Shizhe practically skipped down the streets, rather delighted in her plans for the day. She knew Yushi would be a little resistant to the idea of just leaving Xueye with her for the afternoon but she’d prepared a myriad of countermeasures. While she didn’t foresee any danger she still brought along her favorite daggers, hidden away but within easy reach. The future often changed after all and she couldn’t always foresee everything, especially around Xueye.
She was most excited to see how Lord Meigui would react to her presence. She was truly looking forward to sitting down during the new moon when her ability was at its peak and unraveling all his dirty secrets that they could eventually use against him. She had intended to use that time to read Xueye’s future in more detail but she had just gotten her most pressing curiosity about the young man answered by Jinse, the rest could wait until Xueye was safe from the current danger he was in.
Shizhe easily found the bustling Meigui Trading Company and walked inside with a bright smile. Her presence clearly surprised the young woman at the front desk who quite obviously sat a little straighter.
“L-Lady Guangming! To what do we owe the honor of your visit today?” The receptionist asked, trying her best to keep her tone even and professional, but it was clear she was both nervous and thrilled to see a member of the upper court that most women of Meihua idolized.
“I’m here to speak with Young Master Meigui if he is available,” Shizhe said politely.
“I believe he is with someone, but wait just a moment and I will go check,” the receptionist bowed deeply and quickly moved through the main office. She quickly came upon Xueye’s office door. It was closed but she could hear pleasant chatter from inside. She knocked and was surprised when the door opened by the man Xueye had brought in with him. He stepped aside and invited her in with a smile.
“What is it?” Xueye waved her over with a sweet smile that put the woman’s heart at ease.
“Young Master, Lady Guangming is here to speak with you,” She had only taken a few steps toward Xueye’s desk figuring she wouldn’t be there long.
“Oh?” Xueye hadn’t expected to see her again so soon. His faint surprise quickly shifted into a delighted smile. “Go ahead and bring her here.”
“Right away,” she bowed and went to retrieve Shizhe.
“She seems to have quite the free time lately,” Yushi huffed amusedly.
“She did mention she wasn’t that busy,” Xueye giggled.
“She’s usually only busy around festivals and ceremonies,” Yushi explained. “Since the Brightness Festival is more for the individual families than the city as a whole she doesn’t have much to do for some time.”
“Makes sense,” Xueye was happy to know there was little chance of him bothering her should he ever desire her company.
Shizhe’s light colors and cheery smile soon brightened the doorways to his office, “Xueye, might I borrow you for the afternoon?” Shizhe voiced as she sat across from him, resting her chin in her hands, propped up on the edge of his desk.
“Borrow me? I don’t see why not,” Xueye shrugged. He’d managed to catch up on all the work he’d missed the last few days rather easily in the morning, he could always bring more home with him later if more piled up.
“Wonderful!” Shizhe clapped her hands together with a joyous smile. She looked over at Yushi who was leaning against the wall watching them with a soft smile. Here cheery turned to a coy smirk, “You heard him. He’s mine for the afternoon so scram.”
“Wha-?!” Yushi was taken aback. His delighted mood quickly vanished and he glared at her with irritation. “Lady Guangming, it's not safe!”
“We aren’t going anywhere secluded.” Shizhe said with her delighted smile unwavering. “You know that I’m plenty capable of keeping him safe. Besides Luoshi and the others could really use your assistance right about now. Poor guy is working himself ragged again.”
“If that’s the case you really should go,” Xueye looked rather concerned. While he didn’t know Luoshi well but the idea of him getting overworked didn’t sit well with him. He flashed a reassuring smile, “We should be fine.”
“See,” Shizhe smiled smugly at Yushi. She’d hit all his soft spots with the concern of the upper court and Xueye siding with her. She knew there was little he could deny Xueye already. She watched as Yushi was quickly caving, glad she didn’t have to work another angle with him. “Run along and I will take care of our dear friend here.”
“Fine,” Yushi sighed in defeat. He hated making Riluo overwork himself and with Xueye looking worried over it he really couldn’t let the matter be. “Please stay with him until I return. You're free to return to the Crystal Estate when you’re done with whatever it is you have planned.”
“Thank you,” Shizhe beamed up at Yushi. “Worry not, he will be safe with me. It’d be quite foolish for anyone to make a move against him when in the company of a member of the upper court!”
“Indeed,” Yushi couldn’t help but smile at her confidence. He knew she wouldn’t put Xueye at risk but he still couldn’t help but worry. He stepped closer to Xueye and handed the young man the key to the estate. “Here’s the key.”
“Oh, thank you,” Xueye was surprised and a little thrilled to be entrusted with a key to Yushi’s home. He smiled brightly up at Yushi, it made the older man’s heart race.
“You two have fun and take care.” Yushi really didn’t want to leave Xueye but this was a perfect time to get matters dealt with. Even so, he couldn’t help but linger to enjoy that perfect smile a bit longer.
“We will, we will! Now shoo!” Shizhe practically shoved him out the door.
“We’ll see you later, Shujing,” Xueye waved, that delightful smile not fading in the slightest.
Even as Yushi started walking away without Shizhe trying to push him out the door he still couldn’t help the lingering gaze from the doorway before vanishing around the corner. Xueye returned his attention to Shizhe and was a little surprised to see her staring at him already with an almost knowing smile.
“What is it?” Xueye asked, almost afraid to know the answer.
“You seem quite happy,” Shizhe said in an almost teasing tone.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Xueye giggled. “He and I had a nice day of rest yesterday.” Xueye’s soft smile was paired with a light dusting of pink on his cheeks.
“Oh yeah?” Shizhe smirked mischievously. “I want to hear all about it!”
“Isn’t there something you needed me for?” Xueye was desperate to change the topic. He still wasn’t sure he was ready to unpack the tumultuous feelings he’d been trying to ignore all day, having just been around Yushi.
“Hmm, yes, but right now I need you to share the details!” Shizhe wasn’t going to let him off easy.
“So insistent,” Xueye sighed. He could tell from the look in her eyes that she wouldn’t relent. “Well, you know he wasn’t feeling well yesterday…” Xueye shifted nervously and started fiddling with the edge of his sleeve. “I was taking care of him. I sang him to sleep, since he was being a little resistant to resting, but he even requested it later.”
“Awe, how cute!” Shizhe squealed with delight.
“T-that’s not-!” Xueye was almost brighter than her hair. “It’s not like that…”
“You don’t seem so sure about that,” Shizhe giggled, teasingly.
“I… well…” Xueye figured if there was anyone to talk about it with Shizhe would be the best, especially with how eager she was. “You know him pretty well, right?”
“Of course,” Shizhe nodded. “Is there something you’d like to know?”
“Before you showed up yesterday, as he was drifting off he said something. I don’t know if he was really that conscious of it or not but he said, ‘my treasure.’ I just can’t wrap my head around it. I know he isn’t that materialistic from our past conversations, so just what was he referring to? Surely I’m just imagining things right?”
“He said that?!” Shizhe blinked. “And you didn’t tell me yesterday?!” Shizhe raised her voice.
“Sorry! I just didn’t know what to think. I still don’t…” Xueye buried his face in his hands. “I was just trying to take my mind off it when you showed up.”
“Listen here! As your friend I demand you tell me these things right away!” Shizhe slammed her hands on the desk.
“O-okay!” Xueye blinked at her. He couldn’t help but smile softly at her mention of friendship.
“Good! Now that that’s settled, this is momentous and I feel we should continue this over lunch,” Shizhe waved for him to get up and follow her. “Come along!”
“A-alright,” Xueye was a little confused still, but she seemed to be happy so who was he to deny her after he offered to accompany her for the afternoon.
“Xueye, are you really leaving again?” Before they could even leave the office the ever mood-ruining voice of Lord Meigui caught Xueye in his tracks. Shizhe backtracked to Xueye’s side. Upon seeing her Lord Meigui completely changed, flashing a charming smile, “Lady Guangming! What brings you to our humble little company today?”
“Lord Meigui, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person,” Shizhe lied. After seeing Xueye’s past she really despised even being in his presence with him not in chains. Still, she was more than capable of feigning pleasantries and interest as she often did in court matters. “I hope you don’t mind if I borrow the Young Master here for the rest of the day. I’m quite willing to grant you a reading for the trouble.”
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all,” Lord Meigui assured. “No need to go to such lengths.”
As I thought, Shizhe got the outcome she expected. “Are you certain? It’s not very often one gets a chance to receive their fortune from the Master Diviner.”
“I wouldn’t want to keep you any longer than I have,” Lord Meigui bowed as he respectfully declined. He looked at Xueye, the sharp disdain in his eyes was still apparent over his mask of a smile. “Do ensure to see to Lady Guangming’s needs.”
“Of course, father,” Xueye bowed to hide his bitter expression. You mean, don’t embarrass you in front of the upper court, right? Xueye turned away, trying to hold in his thoughts.
“Suit yourself, farewell,” Shizhe quickly turned and placed her hand on Xueye’s arm as they left, urging them to leave quickly. Her smile quickly faded as they left the building.
“Sorry about that,” Xueye sighed.
“Don’t you ever apologize for that man,” Shizhe said with a bitterness that shocked Xueye. “He’s not worthy of your attention.”
“Not fooled by him in the slightest, huh?” Xueye smiled and shrugged.
“Did you forget my reading from yesterday?” Shizhe grumbled, “I know what he’s done to you.”
“Right…” Xueye sighed. It was strange to think someone outside the family knew so much about him. He realized he really shouldn’t have been so hesitant to confide in her. She’d seen the darkest part of him and still sought him out today. Why wouldn’t she want to hear about simple problems about his confusing emotions?
“No more about that now,” Shizhe waved away any gloomy thoughts lingering between them and dragged him along with her. “We are going to have a lovely day!”
Shizhe brought him to a lovely place just off one of the main streets. It was quite busy and she was insistent on sitting outside. Xueye didn’t mind since the weather was nice after the storm cleared.
“So, back to our previous topic!” Shizhe kicked her feet back and forth. Staring at him with glee. “Personally, I find Shujing’s a lot more open when he’s tired so I wouldn’t be surprised just how much so when he’s practically asleep. There’s no doubt in my mind he cares for you deeply. I’ve never seen him look at another the way he does you.”
“Really?” Xueye sounded a little hopeful but he also found it hard to believe. They’d only known each other for such a short time so he found it strange someone would value him so much.
“Have you asked him about it?” Shizhe could see him overthinking and she really couldn’t blame him. She got that way when it came to Xinhua.
“Heavens, no!” Xueye waved his hands in front of him. “What if I’m just making assumptions? Maybe it isn’t about me at all…”
Shizhe could see the panic and dread in those lavender eyes and it pained her to see. He’d been hurt and betrayed so much that even the prospect of love in any form just gave him such anxiety.
“You don’t have to, but it would be the best way to clear up any confusion,” Shizhe smiled in a more comforting manner.
Just then the waitress came over to take their order, giving Xueye the much needed distraction he needed from this conversation and his manic thoughts. Shizhe felt she said enough on the matter anyway. She also thought it might be dangerous to keep talking about Xueye’s potential love life with Jinse about to drop in on them any moment.
“Hey, so I'd like your help after we eat!” Shizhe went back to her agenda for the day to try and cheer him up a bit more with a distraction he seemed desperate for. “I was hoping to go shopping today and I figured you might know a thing or two about finding some rarer items.”
“What are you looking for?” Xueye perked up at the idea of helping her.
“So, for quite some time I've done a lot of research into divine beasts.” There was a sparkle in her eye as she spoke. “I was hoping to find some tomes or scrolls on them. I've mostly researched dragons so more on them would be wonderful but I'm considering branching out a bit more.”
“I know of some places we could go to,” Xueye said, turning over the few places both in and out of the company that either dealt in those types of goods or shopkeepers who might know where to find some. “If we don't find anything today, I can certainly pull a few strings at the company to see if we can get something in.”
“Oh, you don't need to go that far on my account!” Shizhe didn't want him to go out of his way and make more work for himself. “It's just a silly little hobby of mine to pass the time.”
“It won't be that difficult,” Xueye shrugged with a smile. “Just a suggestion to some of the caravans and if they happen across it they can bring them back.”
“If that’s all, then I suppose I don’t mind,” Shizhe giggled. She heard murmurs around them. Some of the other tables nearby seemed to have been talking about them.
“You think they are on a date?”
“Why would Lady Guangming be into someone like him? Isn’t he practically estranged from the Meigui family?”
“You’re just jealous!”
If only they knew, Shizhe wanted to laugh. She thought it best to pay them no mind since it didn’t seem that Xueye was picking up on their whispers. If he was he didn’t seem to care in the slightest.
As the waitress was returning with their tea Shizhe noticed the one accused of being jealous stuck his foot out to trip her, in hopes of causing her tray to spill over Xueye. Before Shizhe could even react, a blur of brown and gold filled her vision. Jinse was there, an arm wrapped around the waitress’s waist and the other stabilizing the tray she was carrying.
“Watch your step, beautiful,” Jinse smiled as the waitress looked up at him.
“Th-thank you!” She flushed as Jinse’s hold lingered a bit longer than normal.
Shizhe rolled her eyes. How shameless, flirting with another in front of the one you supposedly love.
“Jinse!” Xueye looked over at the commotion and lit up upon seeing the familiar face.
“If it isn’t my darling Xueye,” Jinse approached him and wrapped his arms around the young man from behind. Jinse had the softest smile Shizhe has seen since she met him. Xueye looked just about as relaxed as she’d seen him with Yushi, perhaps even more so.
“What are you doing here?” Xueye asked curiously as he leaned into Jinse’s embrace a little more. With all the chaos as of late, he hadn’t realized just how much he missed Jinse until now.
“I was just out for a walk. Have to enjoy the nice weather while we have it.” Jinse grinned but he was actually quite concerned. It seemed Shizhe was right to be worried enough to not put off his transfer of fortune. It was completely depleted. If Jinse didn’t get the chance to do it today, Xueye could have met quite the tragedy again at any moment. Through their embrace, he was already transfering all the good fortune he had stockpiled to Xueye so that worry was quickly subsiding.
Unfortunately, there was another reason that nagged at him far worse, it was difficult to not let it show. Jinse’s nose was a lot sharper given his true nature as a divine fox, so he was almost bitter about the overpowering scent of a dragon that coated Xueye. He’d caught the same scent briefly before on Shizhe but it was faint, more as though she had been in close proximity but not necessarily in contact. He’d also caught this very scent when he infiltrated the palace in a different human form to meet with his contacts for information. He never met the source but he had his suspicions. Suddenly Jinse grew increasingly concerned about the man that Xueye was staying with and his intentions.
“You’ve made quite the friend haven’t you?” Jinse looked at Shizhe but his mind was fixated on this Shujing that Shizhe had mentioned before.
“Ah! Yes!” Xueye was drawn out of his sudden fog of contentment enough to make introductions. “Shizhe, this is Jinse, one of the very few friends I trust.”
“Hm? First name basis with the Master Diviner? You two must be quite close.” Jinse smirked, resting his chin on Xueye’s shoulder as he locked eyes with Shizhe. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Guangming.”
“It’s lovely to meet another friend of Xueye’s,” Shizhe flashed a sweet smile.
“Honestly, I was quite worried about you Xueye, I heard about what happened the other day,” Jinse tightened his embrace on Xueye, possessive and protective.
“I’m alright, I was protected, not a scratch,” Xueye smiled, patting Jinse’s arm comfortingly.
“Hmm, and just who is this guardian of yours?” Jinse narrowed his eyes. He knew but Xueye didn’t know that he was aware.
“His name is Shujing. He’s been watching over me,” Xueye giggled.
“Hmm, but he’s not here now,” Jinse clicked his tongue in disdain.
“I convinced him to let me take Xueye out today,” Shizhe smirked. She could see just how jealous Jinse was and it was amusing to see him a little pouty over it. “It would be quite foolish for anyone to target him in my presence.”
“You’d be surprised at how idiotic people can be,” Jinse sighed. “Would you mind if I joined you? I’d feel much better knowing you were safer with us both around.”
“Are you sure you aren’t busy today?” Xueye glanced over at him with concern.
“Your safety is much more important to me than anything I might have to do,” Jinse released Xueye, running his hand across Xueye’s shoulders. “But since I know it worries you, I actually didn’t have anything planned today.”
“Well, I wouldn’t mind,” Xueye smiled in relief. He glanced over at Shizhe, “That is if you don’t mind. It’s your outing after all.”
“I don’t mind at all,” Shizhe smiled, gesturing for him to join them at the table. She did mind a little. She was mostly just worried what Jinse would think about her trying to find information about divine beasts. She could play it off as anxiety or curiosity over their discussion if he gave her a hard time over it when they were alone, and she fully expected he would. When Shizhe saw how delighted Xueye looked she really couldn’t care less about any trouble Jinse would give her. Admittedly, she was curious to see them interact more.
“Now, I’m curious how you two met.” Jinse pulled his seat closer to Xueye and sat down.
“A chance meeting,” Shizhe smirked even though it was another planned occurrence on her part. “I happened to be having tea with someone Xueye meeting in the palace.”
“We just got along rather well, since she is a friend of my sister I knew she was someone I could trust,” Xueye smiled at her.
Shizhe lit up upon hearing that, knowing it couldn’t be easy for him to trust. It occurred to her that Jinse’s reputation must have been difficult to get past. She’d barely caught a glimpse of their meeting amidst the flood of memories. “How about you two?”
“Just a chance meeting,” Jinse had to laugh. Their true first meeting wasn’t in the form he was in presently. He’d orchestrated countless chance meetings in Xueye’s younger years. A random child bumping into him, a stray cat catching the young man’s attention, a kind stranger. Eventually one kind stranger turned into a friend once Jinse realized no one else would remain at Xueye’s side as an equal.
“You play it off too simply, as always,” Xueye shook his head. “Once when my mother and I were out on the road, there was a divine beast that was terrorizing the town we were passing through. He happened to steer us clear from the danger. I kept running into him after that.”
“Like I said, a chance encounter,” Jinse smirked. “Or several. What’s it matter? Fate wanted us to be together.” Jinse grabbed Xueye’s hand and brought it to his lips.
Shizhe was stunned speechless by the action.
Xueye tensed. Sure Jinse was always bold and flirted with just about anyone and everyone he knew like that, however between the two of them it had never been more than a clingy embrace or teasing comment. Xueye never thought he’d be affected by Jinse’s charm. Xueye usually expected it but this was such a shock to his system. It was such a tender kiss, in public no less.

“You should see your faces,” Jinse laughed boisterously. He knew Xueye would overthink it so he simply played it off as his usual antics, but he wanted to plant the seed of the possibility. It was a message for the onlookers, especially the ominous stares towards Xueye from the shadows. It was also a warning to the one that might try to steal him away with Shizhe as the messenger. Jinse wasn’t about to let someone swoop in and steal his beloved Xueye. Jinse let Xueye’s fingers slip from his hand, “There’s something about that flustered expression of yours I just adore.”
“You…!” Xueye grumbled and looked away. He couldn’t believe he’d been thrown for such a loop over his usual behavior. “Must you always?”
“Yes!” Jinse beamed as if he did nothing wrong.
“So you always do things like this?” Shizhe looked like she was struggling to hold back a few choice words for Jinse.
“Are you jealous?” Jinse teased.
“In your dreams,” Shizhe narrowed her eyes.
“Don’t mind him, he’s like this with everyone,” Xueye sighed, waving it off along with his chaotic thoughts.
Yet you're the only one I want it to mean anything with, Jinse thought but kept the comment to himself. This wasn’t the place for such words as he’d done enough damage to start simple rumors. He didn’t want to cause too much more trouble for Xueye.
“I’m starting to see that,” Shizhe glared at Jinse with an air of disappointment and annoyance. Jinse just smiled wider at her. She rolled her eyes. For such an all powerful divine beast and honorable family guardian, he sure was childish.
“Not everyone, I have standards,” Jinse snickered as he twirled the end of his hair. “They just happen to be quite broad.”
“Jinse, try and behave,” Xueye shook his head with an amused smile. “I know you don’t care about that stuff but she is a member of the upper court.”
“Yes, Young Master,” Jinse emphasized Xueye’s title with a cheeky grin.
Xueye just rolled his eyes, “Shizhe, I promise he’s not just a flirt and a tease.”
“Oh yeah?” Shizhe raised an eyebrow, throwing a disbelieving stare in Jinse’s direction.
“You mean I’m also devilishly handsome and charming too, don’t you?” Jinse eyed Xueye with a mischievous glint.
“Oh yes, of course, how could I forget?” Xueye casually took a sip of tea, trying to keep his cool, considering he’d never admitted anything like that before and it felt quite strange, but in a good way. “He can be quite sweet and caring. He may not seem like it but he’ll get serious when he needs to. I quite adore that he isn’t all that he seems and I get to see a side of him many others don’t.”
“Hmm?” Shizhe also sipped her tea. She understood what Xueye meant, having witnessed just that on their true first meeting. She looked at Jinse again and was quite shocked to see him covering his mouth and unable to look at either of them. Shizhe smirked, “Looks like someone can dish it but not take it.”
“X-Xueye… You can’t just say things like that!” Jinse felt like he was going to lose his mind. Xueye saying he adored him in some way had such a dizzying effect on him.
“Sorry I’ll be sure to lie next time and say I just hate you,” Xueye said sarcastically. It wasn’t often he could turn the tables and tease Jinse.
“You’re killing me!” Jinse mumbled softly under his breath as he groaned.
“You’re into that, huh?” Shizhe giggled, enjoying watching Jinse’s cocky demeanor melt away, broken down from a few words.
“Shut up!” Jinse growled but it had no bite behind it.
“Oh please, it barely makes up for all the times you’ve teased me over the years,” Xueye laughed. It was a sweet, whole-hearted laugh that was such a rarity from Xueye. Jinse stopped feeling like his soul was going to leave his body upon hearing it and he couldn’t help but melt into a tender smile.
Oh no… Shizhe felt a moment of panic, realizing how quickly she got swept up in the moment. They are so cute together! How am I supposed to play matchmaker for His Highness without feeling guilty?!
Shizhe could see the softest affection smoothing out all those sharp features Jinse had. Considering it was the first time she ever heard Xueye laugh like that she wondered if Yushi had ever been able to bring that side out of him or if it was something only Jinse could do?
The vision of Xueye and Yushi’s future together hadn’t changed when she checked the night prior. She wasn’t able to pick up on Jinse’s shielded presence. If he was and did see, he wasn’t acting on it for the time being. It was also possible he’d upped his efforts to conceal himself from Shizhe’s foresight. She was starting to realize she needed to keep an eye on their future rather closely. She needed to be more cautious about her meddling. She wanted to ensure the happiness of everyone involved.
“Everything alright, Shizhe?” Xueye asked, noticing she seemed quite lost in thought.
“Oh, yes!” Shizhe returned to her bubbly smiley self. “I’ve had quite a bit on my mind lately. That’s why I thought it’d be a nice distraction to spend some time with you. It seems I can’t entirely escape it.”
“I understand,” Xueye flashed a sympathetic smile. “If you are willing and able you can always talk to me. I’m happy you would think of me for help with a distraction.”
“Sorry for intruding then,” Jinse sounded genuine despite knowing the true purpose of this outing.
“No, no it’s quite alright!” Shizhe waved her hand.
“This one is great at causing distractions, anyways” Xueye gestured to Jinse. “So we probably should keep him around.”
“Is that my only asset that matters to you?” Jinse very obviously pretended he was offended.
“Not the only asset,” Xueye teased as he rolled his eyes at the dramatics. “You have many others.”
“Are you two capable of not flirting?” Shizhe said with an amused smile.
“Is that possible?” Jinse smirked.
“It’s all in jest,” Xueye waved it off with a sheepish expression.
“Speak for yourself, darling,” Jinse reveled in making Xueye flush a little more.
“I don’t know if I believe you,” Xueye just sighed, shaking his head with a shrug.
“I mean every word I say to you, dear,” Jinse said with a soft smile, dropping the bit of his usual mischievous mirth in favor of adoration.
Xueye was at a loss. There really was something a little different about Jinse today. However, he was afraid to look deeper into it. There was a part of him that had always adored Jinse’s attention more than most but he never bothered to look too deep into that part of himself, after all Jinse had many lovers. He was afraid if he allowed himself to fall for his charms too they might lose what dear friendship they had and Jinse might toss him aside like Xueye had seen happen with others.
Jinse’s overly affectionate attention thus far was starting to remind him of those feelings he’d locked away. They were starting to mingle with the confusion over how he felt about Shujing.
He quickly decided to tamp down on the turmoil that was brewing in his heart. He could fret over such things on his own when his thoughts got too loud to be ignored at night. For now he wanted to just enjoy a meal and some shopping with his dear friends. So that was the role he set for himself, just as he had for years. The playful banter, sweet talk, and jokes made these thoughts more bearable, easier to push down, easier to just be and have a delightful time with those he held close to his heart. The storm from within it quickly faded to a simple breeze once more over the course of their delightful lunch together.
Enjoy Xueye trying his damnedest to ignore his gay panic over pretty bois that so painfully obviously want him. I think I took out the line for this but he's just afraid to love and be loved because he doesn't want to lose it. </3
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