Yushi stood on the balcony off his room, nursing a cup of coffee rather than his usual tea. He had barely managed to get any restful sleep. He spent most of the night pacing about, feeling antsy. It was almost a similar energy thrumming beneath his skin very much like that of when a storm arrives. Standing outside, the sky was perfectly clear, not a cloud in sight. Did the recent change stir the beast within to awaken even outside of storms?
Yushi sighed as he stared down at the dramatics of Korina making a fuss, likely over the fact Yushi wasn’t there to see them off. Riluo looked rather exasperated, not even bothering to hide it this morning. Yushi couldn’t blame him.
After a while, they finally left the palace gates. He wanted to wait for Riluo’s return to say they were on their ship, departing. Yet he felt so wound up, he couldn’t sit still.
Yushi threw on something light to wear and was about to head over to see if the General was available to spar until a sharp, rapid knock rapped at his door. He opened the door to find a small angry woman glaring at him.
“Before you start yelling at me, at least wait until we are in my study,” Yushi sighed, stepping out and waving for her to follow to the study. He could tell she was silently fuming. Considering she was angry at him and not panicking it meant Xueye was still safe. It was a relief to him. He was quite ready for her insight so he would gladly endure whatever verbal lashing she was about to give him.
“How could you be such an idiot?!” Shizhe raised her voice the moment the door was closed. “I can’t believe you!”
“It wasn’t on purpose,” Yushi started pacing again. “I let my emotions get the better of me.”
“Do you realize what you’ve done?!” Shizhe sighed heavily, pinching her brow. She had such a headache from spending much of the night trying to navigate the messy future that was just created from Yushi’s impulse.
“You’ll allude to it I’m sure,” Yushi stated.
“Vipers are hunting, when the night takes the rabbit, sea is set ablaze,” Shizhe hated not being able to tell him more. “I wish there was more I could say…” Her voice was weak and uncertain. As far as she was able to trace it was a blur. She wasn’t even certain it was in fact because of the ambassadors but what else was she to assume given the current knowledge.
Yushi let out a low, almost beastly growl, “Unfortunate.” Yushi sighed, his frustration wasn’t towards her but himself for stirring up such trouble. “If the future becomes clearer let me know, please…”
“I promise,” Shizhe nodded. She chewed her lip for a moment. The growl didn’t escape her notice nor did the pacing. She knew it was rather clear today, he usually didn’t act like this until the storm was visible on the horizon. “There shouldn’t be a storm coming…”
“Then why does it feel like there is?” Yushi groaned, halting his pacing.
“Give me a second.” Shizhe pulled out her crystal to peer into, hoping to learn more. She honestly had more questions than answers. She grumbled unintelligibly under her breath. “I need to look into this some more. I hesitate to send you back to Xueye just yet, but also his presence would be soothing, like it was during the storm.”
“It can wait a little longer,” Yushi said reluctantly. “I don’t want to hurt him, the off chance it doesn’t work. Also, if it ends up like last time… I left the remedy there. I might do something we regret before it has a chance to kick in.”
“I’ll be quick and we can send for the good doctor,” Shizhe nodded. “I’m sure his advice would be helpful.”
“Is there someone who can watch over him?” Yushi asked. “Someone we can trust?”
“If I am unable then I know who can,” Shizhe smiled reassuringly. “I promise he will be safe.” Shizhe knew he would be worried and agitated if she didn’t find a way to tell him how far off danger was that he’d just get worse. “Far off is the storm. As distant as the starlight. Moonlight is untouched.”
“Thank you,” Yushi sighed with relief.
Shizhe nodded and slipped away. She had two letters to write and a new book to read since she didn’t have the chance last night. As much as she wanted to keep Xueye under her watch, she knew how the danger with Jianhong ended. Signs were pointing towards this being the opportune moment, with Yushi unable to be at his side. One less danger. Keeping him out of sight from the spies that likely lingered until she and Yuliang could root them out was more ideal. Having Xueye in the palace now was a massive risk and Shizhe couldn’t be away for too long without drawing suspicion.
“Welcome back, my lady!” A warm greeting came from Li Yazhu, Shizhe’s head handmaiden. Yazhu was one she could trust with anything, while she was technically a servant under Shizhe, the Master Diviner considered her a dear friend.
“Lady Li, I have an errand for you if you don’t mind?” Shizhe said with a smile but Yazhu could tell she was tense.
“Anything you need, my lady,” Yazhu bowed. “I do want to inform you that you have a guest in your garden.”
“A guest?” Shizhe blinked in confusion. She wasn’t really expecting a visit from anyone today. She shook her head, she had more urgent matters to attend to. “I’m afraid you might have to ask them to leave. I have some rather urgent matters to attend to. I’m going to write a couple letters for you to deliver personally, right away.”
“Forgive me, my lady, but I know for a fact you won’t want to miss this one,” Yazhu smiled sweetly, gesturing to the open door that leads to the garden.
It was then Shizhe knew who it was waiting out there for her. She just didn’t expect this visit so soon. She dashed outside immediately, so desperately happy and relieved.
Amidst the sea of flowers carefully curated by Shizhe and Yazhu was a flower that stood out against the rest. A lovely young woman with dark chocolate hair tied high. Her deep blue robes fluttered in the faint breeze. She twirled a pink flower in her hand with a fond look in her smoky topaz eyes. A look that Shizhe has been on the receiving end many times over. Those eyes flicked over towards Shizhe and her smile broadened.
“My lady…” Her voice was sweeter than honey and was just so soothing.
“Xinhua…” Shizhe voiced softly, letting out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “Welcome home. I mean back! Welcome back!” Shizhe fumbled over her words.
“You are looking almost as pink as your hair, my lady.” Xinhua stepped closer with an amused smile. “Perhaps even more like this flower.” Xinhua tucked the flower behind Shizhe’s ear before stepping back to admire her. “Hmm… Perfect…”
“H-hey now!” Shizhe squirmed under her gaze. She sighed trying to compose herself. “Look, I’d love nothing more than to spend time with you since you are finally back but there’s a bit I need to do that’s urgent.”
“That’s quite alright. I just really wanted to see your pretty face again,” Xinhua flashed an understanding smile, tracing Shizhe’s jawline with her fingers. Shizhe was feeling weak at the contact. “If there’s anything you need help with let me know, I have the time today.”
“Oh, actually…” Shizhe thought it might be easier to have Xinhua take care of Xueye, or at the very least have her escort him to Jinse, saving the potential of Jinse knowing where to find the Crystal Estate and lessen the chance of expediting a run in with Yushi in the future with the fox’s nosey nature.
Shizhe glanced back up at Xinhua to see her curious and expectant gaze. Shizhe felt a little embarrassed over being lost in thought. She cleared her throat and shook her head.
“Have you heard about what happened to your brother, Xueye?” Shizhe asked cautiously.
“No. What happened?” Xinhua’s face turned serious.
“I want to assure you he is safe right now,” Shizhe said quickly. “He was protected from a group of attackers by a friend of mine, Shujing. Xueye’s been staying with him but work has dragged him away. While no one knows he’s staying there aside from people I trust, I just worry about leaving him there on his own, you know?”
“Knowing him he’ll be bored out of his mind being cooped up in the house,” Xinhua said with an amused smirk.
“I was thinking that too,” Shizhe giggled. “Are you willing to look after him for a day or two? I can smooth things over with the General.”
“Well I’m supposed to be reporting to Lady Shanfeng for a bit, they just wanted me to rest until tomorrow given all the travel.” Xinhua informed.
“She will be all for this, since she’s working diligently on his case. I’ll let her know where to find you.” Shizhe nodded. “If you find you can’t stay then you can always bring him to Jinse.”
“You know of Jinse?” Xinhua tilted her head in surprise. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Who am I kidding of course you do.”
“Believe it or not I didn’t, until recently.” Shizhe smiled meekly. “Even my ability has its limits, you know? Xueye and Jinse… they are difficult to read. So it came as quite a surprise to learn just what it is you are trying to do for your brother.”
“Oh dear, here I thought you probably knew,” Xinhua sighed. “Not like I meant to keep it from you. When you can read just about everything in a single glance at the stars it’s hard to think that there is anything you don’t know.”
“It’s alright,” Shizhe’s smile warmed. “I didn’t even realize there was anything missing until I met him and he told me.”
“Still feels foolish of me to assume you know everything,” Xinhua sighed, disappointed in herself.
“To be fair, I don’t know your thoughts,” Shizhe takes her hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. “When we have time, I want to hear more. I want to know about your strategy, your feelings, and I want to help!”
“You don’t admonish me for such a goal?” Xinhua looked at her with awe.
“Heavens no!” Shizhe grumbled. “That man deserves to rot for all eternity for what he’s done to Xueye, to you!”
“I look forward to our chat then,” Xinhua laughed. She’d never seen Shizhe so fired up over something, it was rather cute.
She never befriended Shizhe out of intent to use her abilities for her goal. Shizhe was just so pretty and smart that she couldn’t help but be drawn to her when she found the master diviner looking lonely one day. She never intended to ask Shizhe to help her in the matter of dealing with her father. Sure it would be much easier to find what she’s looking for but she also didn’t want to put Shizhe in her father’s sights provided he ever discovered her scheming. Also she didn’t want some of Jinse’s more underhanded tactics to bring Shizhe down if they were ever uncovered.
There was a part of Xinhua that still wanted to keep Shizhe away from it all. However, she just couldn’t turn down that determined look Shizhe had. Shizhe was also quite stubborn so Xinhua knew there was no talking her out of it.
“Just when did you get so attached to Xueye anyways?” Xinhua had always intended to have them meet one day but time rarely lined up.
“Oh, well not very long,” Shizhe giggled. “I ran into him by chance and since you were away he wanted to keep me company in your stead. We just clicked. When I finally had enough clarity through the moonlight to see everything from before…” Shizhe let out a heavy breath as tension settled in her chest. She really tried her best not to think of the scope of it all when she wasn’t around him but sometimes she couldn’t help it. “I’ll do anything for him. He’s Important to me. Not just me but those I care about around me. You. Shujing…”
“Hmm?” Xinhua tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “So just who is Shujing? I can’t say I’ve heard of him.”
“Really?” Shizhe was surprised, she expected her to know of him at least from her time as heir to the company. “He’s an information broker that used to share information with your father but ever since Xueye was sent in his place he refuses to deal with your father, only Xueye.”
“You sure it’s no elaborate ploy against my brother?” Xinhua asked with deadly seriousness. She was always skeptical of those who lingered around her brother given those that always seemed to betray or use him.
“No! Not in the slightest!” Shizhe raised her voice. “Sorry,” Shizhe reigned herself in. “Shujing would never. He’d been considering dropping your father as a client for some time until meeting Xueye. In his own way he’s trying to help Xueye take over through business. I’d rather not involve him in whatever you have planned but he wouldn’t hesitate to help us. He adores Xueye so desperately. Xueye means the world to him already…” Shizhe’s voice softened and her cheeks reddened as she continued, “Just like you do to me…”
“I’m honored you think so highly of me, my lady,” Xinhua voiced just as softly with a coy smirk. She knew but it was still such a rush and delight to hear her say it.
“Oh Heavens! I said that outloud didn’t I?!” Shizhe panicked, hiding her face in her hands.”Please just forget you heard that last bit!”
“And if I refuse?” Xinhua gently wrapped her fingers around Shizhe’s dainty wrists, pulling her hands away. She loved seeing just how flustered Shizhe could get. Rather than lording a smug expression over her work she flashed a sweet smile instead. “For the record, I’ve felt the same towards you for a long time.”
“Xinhua…” Shizhe voiced breathlessly. Her heart felt like it was going to explode, surely Xinhua could feel her pulse racing beneath her fingers. She let out a pathetic little whine, “Heavens! I wish we had more time to talk about this. Why did I have to let it slip now of all times!”
“Yes, we should when your time frees up,” Xinhua shifted to take one of Shizhe’s hands and bring it to her lips. Shizhe felt like she was going to combust. How was she to focus on her research like this?
“Right, well…” Shizhe did her best to compose herself but her cheeks were still tinted pink as she spoke more formally. “I need to write a letter to have Lady Li deliver and she can take you to where Xueye is staying. You can stay there, Shujing will be fine with it, if you’d rather or if you have a home outside the palace you can take him there.”
“I don’t mind staying there. I can grab a few things while you compose your letter and then Lady Li and I can set out.” Xinhua nodded. She was really curious about this Shujing. While she didn’t intend to snoop much outside a cursory glance at the home, she did want to stay in hopes of meeting Shujing whenever he returned, provided Yuliang didn’t need her sooner. “I appreciate you bringing this to my attention right away. If I found out and couldn’t find him anywhere I would be beside myself. Thank you, truly.”
“Of course,” Shizhe smiled with sweet understanding.
“Now then I’ll stop monopolizing your time as much as I’d like to,” Xinhua bowed as she let Shizhe’s fingers slip from her grasp. She walked away and Shizhe was standing there as she watched her leave. She was still staring at the door she vanished into for some time until Yazhu poked her head through it.
“Everything alright, my lady?” Yazhu asked. “Lady Meigui seemed quite delighted as she left.”
“I- she-” Shizhe was losing her mind. “Ah!” Shizhe buried her face in her hands, replaying Xinhua’s words over and over in her mind. “She can’t just say things like that and leave!!” Shizhe groaned, “Me and my big mouth…” She whined before shaking her head, “There’s work to be done! The sooner the better!” Shizhe stomped inside.
Yazhu laughed and followed. She understood the both of them had been pining for each other for quite some time. She loved watching their relationship evolve, often whispering some of Shizhe’s interests to help Xinhua get Shizhe gifts, even arranging for Xinhua to visit to cheer up Shizhe. Whenever she sees them both thrive in each other’s company it’s truly been a delight.
Shizhe quickly penned a letter and sealed it. She handed it to Yazhu with a more serious look. “Please deliver this to Dr. Jingji after you escort Xinhua to the Crystal Estate, if you would.”
“Something the matter, my lady?” Yazhu carefully hid the letter away in her sleeves.
“Hopefully not but I wish for his advice nonetheless.” Shizhe flashed a reassuring smile. “Now, I told Xueye to not open the door for anyone so if he doesn’t answer Xinhua's voice go ahead and let her in.”
“Understood,” Yazhu bowed.
“Please let him know that Shujing may be longer than expected to return, also if I’m able to I’ll try and visit them later,” Shizhe said with a look of sad longing, she really wished she was the one taking Xinhua there instead.
“I will,” Yazhu nodded.
“Thank you,” Shizhe smiled sweetly as Yazhu set off.
Next chapter is already available on Patreon if you are unable to wait :3 There's also plenty of art you won't find anywhere else.
The anniversary for Fair Trade is next week. I'm going to be doing a q&a during the celebration stream on Jan 31, 2025 at 1pm PST. You can submit questions and comments you would like me to review live on stream!
