueye…” Shizhe could see the weight of such a question brought to mind many troublesome times. Certainly a few came to hers from what she had seen of his past.

“Young Master, would you mind if I asked you a few things while I have you?” Yuliang asked. She made a mental note to ask Xinhua similar questions whenever she returned.

“You don’t have to, though!” Shizhe quickly interjected. Not wanting Xueye to feel like he had to.

“It’s alright, Shizhe,” Xueye smiled sweetly, touched by Shizhe’s protective nature. “By all means, Lady Shanfeng. Join us for tea and you can ask what you like.”

Xueye fetched them another cup and served them all tea. It was a novel feeling, hosting guests in Shujing’s home, a place that started feeling like his own. Even the threat of an unsavory topic of conversation couldn’t dampen the delightful mood the day and the bubbly feeling welling up had created. While that could easily change as it progressed he felt safe and comfortable so he knew he would be alright.

“What is it you want to know?” Xueye asked Yuliang.

“I’d like to ask more about your father,” Yuliang soaked in the heat of the tea cup in her hands. “He’s not what everyone sees him as. However from what I understand you know more about what he’s really like, don’t you?”

“I know better than most,” Xueye closed his eyes. “Not even my siblings have seen the true extent of his cruelty. Xinhua may be the closest but never truly seen just how wicked a man he is.”

She knows more than you realize, Shizhe thought to herself. She wanted to tell him but was worried it might do more harm than good.

“Then tell me. I want to know,” Yuliang gestured for him to continue.

“He’s paranoid and vindictive for one thing,” Xueye stated. “It makes an unfortunate combination when he thinks I’m cursed.”

Yuliang’s face scrunched as she glanced over to Shizhe.

“I can assure you he is far from it,” Shizhe giggled. She understood where one might think that from his draw of misfortune but with the help of Jinse, he was just a normal person with an extremely calming presence. 

“I figured that much since you’ve taken such a liking to him,” Yuliang shook her head. “I’m just shocked you can stand such slander.”

“Trust me I despise it more than anything,” Shizhe grumbled with a look of pure disdain. “He deserves to rot for just that, let alone whatever else he’s done.”

“It’s so strange to hear you talk of him that way,” Xueye laughed a little.

“It’s true!” Shizhe pouted. 

“Has he done anything worthy of that in the eyes of the law? That’s unfortunately what I have to discern to condemn him so,” Yuliang sighed. She made the reforms to the laws personally in the interest of those in power not falsely accusing people like Yushi’s father and her own. She really just made more work for herself and the clever ones able to work around some of the laws. “If I could just take your word for it I would but I need evidence of his wrong doings.”

“Anything he’s done to me physically has long since stopped,” Xueye admitted, his eyes cast downward.

“Wait…” Yuliang felt the weight of his words. “You can’t be serious!”

“Like I said, he has many reasons to rot,” Shizhe said bitterly.

“How unfair,” Yuliang grumbled. She was beginning to understand why the othe members of the upper court wanted to help this young man break free from his father. “You should have brought forth such accusations back then. Why didn’t you?”

“I was scared,” Xueye’s voice shook a little. “If he found out, surely he would have killed me then. I didn’t hold any value to him back then. If it weren’t for my mom he might have gotten rid of me a long time ago. When someone else threatened to expose him, he stopped. His harsh words and spiteful looks only got worse.”

“Some father,” Yuliang scoffed. She sighed trying to keep her emotions under control, It was oddly easy. Often when she did get emotional it would rarely subside so quickly. “How about we focus on something a little more recent. Have you noticed anything suspicious with him or company transactions?”

“Hmm, well everything in the books seems legitimate as far as I can tell.” Xueye was racking his brain to think of anything that would help Yuliang. “There is something that’s been bothering me. Father’s not been paying loans back on time. We’ve had collectors arrive at the company directly. Not great for business when they are the brazen and demanding sort.”

“Loans? Really? I thought the Meigui Trading Company was always rather well off,” Shizhe blinked.

“I couldn’t tell you the specifics.” Xueye shrugged. “It was taken back when my mother was alive and Xinhua was heir. I often thought it was because mother’s medicine was quite expensive but I’m not the best person to ask about it. I’m sure only father would know but you could always ask Xinhua if she knows anything.”

“I was already thinking of talking with her. She’s still out east isn’t she?” Yuliang glanced at Shizhe briefly but it wasn’t missed.

“Yes, hopefully she’ll be back soon,” Shizhe flushed. “All I know is she’s trying to root out banditry on the main road. She’s been gone for a while.”

“I’ll be sure to ask her a few questions when she joins us for breakfast again,” Yuliang was a little amused seeing Shizhe squirm a little, even so it barely showed on her face.

“It’s good to hear my sister seems to get along with others well in the palace,” Xueye giggled softly. 

“The time I spend with Corporal Meigui and Lady Guangming is never a dull moment,” Yuliang smiled faintly. 

“I assure you it’s the same with Xueye,” Shizhe quickly added. “In fact I was thinking I might invite him to one once all this nonsense blows over.”

“Then I look forward to it,” Yuliang flashed a subtle smile towards Xueye. “I’ll be sure to apprehend those involved quickly so we may have a much better time together.”

“Oh, thank you,” Xueye beamed. He enjoyed the idea of one day the four of them all having a delightful breakfast together. 

“Back to the subject of your father,” Yuliang stated as her expression quickly turned serious again. “Since there is vague speculation he may be involved, be it indirectly or not. You called him paranoid. A man like that rarely would leave traces of any misdeeds. Am I right to assume he’s more the type to make verbal contracts over written?”

“Depends on the deal but yes, he tends to favor verbal contracts, as annoying as it can be.” Xueye groaned. “It often puts me in difficult situations.”

“Well, fortunately you’ll find that part a bit easier soon,” Yuliang was pleased she had guessed correctly on the matter. “Just today, the Emperor passed a law that basically renders verbal contracts void in the eyes of the law.”

“Sounds like he’ll be quite busy the next few days,” Xueye laughed with a smug grin on his face. “Since I’m under order to stay put he can’t push it off on me for once.”

“There are perks to this situation you’re in,” Shizhe snickered. 

“When you have the chance would you mind reviewing some of them, let me know if anything seems amiss with them?” Yuliang asked. “I know it might be a bit much to ask but I don’t exactly have the means to search without cause.”

“Not at all. I’d love to look at all the details myself anyway,” Xueye nodded. “I’m sure he’ll be quite livid that I’m not around to help but it’s his own fault.”

“You sure you’ll be alright when you go back to work?” Shizhe asked, a little worried.

“Once he hears my leave was issued by the Minister of Justice herself he’ll accept it,” Xueye shrugged. “I imagine he’ll be a bit of a handful for a while after but then again he always is that way around me.”

“If it would help, I can write a letter about the matter,” Yuliang offered.

“It’s quite alright,” Xueye shook his head. “Doesn’t matter if he believes me or not the result will likely be the same. He couldn’t care less.”

“Very well,” Yuliang sighed. “If you change your mind you can just send a letter to my office.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Xueye smiled. “You know it’s rather strange to be spending so much time out of the office lately. There will be much to do when I return, even without father trying to push more on me.”

“How unfair,” Yuliang mumbled under her breath. 

“Don’t think about that now,” Shizhe flashed a pained smile. “Honestly, is that all you think of?”

“It’s important,” Xueye shrugged. “Father is a nightmare so someone has to clean up after him.”

“It’s also important to rest,” Shizhe glared at both of them.

“His Highness ordered me to rest once I’m done here,” Yuliang rolled her eyes. “I’d argue I am already physically since I’m having tea with you two.”

“She’s not wrong,” Xueye giggled.

“That may be the case but I think you both could use a good mental rest,” Shizhe sighed.

“I’d argue you taking me out today was a lovely mental respite,” Xueye beamed.

“Really?!” Shizhe looked at him with a hopeful smile. Xueye nodded and Shizhe lit up. “Oh, I’m so glad!” She quickly switched her attention and pointed at Yuliang. “You’re next!”

“Yes, yes,” Yuliang waved her hand dismissively. “I assure you I’m quite fine on that front.”

“Those gifts you get from a certain lord doesn’t count,” Shizhe teased.

“Why not? It makes me happy,” Yuliang tilted her head in confusion.

“Oh you,” Shizhe shook her head. 

“Oh, right! I nearly forgot,” Xueye remembered that he wanted Shizhe’s advice on a gift for Shujing but thought maybe Yuliang might have an idea as well since it sounded like they work together. “Since you both know Shujing, I might as well ask now. I was considering getting a gift for Shujing since he’s done so much for me. I just don’t know what to get him. Might you two have some advice for me?”

Shizhe couldn’t contain her little squeal of delight as she kicked her legs back and forth. “Absolutely! Why didn’t you ask while we were out today?”

“Well after Jinse insisted on paying for anything I got it just didn’t feel right,” Xueye sighed. 

“Jinse?” Yuliang was surprised to hear the name but suddenly it clicked with her why the Fox’s Den was so active. Yuliang narrowed her eyes at Shizhe considering the diviner realized it during their last breakfast.

“He’s not as bad as you think he is,” Shizhe giggled. 

“I wasn’t aware you knew him,” Yuliang sighed. 

“I just met him today,” Shizhe lied. “He’s a very dear friend of Xueye.”

“I know he has a bad reputation but I assure you he’s very sweet,” Xueye smiled.

“I’ll take your word for it,” Yuliang took a sip of her tea. She wasn’t convinced but if he was working to protect Xueye she was willing to let it slide for the time being. Especially given Shizhe’s prediction it was easy to assume that Jinse would be a key part in it if they were supposed to just let things play out.

“Anyways back to the advice!” Shizhe cheered excitedly.

“I’m sure he’d cherish anything you get him,” Yuliang stated. “Don’t overthink it.”

“While that’s true, that’s not enough for you is it?” Shizhe looked knowingly at Xueye.

“You know me well,” Xueye giggled. “It is reassuring to hear though.”

“He cherishes you so it should come as little doubt,” Yuliang shrugged, talking as if it was the most natural thing. 

Xueye felt a warmth spread in his chest that certainly wasn’t the tea. It was so nice to hear from people who knew Shujing well. That bubbly feeling was getting brighter.

“Well what you see around his home here is mostly influenced by us since he’s not much of a decorator, but his tastes aren’t all that different,” Shizhe smiled as she gestured to the decor. “Some of this might be a little fancier than he prefers, after all he comes from humble origins.”

“He did mention something like that,” Xueye tapped his chin as he started to take her words into consideration. 

“Mmhmm, so while the elegance of his station may be something to think about, he'd very much value something practical,” Shizhe nodded. 

“That’s why I said it wouldn’t matter what you get him,” Yuliang stated.

“Would it kill you to explain why?” Shizhe groaned.

“Do you know if he grew up around the capital?” Xueye asked. He thought a bit of home would be nice. He once considered Vual home and the trinkets that he kept always reminded him of the delightful times he spent there. Since this place was more of the style of the ladies he sat with, he thought perhaps something as a pleasant reminder of youth would be a sweet touch to add.

“No, he grew up in a town just north of here, Haiyu,” Yuliang provided.

“It’s not terribly far,” Shizhe nodded. “I don’t think you’ll find anyone who knows him though.”

“Oh, that’s alright,” Xueye smiled. “A little piece of home was what I was thinking.”

Both ladies' eyes widened at the idea. It was such a sweet idea that would surely make Yushi melt. The fact that Xueye wanted to do something so personalized spoke volumes. It was also just so heartwarming to see just how soft Xueye looked as he spoke of it.

“Well you know, Luoshi and Dr. Jingji both come from the same town,” Shizhe beamed. “Perhaps they can give you an idea for that!”

“I’m sure you won’t need help getting something given your profession but if you do need help finding something you can ask us again for help,” Yuliang smiled.

“Thank you. Both of you,” Xueye beamed. “I feel a lot better about trying to pick something out.”

“Very good,” Yuliang nodded. She rose to her feet. “As much as I’ve enjoyed chatting with you two, I think I should leave for now. If anything should come up just let either of us know.”

“Thank you, Lady Shanfeng,” Xueye rose to offer a polite bow. “I appreciate all your hard work and I will take your advice to heart.”

Xueye flashed the warmest smile Yuliang had ever seen. She couldn’t help but reciprocate it. She understood why this sweet young man so quickly won everyone over. Despite all his pain and tragedy he could still smile so brightly. It was such a comforting sight. After spending time with them both she felt rather content. Not a hint of stress remained.

“Be sure to bring him to our next breakfast,” Yuliang voiced softly before she headed for the front door.

“Will do!” Shizhe waved from her seat. Shizhe smiled over at Xueye as he returned to his seat. “You will come to breakfast with us when you are able, right?”

“I would love to,” Xueye giggled softly. 

“Perfect, we usually meet on the final day of each week in my garden. You can stop by any time that’s convenient but Yuliang likes to eat rather early.” Shizhe was practically bouncing in her seat with excitement. “I’ll be sure to send you the details so you don’t forget!”

“Thank you, Shizhe, for everything,” Xueye sighed contentedly. “Time with you truly is a delight.”

“You’re one to talk! Yuliang isn’t one to warm up to someone so quickly. It shows how lovely it is to be around you.” Shizhe praised. “She doesn’t just invite anyone to our private little breakfasts.”

“Then I’m quite honored,” Xueye closed his eyes. Was this delightful feeling what he’d been missing? Such an amazing time with friends that genuinely want nothing but the best for him. He felt happy. Truly at ease despite the circumstances that led to it all.

“Xueye, would you like me to stay tonight?” Shizhe asked. “I know Shujing has more than one guest room in this big old place.”

“No need to trouble yourself, it is quite last minute,” Xueye shook his head. “I’ll be quite fine here on my own.”

“Well, alternatively you could come stay with me. if you want to. If you don’t want to be alone,” Shizhe offered.

“I’ll be fine, I promise.” Xueye was touched by her fretting over him. “You made sure no one was following us back here so no one should know I’m here.”

“I know, I know,” Shizhe sighed. “I just don’t want you to be lonely.”

“How can I with such delightful memories to keep me company?” Xueye giggled. 

“You are too sweet,” Shizhe jumped up and moved to hug him. 

“Thank you, for caring,” Xueye squeezed her back. 

“I’ll be back tomorrow,” Shizhe voiced softly, not yet moving. “I don't care if Shujing is back or not.”

“I look forward to it,” Xueye laughed lightly. He looked up at her from his seat as she finally let go. “Be safe on your way home. Also, try not to stay up late reading.”

“That last one I cannot promise,” Shizhe giggled as she gathered her goods from the day's shopping.

“If you don't then I won't invite you to the next performance,” Xueye rose from the table and smirked at her.

“You wouldn't dare!” Shizhe gasped dramatically.

“Seriously, though, get some rest too, okay?” Xueye walked her to the door. “For me?”

“If you insist,” Shizhe nodded. “Lock the door after me and don't open it for anyone!”

“I promise I won't,” Xueye nodded.

While Shizhe made it look like she was leaving she remained near enough to hear the lock latch before she finally descended the steps of the porch. With the night sky in view and the moon a mere sliver she couldn't help but chance a peek to see what tomorrow held. The stars had much to tell, she was starting to realize she needed more than a moment stolen away outside the Crystal Estate. She knew she might not be able to keep her promise of a restful night after all.


Next chapter is already available on Patreon if you are unable to wait :3


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