Yuliang paced in her office, growing rather restless with the stagnation of her investigation. She knew full well that if Shizhe insisted everything was perfectly fine, it definitely was. She also knew that Yushi wouldn’t settle for anything less than the truth and an assured resolution.
With the evening rapidly approaching, she decided remaining in her office wouldn’t do her any favors. She securely locked the office. The last thing she needed was another break in with the ambassadors constantly snooping around.
Amidst her current investigation she had also looked into what went missing from her office. It was a few profiles she had compiled on some people that were suspected criminals she hadn’t been able to nail down. While it was very few in number she could tell it wouldn’t bode well and likely end up with more work for her. She was getting a headache just thinking about it.
As she crossed the main courtyard she spotted General Liequan walking with Lady Stylliani. She was surprised he’d even bother. If it wasn’t negotiating peace talks or aid to the neighboring countries, the General never bothered with entertaining any emissaries, let alone looking as delighted as he did. She was more ill at ease about the fact that her knight wasn’t with them, likely off trying to find more secrets to exploit.
“Lady Shanfeng?” A familiar voice caught her off guard, having not heard Riluo approach from behind. He smiled apologetically upon seeing her jump, “Apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Quite alright, I was lost in thought is all.” She glanced back to where she saw the two but they were already out of sight. “I hope all is well.”
“As well as they can be,” Riluo sighed, rarely having a chance for a break the last couple days. Yuliang could see the exhaustion was starting to catch up with him.
“Come,” Yuliang grabbed him firmly by the wrist and started dragging him along with her. She was going to force him to take a break before he worked himself to the point of passing out again.
Riluo was startled by the sheer amount of force she was displaying. It was easy to forget that such a small woman contained enough strength to throw around a grown man and not break a sweat. He had no choice but to go along with her, not that he minded.
“Where are you two off to in such a hurry?” A honeyed voice had their quick pace grinding to a halt. If it weren’t for Riluo’s quick reflexes he would surely have run into Yuliang. Yuliang huffed as she saw Korinna approaching them, hiding her smile behind a fan.

“Quite frankly it’s none of your business, Lady Stylianni,” Yuliang said in a sharper tone. “Didn’t I just see you with General Liequan?”
“Ah, yes he was just telling me about his wife. She sounds quite lovely,” Korinna giggled. There was an air of mischief in her eyes as she looked over Yuliang. “I imagine it must have been quite difficult for you to land a husband with that attitude of yours.”
“More like it’s difficult finding someone who would want to marry a woman as old as I am,” Yuliang scoffed quietly. She wasn’t that bothered by Korina’s comment but it did dredge up some of her own self loathing on the subject. Her bitter mood was quickly worsening but not in the way Korina would have expected.
“Lady Sylianni,” Riluo intervened before things got out of hand. Normally Yuliang was so cool headed it was a surprise to see her so upset. He also wasn’t fond of Korinna’s shaded retort or Yuliang’s self-deprecating comment. “Please forgive Lady Shanfeng. We have some sensitive matters to discuss so I’m afraid we won’t be able to entertain you this evening.”
“Oh that’s quite alright.” Korina beamed as if she wasn’t trying to stir up drama. “Before you go, I just have a question for you.”
“What is it?” Riluo hated asking because he knew coming from her it would be something that was troublesome.
“Ah, well you see, being at the palace a handful of days now I’ve noticed I haven’t even seen His Highness in passing.” Her gaze narrowed in on him, a hint of malice that was always there was a little more prominent than usual. “I’m starting to wonder, is he even in the palace at all?”
Riluo clenched his jaw. He had to choose his words carefully. He was rather reluctant to share that knowledge in the first place. He had a feeling she already knew before she even arrived but she just enjoyed making them squirm over the unknown threat she constantly loomed over them.
“You would be correct,” Riluo relented in a cool, even tone, not waiting too long to answer. “He’s not in the palace attending to other matters within the Empire. He will be back before your designated meeting I assure you. He’ll be able to receive you then. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.”
“Now, if you’ll excuse us,” Yuliang quickly started off on her original path, not waiting for her to answer, nor offering a courteous bow.
“Good evening, Lady Stylianni,” Riluo offered a short bow before quickly following Yuliang. He waited until they were a distance away before he decided to speak again, staying vigilant for Korrina or her brother since he wasn’t accompanying his sister. “Do you really still insist that no one would marry you based on your age?”
“It’s just a fact, very few go into a marriage without that being a consideration.” Yuliang said with a straight face but he could tell there was a little sadness in her tone, as subtle as it was. “I’m quite past my prime and the damage my body’s taken over the years makes it unlikely I could bear a child.”
“You know not everyone considers those things,” Riluo sighed, hoping one day she would understand.
“Are you saying you don’t?” Yuliang raised a brow as she looked over her shoulder up at him.
“No I don’t,” Riluo couldn’t hold her gaze. “Children complicate things, especially in our line of work. Seems Shujing thinks so as well,” Riluo couldn’t help but joke.
“Oh heavens, that makes sense when you put it like that,” Yuliang let out an amused breath but her stern expression didn’t change. She understood Riluo’s use of Yushi’s alias was to protect from any prying ears. “I truly wonder how this young man seems to have bewitched you all in such a short time.”
“If you meet him or even just see the way Shujing acts around him, you’ll understand,” Riluo smiled softly recalling the precious sight of Yushi doting on Xueye.
“It’ll happen eventually, I’m sure. Regardless, between you, Lady Guangming and Lord Shujing, I don’t feel the need to look into the Young Master.” Yuliang had a habit of investigating most people Yushi interacted with if Riluo hadn’t beaten her to it. Having Shizhe on his side was further proof of his integrity. “Well, at least anything beyond what’s necessary at the moment.”
“Have you looked into his father’s contacts?” Riluo questioned.
“I’ve yet to find a connection with the suspect,” Yuliang mentioned. “There’s no cause to search at the moment considering we can’t even get to the suspect for questioning. The laws we placed can be a bit of an inconvenience at times.”
“Says the one who made them,” Riluo flashed a sympathetic smile despite the teasing.
“It was necessary. It keeps the innocent out of trouble from those looking to abuse authority,” Yuliang looked almost sad. The moment she heard about how Yushi’s father was falsely accused and executed she knew this country needed reforms under its new ruler and she was glad Yushi entrusted her with the task. Her heart ached thinking about how many other people died under false pretenses under the previous emperor. What little information she found on some older cases made it very apparent that the number was far too high.
Their system wasn’t perfect at first and often exploited, and that was likely what Lord Meigui was doing if he was indeed involved. However, she always relentlessly pursued the truth and made sure justice was dealt accordingly, this case would be no different. All she needed now was a physical document or a witness that linked the two.
“Lord Qiuji. I actually have a proposal for a new one if you wouldn’t mind lending an ear.” In truth she had been considering it for some time but she finally thought it might help in this instance, knowing her suspects.“ I want to know if you think it’s worth bringing to His Highness’s table.”
“If it’s from you I don’t doubt it will be, but I will listen to anything you wish to speak of,” Riluo smiled softly.