Shizhe yawned as she returned to nibbling on the bun. She’d stayed up much later than she intended as she made her search for the gambling den from her vision. She went to a few establishments but never found the one she was looking for before it was too late in the evening. She and Yuliang often shared breakfast together as the week ended. This morning was one such day so she didn’t get to sleep in like she’s one to do.
“Were you up late spying on His Highness again?” Yuliang always found the diviner’s half asleep state amusing.
“You make it sound like something so crass when I’m just looking out for his future,” Shizhe huffed.
“I feel like your recent investment into his future has gotten a little more obsessive,” Yuliang took a sip of her tea.
“Well now it’s not just him I’m looking out for,” Shizhe sighed, recalling the darkness she saw in Xueye’s past.
“I understand, you and Lord Qiuji both have also been quite taken by this one,” Yuliang was starting to get curious given how everyone seemed to care about the safety and wellbeing of Xueye. She really wanted to meet this remarkable young man that had so quickly earned the trust of the emperor and two imperial court members in such a short time. “Speaking of Lord Qiuji, he did mention you went to read the fortune of the victim in my case, did anything come up?” Yuliang thought it best to avoid getting into too much detail in case the walls had ears. Considering they were in Shizhe’s personal garden it was quite a possibility they could be overheard by the palace’s esteemed guests.
“Oh? Having issues with this investigation?” Shizhe was always delighted when Yuliang asked for her advice. Yuliang was always such a capable information gatherer it was such a rarity that she ever asked for assistance on a case. Shizhe found herself kicking her feet a little, suddenly feeling a little more awake.
“Must you look so excited?” Yuliang shook her head. “So unfair.”
“Sorry, you never ask for my help so it makes me happy when you do,” Shizhe beamed. She tampered her excitement a bit as she thought about what to say. Considering it looked like Xueye’s guardian was about to take care of everything there wasn’t much direction she could really give. “Still I’m not sure my advice would help you in this instance. Right now things are unfolding as they are supposed to for a swift resolution. That is all I can really say.”
“Quite surprising,” Yuliang’s expression scrunched in confusion. “I have been having trouble tracking down our only lead. Seems like The Fox’s Den has been tearing through Jianhong’s men since last night,” Yuliang sighed frustratedly, having also had a long night in attempts to garner more information. “I don’t know what sort of trouble is brewing in the undercity but it isn’t good. It’s giving me more work.”
“The Fox’s Den?” Shizhe perked up again. She recognized the name from the list she tracked down to investigate. “That’s a gambling house isn’t it?!”
“Yes,” Yuliang nodded. “I don’t know what steak Jinse has in this but the carnage he and his people are leaving in their wake is making it difficult to find any more information. Unfortunately I don’t have much evidence to accuse anyone in his midst.”
“I should have realized…” Shizhe shook her head. Even though she only caught glimpses of the divine beast in her visions, it was very likely a fox. She felt should have put two and two together.
“Something relevant to what you’ve seen?” Yuliang raised an eyebrow at her chipper attitude.
“A curiosity that’s popped up is all,” Shizhe shrugged. She quickly finished the bun she was nibbling on and drank the last of her tea before she hopped off the chair with such excitement. “I’ll take my leave, try not to work too hard on this. Fortune is in our favor.”
“If you insist,” Yuliang closed her eyes. “Please take care.”
Shizhe finally had a lead behind the mystery of Xueye’s guardian. Her gut feeling said this was exactly where she was supposed to be as she got closer. It was solidified the moment she stepped inside the lavish red and gold building.
Near the bar was exactly as she foresaw. She even walked over to the exact spot as she scanned the floor. It seemed to be operating as normal, filled with patrons and employees wandering the floor as though nothing were wrong. As though the owner wasn’t stirring up trouble with the biggest crime lord in the city.
“Master Diviner,” A smooth whisper graced her ear from behind. She could hear the smile in his voice that was unmistakable the one she heard speak to her in her vision, albeit a bit less beastly. “Now certainly you aren’t here to cheat the Den out of its money, right?”
“Why would I do that? I live in the palace now,” Shizhe smirked, sure she did it in her youth which got her in trouble more than once. Now she wanted for nothing more than to satiate her curiosity and guarantee the safety of her companions.
Shizhe turned around to take a look at whatever form this divine fox took when dwelling among humans. A beautiful young man smiled down at her with a coy grin. His golden eyes were the same color of the flames from her visions that took his place. His flashy robes were rather loosely worn leaving the sun kissed skin of his chest rather exposed. His wavy hair was a lovely chestnut color that almost had a golden luster to it as it shifted in the light.
“I’m here to see you,” Shizhe admitted.
“Come, let’s speak somewhere more private,” Jinse waved for her to follow. He guided her to his office. It was incredibly spacious, big enough to entertain more than a few guests. There were two sizable seating areas, one was something you would typically see in a formal setting with a dark stained cherry wood desk just beyond it but on the farther side of the room surrounded by drawn back curtains was basically a pit of pillows and cushions.
“Looks like you are quite well off for a divine beast,” Shizhe noted with a smirk. “Why the facade?”
“For our mutual friend,” Jinse leaned back in the more formal seating area gesturing for her to sit. “I was quite surprised to feel your connection to my darling Xueye. I’m still quite surprised you found me after concealing my human form from you.”
“Even if I didn’t know what you looked like, your actions since learning of who was behind Xueye’s assault made it quite obvious.” Shizhe sat across the small coffee table from him.
“I heard word of it the night he was attacked but I never heard who was behind it until I peered in on your reading,” Jinse’s smile vanished as he grit his teeth and snarled, “Jianhong… What does that bastard want with my Xueye?”
“I don’t know, the moonlight makes my visions of Xueye incomplete,” Shizhe sighed. “I’m afraid the moon protects him as much as you do, it seems.”
“If you ask me it causes him more trouble than good,” Jinse tutted.
“You know he’s moon-touched then?” Shizhe was only a little surprised. Jinse had such a connection with Xueye that she couldn’t fathom the depth of. It was just so rare to hear another talk about moon-touched that wasn’t a part of the upper court.
“What divine beast doesn’t?” Jinse smirked. “I have to admit you smell almost as tantalizing as Xueye. Have you not had a divine beast try to devour you?”
“Is that why you guard him, so you can devour him later?” Shizhe scowled bitterly.
“On the contrary,” Jinse snickered at her defensive reaction. “I am contracted to protect the moon-touched of the Meigui Family.”
“Some job you’re doing,” Shizhe was a little relieved but she still couldn’t forget all the pain and suffering she witnessed Xueye go through in the past.
Jinse let out a fierce growl as he glared back at her. Obviously, a tender subject. “You don’t think I’ve done the best I can?! I’ve had my work cut out for me. I want him to be safer than anyone in his life. I built this place to combat the moon’s shadow that surrounds him, but sometimes he uses all my fortune up before I can meet with him again.”
“Wait! You know what his ability and downside is?!” Shizhe slapped her hands on the table and looked at him with an innately curious spark. She’d still been unable to deduce what it was from reading Xueye’s stars. She was eager to know.
“So much for Master Diviner,” Jinse snickered. Shizhe pouted as she sat back down. “No need for the face. I suppose it doesn’t hurt for you to know. You might be able to help me keep him safer if you do.”
“Please tell me,” Shizhe started fiddling with the hem of her sleeve. “He doesn’t deserve all that pain. I want to help him anyway I can.”
“Have you noticed that in his presence it’s very easy to relax? It’s incredibly calming to be around him,” Jinse smiled fondly at the thought of being around Xueye. He wished he was able to indulge in his company more often, but the young man was always busy and so was he as of late.
“Yes, now that you mention it,” Shizhe nodded thinking about a couple instances where she could recall the feeling, but the most recent it was the most apparent. “I was quite distraught after seeing that rush of his past so clearly for the first time. Being at his side felt as though my heart was being soothed. Thinking about all I saw, now, I want to grieve for him. It hurts.” She clutched at her robes over her heart as she felt the twisting pain.
“All that misery, it’s a result of the shadow to his calming light. Misfortune follows him. I built this place to steal just a little fortune from the lucky ones. Not enough to affect their life, just end their gambling streaks. Once I build up enough I transfer it to Xueye when I meet with him.”
“Ah, that makes more sense,” Shizhe thought about Xueye being coated in the golden light in her vision. “When was the last time you were able?”
“About a month ago,” Jinse sighed, pouting like a child. “I placed an order to the company early to try and see him sooner since there’s barely any fortune remaining. He always delivers personally, making it a perfect time to do it between more personal meetings.”
“How personal?” Shizhe teased.
“Not as much as I would like,” Jinse sighed wistfully. He adored Xueye. By far his favorite Meigui he’s had the pleasure of guarding. He was also the one he’s interacted with the most aside from the first Meigui he made a contract with. “He’s very dear to me.”
Shizhe could see the boundless affection in his eyes, almost just like that of Yushi. It was worrisome to her. She’d seen Xueye and Yushi’s future but wasn’t sure how Jinse fit in. The fox seemed to be guarding his presence to her but he could also peer in on her visions. She wondered if he’d seen the first one she’d experienced when she read Xueye’s stars. If he hadn’t then what would he do if he found out about Yushi. Yushi was strong but she wasn’t sure if he would be able to take on a divine beast with the ability to exchange fortune. Jinse could easily bring an end to Yushi’s reign without lifting a finger.
“I wasn’t going to ask but I wonder if you would permit me to read your stars,” Shizhe asked, hoping to get a glimpse of the inevitable meeting of the two that deeply loved Xueye. “There’s a slim possibility if I read that moment we saw from your perspective we might attain more details on the current state of events.”
“Hmmm?” Jinse raised an eyebrow and narrowed his golden eyes. The silence stretched on for a while. Shizhe felt like he could see right through her with those sharp golden eyes, looking at her as though she were prey. Her expression didn’t falter despite how nervous she was getting under that predatory gaze meant to rattle her. Eventually his smile broadened, “No, it’s alright. I’ll be there to witness it soon enough.” Jinse wasn’t about to let her have unfettered access to his past and future without a deal. Perhaps later if she insisted upon the matter.
“In that case, why all the offensive measures against our opponent?” Shizhe was disappointed but she refused to let it show. She knew how to perceive him in her visions now, there was just the risk he would also see.
“To teach him and his ilk a lesson to not touch what is mine,” Jinse growled viciously, his form shifting to manifest a pair of golden fox ears atop his head as several tails flicked behind him. Shizhe couldn’t count how many with how quickly they shifted but she knew of divine foxes a single tail represented a century of life and in turn their strength. Shizhe feared for Yushi if Jinse was this possessive over Xueye.
“What will you do when you find him?” Shizhe had a feeling she knew the answer.
“You think I’ll kill him don’t you?” Jinse could read it on her face.
“If you’re this angry for your form to slip I would imagine so,” Shizhe looked at the fluffy appendages with an amused smirk.
“Apologies,” Jinse sighed and with a wave of his hand he returned to a regular human appearance. “When I let my emotions take over it tends to happen. Unfortunately it occurs often when it comes to Xueye’s safety.”
Jinse’s eyes scanned Shizhe intently, almost as though he was searching for something in her. She was starting to feel exposed. He saw into her foresight and guarded against it. He was able to transfer fortune as well. She had no idea what he was truly capable of or what he might find as he looked through her.
“Tell me little miss diviner,” Jinse smirked. “What is it you are afraid of? It’s not me I hope. I wish to be on your side after all.”
Shizhe chewed on her cheek, she needed to choose her words carefully, “I’d be a fool to not be a little afraid of you. You admitted to the hunger divine beasts have towards moon-touched. You can guard against my foresight, so I’d never see you coming.”
“Would you like to?” Jinse smirked mischievously, paired with a sultry tone.
“How crass,” Shizhe shook her head at the implication. If she wasn’t so hooked on Xinhua she might have been more willing to play along at ;east as a tease. “What happened to all that devotion to Xueye?”
“It’s not as though he and I are together,” Jinse shrugged, even though he’d always dreamed of it. “My primal urges get quite strong when I get all worked up. I have to seek release somewhere.”
“Hate to disappoint you but you’re barking up the wrong tree,” Shizhe shook her head. “I have someone in my life I’m quite loyal to.”
“A shame, a thing as pretty as you deserves a little pampering,” Jinse feigned disappointment. He really couldn’t care less, it just would be nice to bed someone he didn’t have to hold back his form and let loose a little.
“Desperate for attention are we?” Shizhe crossed her arms with a smug little smile. “Do you always crawl into bed with new acquaintances upon first meeting?”
“Only the ones I like,” Jinse flashed a cheeky smile. “Just trying to lighten the mood, love. I want you to know you don’t need to fear me unless you bring any harm to Xueye.”
“Right, sorry,” Shizhe sighed, trying to quell her unease about the unknown future. “I could sense your genuine desire to protect him through our brief connection before. Learning as much as I have amidst this problematic time has put me a little on edge.”
“Understandable,” Jinse’s smile softened to a warm sympathetic smile. “I also sensed your desire to safeguard him through that shared connection. It’s why I asked you to help in the first place, though I didn’t expect you to find me.” Jinse laughed, but quickly his smile held a sadness behind it as he continued, ”He hasn’t had many good friends through the years. Seeing you in person, I get the feeling I can in fact trust you with him. Do keep my other form a secret if you ever bring me up. I’ve never told him.”
“Why not?” Shizhe tilted her head curiously.
“I’ve always worried he might be afraid if he knew, just as you were, now,” Jinse closed his eyes. “I don’t think I could handle seeing him terrified of me.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” Shizhe smiled brightly. “If you are worried I let it slip about our brief connection, please know I didn’t tell anyone. My moon’s shadow is quite painful and I wasn’t sure it would qualify as telling what I’d seen. I couldn’t risk incapacitation at this critical time. As a result of it though, I’ve become quite adept at keeping secrets.”
“I could imagine,” Jinse smirked. She indeed had very few tells. He barely noticed them even as he tried to make her squirm a little. He found it such a rarity to find someone he couldn’t read easily. He wanted to push her buttons a bit more to see if he could get a better handle on what made her tick but he didn’t want to spook her. She was a powerful ally to have not just in the sense of her abilities but her station as well. As long as she remained true to Xueye, Jinse was satisfied with the security that would bring the young man.
“Oh, I nearly forgot, I assume you know where he is staying, right?” Jinse had gone to check on Xueye when he first heard of the incident but he was nowhere to be found. He did know from the report to the guard that Xueye wasn’t alone that night but wasn’t sure of the identity of his companion. “Is it with you?”
“Not with me but a very trusted friend of mine. He’s strong and holds Xueye in high regard as we do.” Shizhe wanted to delay their inevitable meeting as best she could so she hoped the lack of name wouldn’t come up. “Xueye is in safe hands.”
“And just who is this esteemed friend of yours?” Jinse couldn’t just settle for taking her word for it. Ever since their return from Vual, Jinse made it a habit of looking into those that came into Xueye’s circle.
“Shujing,” Shizhe smiled, though she dreaded having to give that much. “Perhaps you’ve heard of him? He’s quite the popular information broker around the city.”
“I’ve never met him but I have overheard his name from those in my establishment,” Jinse tapped his fingers as he started thinking about anything he might have picked up. When nothing precise was coming to mind he was regretting not having paid as much attention as he should have. “Just what makes you trust him so much?”
“He’s saved me countless times. Even the first time we met, he saved me from a town that was ready to kill me because they feared my blessing. All I wanted to do was help them but they started to think I caused the disaster.” Shizhe sighed heavily.
“Humans are cruel beings,” Jinse winced a little at the last part. He’d seen others of the Meigui family run into persecution over the generations. One of which he was too late to save making it a sore subject for him. “Did you end up getting retribution?”
“Well they didn’t heed my further warnings as I left and the village was destroyed, so yes,” Shizhe shrugged, she recalled the little satisfaction she felt hearing that it was buried under a landslide.
“I’d say they deserved it,” Jinse smiled with sick delight.
“Didn’t think that of all things would be something you cared about,” Shizhe was a little surprised to see him so happy over that fact.
“As one who’s watched over many moon-touched, I’ve seen it first hand,” Jinse stated. “I’ve always ensured those who dared to harm my charges meet nothing but misfortune.”
“I see,” Shizhe hummed thoughtfully. “You know, I wasn't aware that moon-touched abilities were passed through generations. I've done much research but never found anything mentioning that. I thought it was just children born under a falling star.”
“You aren't wrong,” Jinse stated. “As far as I'm aware the Meigui family is the only one that's had at least one in every couple of generation. I don't know if it was a blessing from the first's bloodline or what. But I believe it's not that they are just born under a falling star but the star falls for them, sent by the moon goddess herself to grant them her blessing. The Meigui family has always had members with stronger spiritual energy. I think after a time it culminates and the moon goddess chooses one she deems worthy. But this is all speculation. I could be wrong. Who knows what the gods have in store for we on the mortal plane?”
“That's a fascinating theory,” Shizhe took his words into consideration. “It would make sense. I wonder why the Meigui family would be so beloved to our goddess?”
“I couldn't say. I wasn't around from the start of the family, I only began protecting them several generations ago. Perhaps in the Meigui Estate there is a record of some sort but I doubt you'll be granted such access as long as Hanleng is there.”
“You may be right,” Shizhe sighed a little disappointed. Her expression soured at the mention of Xueye’s father. She eyed Jinse curiously, “Tell me, if you have the ability to exchange one’s fortune why haven’t you done so for Lord Meigui? Force his downfall.”
“Picked up on that, huh?” Jinse snickered but the amusement quickly faded. “I’d love to, but it risks Xueye. I tried it once and Xueye paid the price. His father was so convinced Xueye was at fault for his misfortune that Xueye was shipped off to Vual right after that, and, well you saw how things ended up for him after that. Unfortunately, unless I finally lose it and tear him apart, I don’t think I can do anything against that piece of shit, not for lack of trying.”
“Do tell me before you do so I can help you cover it up,” Shizhe was dead serious.
“You sound just like Dr.Jingji,” Jinse smirked, knowing full well the doctor’s connection to the upper court.
“Perhaps you can join us for tea and we can find a way,” Shizhe flashed a dark and mischievous smirk.
“Should a member of the upper court be openly planning murder?” Jinse teased.
“Recall how we gained our position in the upper court?” Shizhe absentmindedly twirled her hair. She wasn’t much of a fighter but she still had thwarted traitorous attempts on Yushi’s life that she’d foreseen, showing little mercy. It was the only way to save Yushi and not end up incapacitated by pain when she was most needed. “Not even my hands are clean.”
“War is different, little diviner,” Jinse narrowed his eyes, amused at the idea of such a small girl killing grown men. “Regardless, don't tempt me by entertaining this idea. I’ve wanted him dead since before Xueye could walk. He married into this family and tramples over our traditions by treating Xueye so poorly and denying him his birthright.”
“Birthright?” Shizhe still felt like there was still so much she didn’t know about the family.
“Since the company started it was tradition that when a moon-touched child is born, once they are ready and willing, they have the right to take over the company regardless of the order of their birth. Xinhua tried to make it right by stepping down as heir, naming Xueye her successor.”
“She did?” Shizhe’s heart began to swell at the thought. She knew Xinhua had a soft spot for Xueye but it gave her an even greater sense of admiration for the woman.
“Ah, I see,” Jinse snickered, recognizing the fondness in Shizhe’s eyes.
“You see what?” Shizhe got defensive, realizing her expression slipped.
“Nothing,” Jinse shrugged, delighted to know something could crack Shizhe’s walls.
Shizhe cleared her throat and recomposed herself, “So what you mean to say is Xueye meets the requirements and should own the company proper by now.”
“Yes, Xueye is sufficiently trained by now and he’s of age yet that bastard clings to his title,” Jinse growled harshly.
“Do you know if it was written in some codex?” Shizhe was all too delighted by the prospect of bringing down Xueye’s father to make things easier on the young man.
“Not sure, could be another of those things that may be in Meigui family records. I wouldn’t be surprised if he destroyed it though.”
“Hmm,” Shizhe was already wondering if she could find her way in or get Xueye to somehow acquire those records. “If he was implicated in the current matters then certainly Lady Shanfeng would be able to search the place.”
“Good luck with that, one thing he’s good at is covering his tracks,” Jinse groaned.
“Wait, he’s superstitious right?” An idea sparked in SHizhe’s mind. “I recall Xueye mentioning him consulting a fortune teller.”
“Indeed. I suspect he’s too paranoid to accept your readings, however,” Jinse was enjoying her scheming nature but as much as he wanted to help her, he also didn’t want her to waste her time. “Especially if he is involved in anything nefarious.”
“That’s a fair point,” Shizhe crossed her arms, tapping her foot as she kept thinking on the matter. “What he doesn’t know is that I can in fact read his stars without consent. I simply do so as a formality. If he denies it, all the more reason to suspect him. People only deny a reading from the master diviner if they have something to hide after all,” Shizhe narrowed her eyes at Jinse.
“Ouch, you wound me,” Jinse feigned his dejection dramatically, placing a hand over his chest and leaning back. “Don’t compare me to the likes of him. I value my privacy.” Jinse’s expression turned a little more serious. “Besides, my past contains knowledge that could bring harm to your little mind.”
“Now you are making me more curious,” Shizhe sighed a little disappointed, she’d likely never get the chance by the sound of it.
“Curiosity is dangerous,” Jinse tapped his fingers against his knee. “Not even I was unscathed by this divine knowledge. If it weren’t for Meigui Xinyi then I wouldn’t have a mind left. I owed her my life and I am still paying off that debt by honoring her final request.”
“I can’t believe such knowledge really exists!” Shizhe was in awe despite the implications.
“Indeed, so don’t get too down about me concealing my past from you, it’s for your safety after all. You’ll just have to ask me like a normal person would.”
“Tedious, but I do love a good conversation,” Shizhe shrugged and smiled. “Another time perhaps I'll pick your brain a bit. For now we should focus on the task at hand.”
“You are quite determined to go against him aren’t you?” Jinse was pleasantly surprised. “Not that I’m against it, but what steak do you have in this?”
“Need I have one for anything other than to make Xueye’s life easier? He deserves that much,” Shizhe huffed at the fact he still doubted her intentions.
“No need to get bent out of shape. I was just curious if he wronged you personally,” Jinse snickered. “You seem so hell bent on his demise that I can’t help but think he had.”
“No, but not only has Xueye been wronged, Xinhua was slighted as well and I won’t stand for this,” Shizhe grumbled. “Are you going to keep questioning my intentions or help me get rid of him or have you given up on that?”
“Not in the slightest,” Jinse chuckled. “Having your assistance and connections will be quite handy against him. However I believe it best to avoid any backlash against Xueye. Something a little more above board may be in order. It’s part of why Xinhua joined the guard, other than the fact it doubled as an excuse to forgo her claim as heir.”
“Hmm, perhaps when she comes back from the east we’ll need to have a chat about all this,” Shizhe hummed in contemplation. “Wait, does she know about your role in the family?”
“I haven’t told her,” Jinse shook his head. “She just knows me to be a trusted friend with a shared goal of helping Xueye.”
“You two have been at this for a while then.” Shizhe was starting to feel discouraged by the fact a divine beast and the most clever and capable woman she’s met have yet to put a stop to such a terrible man.
“Ever since their mother died,” Jinse nodded. “So just be prepared to have some patience in this regard. I do like our odds with your assistance. I think you reading him will help in great strides and predicting the perfect opportunity to catch him.”
“Perhaps I’ll just start with a visit to Xueye at the company then. I’m just so curious to see if he’ll deny my reading. Plus it doubles as a chance to spend time with Xueye again,” Shizhe giggled, swinging her legs back and forth. Jinse smiled at her delight.
Jinse was starting to think he ought to spend more time with Xueye again. Hearing that Xueye was spending time with new friends was wonderful to hear but he wanted to monopolize the young man’s attention more often than not. He was craving his attention a little more than usual.
“Do bring it up with Xinhua when she returns,” Jinse suggested as he brought his focus back to the topic at hand. “Unless you come up with something a little more urgent, that is. If he is involved in this incident then speed will be key for the evidence we need, though I suspect any involvement has already been purged by now. I have connections all through the city so if there’s something you don’t think you can acquire through official channels you can come to me, I may be able to help.”
“I see, that is handy,” Shizhe was impressed by the dynamic that Jinse and Xinhua had already lined up. She had often observed Xinhua’s stars to see how she was doing when she was away and missed her terribly. However, likely due to Jinse’s hidden presence, Shizhe didn’t know a thing about this side of Xinhua. Xinhua often said that she was motivated by her younger brothers but she never went into details. She was starting to get even more impatient over Xinhua’s return. “Sure would be nice if she were back. I bet she has everything all planned out.”
“Quite possibly,” Jinse chuckled upon seeing the adoration in her eyes. “She hasn’t told me the full scope of it all but I don’t need to know everything. I just ensure Xueye’s safety as we await the opportunity she’s been waiting for.” He smirked, unable to resist teasing her any longer, “To think XInhua is your beloved.”
“I-It’s nothing like that!!” Shizhe turned a brighter pink than her hair. “I-I-! S-she…” Shizhe covered her face.
“You said yourself-.”
“I know what I said!!” Shizhe interrupted him. “I-I meant it…”
“How precious,” Jinse snickered. “Seems you saved me from a miserable fate. Last thing I want is to be on that woman’s bad side for stealing her lover.”
“S-stop!” Shizhe whined. “We haven’t… I wouldn’t say… Ah! I don’t know… Whatever we are, we haven’t exactly figured that out yet…”
“Hmm?” Jinse raised an eyebrow. Seeing the composed Master Diviner devolve into a babbling mess was just so amusing. He wondered if Xinhua would also lose her composure like this. He was more than ready to pester Xinhua about Shizhe as well when they next meet. “Perhaps you should, who knows if someone might come in and sweep her off her feet.”
“What is one Meigui not enough for you?” Shizhe huffed.
Jinse started laughing hysterically, “Heavens, I didn’t mean me! I’m a ravenous lover but I’m not that greedy.” Jinse waved the notion away, “Trust me when I say she’s never given me the time of day when it comes to my flirting.”
“So you have… I was wondering…” Shizhe pouted but she was rather relieved to hear Xinhua didn’t bother with him.
“Relax,” Jinse’s smile softened, knowing he’s pushed her buttons enough. “That was years ago. I haven’t even flirted with her since we started working together for Xueye’s sake. I assure you it’s just a working relationship between us.”
“No need to tell me,” Shizhe quipped.
“Uh huh. Then why are you so bothered?” Jinse snickered.
“I’m not!” Shizhe denied. She was a little bothered by the idea. What if Xinhua did find someone else she was interested in? While they had such an unspoken tension between them, she never had the courage to speak up about it. She was afraid things might change if she ever brought it up. “Maybe a little…”
“I don’t think you need to worry,” Jinse was starting to feel a little guilty upon seeing Shizhe’s mind was running wild just by the mildly distressed look on her face. “She’s not the type to play with someone’s feelings and she’s genuinely loyal, on top of it all she’s very persistent. If she’s really interested in you, she won’t deviate until she gets what she wants.”
“You think so?” Shizhe started fiddling with the end of her pink locks.
“I’m quite confident,” Jinse chuckled. “To think the esteemed Master Diviner can devolve into a love sick puppy.”
“I'm human after all,” Shizhe pouted. She quickly regained her composure, sitting upright. A thought occurred to her, knowing of Xueye’s misfortune she couldn't help but wonder just how far it extended. His shipment in the east could likely have had a run in with the bandits that Xinhua was struggling to track. She couldn't help but wonder if it could be linked. If Xueye was constantly soothing Yushi’s draconic nature lately, how quickly would Xueye burn through the remaining good fortune? “Jinse, just how far can Xueye’s misfortune extend?”
“Hm? Depends. What is it you have in mind?” Jinse tilted his head with a worried curiosity.
“Well Xueye is getting a special shipment from the east and Xinhua has been dispatched to handle banditry along that route, she's been gone for over a month…” Shizhe voiced a little nervously.
“Hm, unlike her, with her wits she should have had them cleared out in just a few days.” Jinse understood what she was implying. “Since you’re telling me this I’m guessing you haven’t foreseen the outcome, but it’s not a bad speculation. I don’t know if something like this has happened before but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Then again…” Jinse thought about the incident in Vual coinciding with the time Xueye’s mother passed. He’d been unable to transfer good fortune to Xueye before it ran out and he got injured and was unable to even attend his mother’s funeral. Jinse refused to leave Xueye’s side until they returned home.
“Perhaps it has happened before,” Jinse sighed and shook his head. “Regardless, I protect him from close dangers not far off ones.”
“Is there nothing we can do without you seeing him in person? He might think it a bit odd that we know each other, I can’t just bring him here on a whim either. The Master Diviner has no need to gamble after all.”
“Indeed,” Jinse snickered at the idea. He mulled it over for a bit before he spoke again. “It’s unfortunate your foundation is too weak for me to teach you how to do it.”
“You mean it’s possible for me to learn such a thing?!” Shizhe blinked in surprise.
“Moon-touched tend to learn mystical arts with little effort but this is no simple feat even among divine beasts,” Jinse tapped his long claw-like fingernails on the armrest of the chair as he thought more on the matter. “Charms I’ve made have never been effective for him…”
“In that case…” Sizhe tabled the exciting thought of learning mystical arts for another time as her concern for Xinhua and Xueye won out. “Would it be too out of pocket for me to invite him to a meal, somewhere outdoors and you happen to be walking by?”
“The thought also crossed my mind,” Jinse smirked.