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Fair Trade - Chapter Twenty One: Serpent Awakens the Dragon

Yushi felt a little odd in his more prestigious robes. He’d spent most of his time in recent days passing off as someone that was considered as a lesser noble. Wearing clothing fit for an emperor was a little stifling after having such domestic moments with Xueye. Being raised just outside the capital, he’d always found the robes of the emperor a little heavy, even so, he wears them as if he were born to. 

“Your Highness?” Riluo’s voice carried through the door more than his soft knock. 

“Come in,” Yushi raised his voice as he sat at the mirror to tame his hair. His hair was always unruly and he didn’t mind the days he was Shujing because he didn’t have to bother nearly as much as he did as emperor. He heard Riluo enter the room but didn’t do much more than stand respectfully just inside. “I was about to find you when I was done. Who informed you of my arrival?”

“I just happened to spot you near the gate,” Riluo responded. “Lady Shanfeng seems to have an idea that will help the current situation with the Young Master. You may want to pay her a visit while you are here.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Yushi couldn’t help but sigh in relief. “I’ll be sure to stop there next. In the meantime, would you inquire if our guests would like to meet earlier than scheduled?” Immense irritation fell over Yushi’s visage, “I’m quite tired of them being a hassle for you and the rest of the upper court.”

“While I appreciate it, you shouldn’t have to go out of your way to deal with this matter,” Riluo’s face was etched with concern. “I told you we have it handled. I’m honestly surprised you actually left his side.”

“Lady Guangming wished to spend time with him, and was rather insistent,” Yushi shrugged, though he still looked a little disappointed. “She said he would be safe with her. She urged me to return here.”

“I see,” Riluo placed a hand on his chin. “If that’s what she suggested then there shouldn’t be a need for concern.” He sighed. Shizhe’s meddling had never steered them wrong before. “Is there anything else you need from me?”

“If there’s anything you need my approval on, we can go over it once I’m done with our guests, before I retire for the evening.” Yushi figured the pile of paperwork that needed his approval was growing. He admittedly wasn’t looking forward to trying to catch up on it all but he couldn’t just take it home with him like Xueye to ease the load. He expected once this was over RIluo wouldn’t let him out of his office for weeks.

“Understood, I'll double check if there is anything in need of your immediate attention while you meet with them,” Riluo bowed before he quickly left to ensure everything was done efficiently with their limited time. 

Once Yushi was confident he looked the part once more, he left for Yuliang’s office. Fortunately, no one deigned to bother him on the way there. He knocked on her office door rather calmly but he was feeling like a bundle of frayed nerves. Something had him on edge, perhaps he was already being watched by the Elians.

“Come in,” Yuliang grumbled, sounding rather annoyed.

“Is something the matter, Lady Shanfeng?” Yushi knew she rarely got annoyed these days or at least enough to break her calm demeanor. 

“Your Highness!” Yuliang quickly stood from her desk and bowed. “Forgive me, I didn’t realize you would be here today. What of the Young Master?”

“It’s alright,” Yushi waved his hand for her to be at ease. “I came back early at Lady Guangming’s request. He’s with her right now.”

“Ah, that makes sense,” Yuliang sank back down in her chair. She glanced at the open window and let out a groan. “Apologies for the state you find me in. I’ve been taking care of replacing some missing files.”

“Is it cause for concern?” Yushi’s eyes narrowed at the mess of papers on Yuliang’s normally neat desk. The fact there was so much on it was troublesome to him, given the timing of their visitors.

“It remains to be seen,” Yuliang said with a sigh. “If it is then I’ll be sure to inform you once I finish evaluating.”

“Perhaps an increase in patrols in this area are in order,” Yushi suggested.

“You may be right,” Yuliang closed her weary eyes. 

“Lord Qiuji informed me you have an idea to help with the situation with the Young Master,” Yushi inquired calmly but a little bit eagerly. 

“Ah, yes, just a moment!” She began digging through her pile of papers. “It might be less for the current case and more for a chance at getting evidence against Master Meigui. If those suspicions of yours are right and all goes well, then it will produce the necessary evidence soon enough.”

“I see,” Yushi couldn’t help but smile. She finally found the paper and handed it to him. As he reviewed the proposed law, his smile grew. He understood what she was trying to go for. It also seemed like something that might make her job easier in the future as well.

The simple terms of it was that verbal contracts could no longer hold weight in the court. All contracts had to be written and kept with both parties. Reading and writing used to be less common among the people but since reforms under their rule it became much easier for even the common people to learn. It was much rarer to find anyone who did business that couldn’t read or write anyways. 

If Lord Meigui had indeed made a contract with Jianhong there was no escaping the fact that they would need a paper contract if they didn’t already. In fact any of Lord Meigui’s shady business dealings would likely start to leave a trail of evidence considering his meticulous nature. It would just be a matter of finding where he hides it all.

“Very clever, Lady Shanfeng,” Yushi nodded. “Feel free to push this matter as soon as possible. If you can get an official draft on my desk by this evening then we can get everything in order right away.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Yuliang bowed her head.

“Once you do, get some rest,” Yushi crossed his arms, seeing how drained she looked. Before she could protest he continued. “It’s not a suggestion. This will all be here for you tomorrow.”

“You’re right,” Yuliang let out a defeated sigh. “I just worry about what might unfold from this. I want to get ahead of it.”

“I appreciate your hard work, truly, but don’t push yourself,” Yushi stated with a worried expression. “We will be able to handle whatever comes our way regardless of any knowledge of the matter. Just as we always have.”

“Yes… yes we will,” Yuliang sighed. “You should be sure to tell Lord Qiuji to rest as well. He needs it more than I do.”

“I was already planning on it,” Yushi chuckled. While he greatly valued their hard work he often had to remind them to rest as they way too often overwork themselves. “If I find that either of you haven’t then you’ll be receiving another visit from me sooner rather than later.”

“Yes, yes,” Yuliang sighed in defeat, waving him off. “Don’t let me keep you, I’m sure you have plenty to do.”

“Very well, I’ll take my leave,” Yushi smiled as he turned and left.

Yushi was going to head to his study until Riluo returned, but the man was already crossing the courtyard heading straight for him. 

“Your Highness,” Riluo bowed. “Our guests will be waiting for you in the east wing parlor.”

“Thank you,” Yushi waved for him to follow as he set about his new destination. “Did they give you trouble over it?”

“How’d you guess?” Rilou thought he’d schooled his annoyance rather well. 

“It’s what Lady Styliani loves to do,” Yushi groaned. She had been such a problem since they met on day one. Never once had he let his guard down around that woman, knowing full well she had an agenda of her own. She thought he would be easy prey as a new ruler but he was used to suspicion and betrayal.

“She was tempted to make you wait until the meeting day,” Riluo voiced quietly so only the sensitive ears of Yushi’s could hear. 

“I’m surprised you convinced her,” Yushi sighed in irritation. 

“I think she’s just a little too eager to meet with you to let it slip,” Riluo huffed. “Please tread carefully.”

“I’ll do my best,” Yushi paused, looking at the concerned Riluo. “However I’m tired of the way they treat all of you and I intend to make my stance clear on her misplaced goals here.”

“Are you sure you should do that now?” Riluo was worried that potentially angering her while he wasn’t able to stay in the palace was a dangerous idea. It wasn't like he was going to be far but it didn’t sit right with RIluo.

“We’ve dealt with her…” Yushi paused, he had voice words not befitting a public setting, “behavior long enough.”

“I understand how you feel but should this rile her up enough to take action…”

“She’d be a fool to, whether I’m present or not,” Yushi understood what Riluo was concerned about. Yushi still intended to guarantee Xueye’s safety after all. He had always been confident in the upper court’s ability to conduct business when he wasn’t around. It’s not like he was far. He wasn’t going to leave her without making her understand that there were consequences and she wouldn’t get away with anything. “I’m not giving her an option. Should she act out of line, don’t hesitate to deal with her.”

“Very well,” Riluo sighed with an odd sense of relief. “As long as you thought this through.”

“I assure you I have,” Yushi patted his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “In truth, I was planning on this since her last visit.”

Yushi parted with Riluo after that, continuing to meet with the Elian emissary waiting for him. A few servants were lingering in the area outside. Yushi could tell none of them really wanted to go in to check on the emissaries but upon seeing Yushi their posture straightened, they lined up and bowed deeply. He motioned towards the door and they opened the door for him and one formally announced his arrival, “The Emperor of Meihua.”

The Styliani siblings both rose from the comfort of the plush seating and bowed to Yushi, Emilios much more half heartedly than his sister. Yushi moved to sit across the table from them. He disliked the less formal setting between them. Typically it was on his terms in a place with more distance or a larger table between them, but he wanted to deal with this sooner rather than later.

“Your Highness, it’s so lovely to see you,” Korina started with a bright smile he could tell she didn’t mean. “It’s so nice of you to finally grace us with your presence.”

“I apologize I couldn’t greet you sooner. There are other matters that demand my attention.” His eyes darkened in a way that unsettled them both. “I can’t be at your beck and call.”

“I apologize it made it seem that way,” Korina voiced sweetly. She hadn’t seen this side of Yushi before. Typically he was warm and courteous, very rarely would he seem a little irritated but never cold. This was the first time she had seen such a bone chilling gaze from those rich amber eyes. Korina got the sense she needed to tread carefully. “I just enjoy your company during our visits. I’m afraid I was quite eager to see you again.”

“I understand,” Yushi said calmly and uncaringly. “Now, while I have a couple hours to spare, let's get matters of state settled today instead of next week, since you were so eager.”

“Oh, are you sure you are up to it, Your Highness?” Korina smiled despite the alarm going off in the back of her mind. Something about Yushi just screamed danger to her. “You seem a bit off, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“I’m perfectly fine, we will do this today or not at all,” Yushi stated firmly.

“What do you mean, ‘not at all?’” Korina was baffled. She was thrown by how different he was. She was beginning to understand the reason behind the rumors that he was indeed intimidating.

“Let me make this clear then,” Yushi sighed in frustration. “There will be no meeting next week. I’ve now much more to deal with right now than the menial affairs between our countries. Myself and the court are not here to keep you entertained,” Yushi wanted to implicate her spies but held his tongue. “It would be in the best interest for all parties involved if you leave tomorrow. If you remain we cannot guarantee your safety.” Yushi locked eyes with her, a cold venomous glint in those amber eyes had her fully unnerved as a sense of terror quickly seeped in.

“Y-Your Highness, are you threatening me?” Korina felt a chill. She felt unsafe in such a close proximity. Even her brother who rarely seemed to care about a thing was incredibly tense next to her. 

“Not at all,” Yushi lied with an amused smile. “Many people come and go from the palace, you’d be surprised how many dangerous people get in all the time. In fact, one of the court offices had a break in recently.” He glanced between the two to see their reaction. He didn’t expect much but he’d unnerved them enough, there was a chance.

“I assure you I’m capable of keeping us both safe, Your Highness!” Emilios spoke up for once. He glared fiercely back at Yushi.

“I don’t doubt that,” Yushi smiled, a chilling calm coming over him, pleased that he was the one getting to them for once. He wished he had done this sooner. “I simply wish to avoid an unnecessary international incident. The last thing I need is for your king to come seeking vengeance over something that wasn't my fault.”

“Uncle can be a little petty,” Korina laughed nervously, she wasn’t sure what to make of the way Yushi was acting. She cleared her throat and continued in hopes of salvaging the situation, “With the onset of the stormy season, my Uncle was concerned about the trade between our countries. He wanted to propose an increase in quantity while the weather is still amenable. The seas get quite rough this time of year and we do rely on your food for the people on our islands.”

“I can have it brought up to Lady Mingmai today and see if it is possible. It’s highly likely, but I can’t guarantee it just yet. She will send correspondence to negotiate fair trade as soon as possible. Certainly that could have been arranged over letters, so is there something else to warrant a visit?” Yushi knew she would visit for less, after all she had always been after marrying him or an upper court member.

“Why, my uncle still wishes for nothing but the best relations between our countries,” Korina beamed. Just as Yushi thought she went straight to her usual goal. “As always he wishes for our courts to be united. You’ve been on the throne for over ten years now and you’ve yet to take an empress. I’m sure your people are concerned about continuing your lineage, yet you’ve refused-.”

“That’s enough,” Yushi held his hand up. A bitter expression falling over his features. “You are wasting your time. I told your king a long time ago that I have no intent on uniting our countries through marriage and nor has he sent correspondence on the matter since. I don’t know why you insist on lying about his intent but I refuse to keep entertaining this delusion of yours. I have no intention of marrying you and don’t bother requesting it from my upper court.”

“Y-Your Highness!” Korina puffed up, appalled and angry.

“You are in my palace continuously disrespecting my decisions on this matter.” Yuhsi practically growled. “I’ve had enough. Waste my time with this again and I’ll have an international incident on my hands.”

“You’d really start a war over something like this?!” Emilios raised his voice.

“I’ve started one for less,” Yushi stated coldly. His amber gaze was chilling.

“Did it ever occur to you that she genuinely has fallen for you?!” Emilios shouted, rising from his seat.

“Unfortunately for her, my heart belongs to another,” Yushi rose. “Now since it seems you are here on a personal agenda I suggest you leave and stop wasting the time of this court.” Yushi left with a dismissive wave of his hand. Once the doors were closed behind him, he lingered, listening.

“He will regret this,” Emilios grumbled. After a moment his voice was filled with concern, “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine!” Korina snapped. Her voice carried a bitter tone. “I wasn’t aware he had someone he’s interested in. How could we? After all this time? I want to know who it is.”

“If we haven’t known until now then how are we to discover them?” Emilios sighed bitterly.

“I don’t care how! Figure it out!” Korina yelled.

Yushi decided to leave before Emilios stepped out. He hadn’t intended to reveal his affections towards another. He was starting to dread his mistake. He let his emotions take control over the matter and slipped up, unwittingly putting Xueye in danger. 

Yushi quickly retreated to his study where Riluo was already waiting for him. He noticed Yushi’s mild distress immediately. 

“Your Highness? What happened?!” Riluo asked as soon as the door was shut.

“I fucked up,” Yushi pinched his brow. “I didn’t mean to, but I let it slip that I was interested in another. I got a little heated.”

“I should have been there with you,” Riluo sighed as worry overtook him. “You didn’t mention any names, right?”

“Of course not,” Yushi sank into his seat. “But that’s not going to stop them from trying to figure it out and I know for a fact she definitely wants to.”

“Then you won’t be able to…” RIluo’s voice fell away, almost afraid to say it aloud that Yushi couldn’t leave.

“I know,” Yushi groaned. It would be nigh impossible to slip away without being noticed or followed. Riluo had a hard enough time before. Forcing them to leave tomorrow wasn’t going to lighten their spies but it was more likely they were ones that could be disposed of. “Ensure that both of them leave tomorrow. Anyone else can be rooted out as we come across them.”

“I’ll ensure it personally,” Riluo nodded. “About the Young Master?”

“We can’t just leave him be,” Yushi whined softly. “I can’t just leave him alone.”

“If we try and have you leave before it gets too late I can distract them by establishing their travel details.” RIluo suggested.

“You think you can get them together?” Yushi asked with an air of disbelief.

“If we aim for closer to dinner, they will have no choice.” Riluo had always seen them dining together so he expected it to be the best time to do so. “They are always together then, probably to avoid suspicion.”

“The problem remains there will be others with eyes on me,” Yushi sighed in frustration. 

“It’s not like you can’t take care of them personally,” Riluo flashed an amused smile. 

“If I get all bloody beforehand then he’ll worry,” Yushi pouted.

“Then layer up,” Riluo smirked.

“I’m surprised you are actually pushing for this,” Yushi narrowed his eyes with a faint smile on his lips. 

“I surprise myself,” Riluo chuckled. “I just prefer the idea of you being there and enjoying your time than to watch you pouting around here all night.” 

A soft knock on the door interrupted the moment of stunned silence Yushi found himself in. Riluo drifted towards the door.

“Who’s there?” Riluo voiced sharp and commanding.

“Shanfeng,” Yuliang’s voice replied soft and calm through the door.

Riluo let out a breath, shoulders relaxing at hearing her voice. He opened the door to let her in. She glanced up at him with a little concern. Her gaze lingered a moment before shifting to Yushi with a sigh.

“Lady Shanfeng,” Yushi greeted her with a weak smile.

“What happened?” She asked Yushi sharply.

“Nothing gets past you does it?’ Yushi let out a breathy laugh.

“His Highness accidentally revealed he had affection for another while meeting with the emissaries today,” Riluo explained.

“Forgive my language, Your Highness,” Yuliang’s calm was quickly giving away to irritation. “How could you be such a fucking idiot!” 

“Nothing to forgive if you are correct,” Yushi couldn’t help but find her break in stoicism a little amusing. It was always so rare to see her so heated.

“How could you let this happen?!” She slapped the back of her hand against Riluo’s arm.

“I wasn’t there,” Riluo whined, rubbing the spot she hit.

“Why the hell not?!” Yuliang glared at Riluo.

“I asked him to do something else for me,” Yushi sighed. “I thought I could handle it.”

“Clearly not,” Yuliang crossed her arms and clicked her tongue. “At this rate I’ll need to take him into protective custody that isn’t under your care.”

“That is an option as well,” Riluo glanced at Yushi. The grumpy look on Yushi’s face almost made him laugh. He just smiled sympathetically. “We were just discussing an idea to distract the two of them so His Highness could step away.” 

“You, of all people, are really entertaining the idea?” Yuliang grumbled as she pinched her brow. “His stupidity is rubbing off on you.”

“Consider if he isn’t here the situation can’t escalate further,” Riluo shrugged. 

“There’s a worse chance of that should this plan of yours fail,” Yuliang glared sharply at both of them. 

“I appreciate your attempts to assist me, Riluo, but perhaps she’s right,” Yushi let out a defeated sigh. “One night here, it’ll be safer. We just run into the matter of informing the two of them I won’t be returning for the night. He should be safe staying at the estate, as far as I’m aware no one knows he’s staying there aside from us.”

“I’ll go,” Yuliang spoke up before Riluo could volunteer. “Under the guise of an investigation I’ll be utilizing Shujing’s assistance until further notice. For his protection I’ll advise him to remain inside in the meantime.”

“You think that’ll work?” Riluo asked Yushi.

“After a day with Shizhe I imagine he’ll be too tired to want to leave,” Yushi chuckled. He let out a breath after. “At least I hope.”

“He can’t be that ignorant to not follow a directive from the Minister of Justice,” Yuliang rolled her eyes. She placed a paper down on Yushi’s desk. “Here’s the proposal we discussed earlier. I’ve already put it into motion as you requested.”

“Perfect, thank you,” Yushi nodded, pulling the page closer to him. 

“Unfortunately, due to this predicament your order of rest is going to have to wait,” Yuliang drifted towards the door. 

“Rest when you return then,” Yushi called after her.

“Yes, Your Highness,” Yuliang waved offhandedly as she closed the door behind her. 

“You should rest too,” Yushi voiced softly to RIluo. “You’ve been working quite hard for me the last few days. I appreciate it but I don’t want you to run yourself ragged.”

“I’m not sure I can rest well with all this,” Riluo let out a deep breath.

“I understand, but do try,” Yushi smiled sympathetically. “At the very least no more work for the evening. Consider it an order.”

“Very well,” Riluo shook his head with a little smile. He was always so touched at just how much Yushi cared for all of them. They all often had too much on their plates, they all tended to keep each other in check but when they got stubborn and really needed it, Yushi would issue such an order and none of them had the heart to refute it.

“Good,” Yushi beamed. “Save these concerns for tomorrow. They can wait.”

“You try not to fret too much, as well,” Riluo nodded, feeling the effects of Yushi’s infectious smile already easing his worries. Yushi just always had that effect on others. His joy was infectious, perhaps that’s why Riluo wanted to help Yushi escape so badly. He just wanted to make Yushi feel better. It turned out to be the other way around.


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