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Fair Trade - Chapter Nineteen: Ink, Oil and Blood

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

Upon stepping inside, the crisp scent of paper and ink filled the air of the shop. The walls were lined with books and scrolls from floor to ceiling, some clearly fresh and new, near the front but older material was tucked further back in a corner closer to the sales counter. It was nice and quiet compared to the busy streets they just came from. 

“Is that you, Young Master?” A sweet older lady stepped out from behind the counter and approached Xueye with a soft smile.

“Madam Su, it’s lovely to see you well,” Xueye bowed. 

“I wasn’t expecting you today. Is there something you need?” Madam Su asked.

“I’m just out with friends this afternoon. She was looking for something in particular though,” Xueye gestured to Shizhe.

“Oh, Lady Guangming!” Madam Su bowed as deeply as she could with her age. “I’m honored to have you in my store! Just what might I help you find?”

“I’m in search of some materials for my research,” Shizhe casually glanced around like she was observing all the shelves but she was trying to see if Jinse was still lurking nearby. Fortunately, Jinse had wandered to some of the other shelves, seemingly in search of something in particular. “I’ve been researching divine beasts for quite some time, typically dragons but I know that’s hard to come by. I’m fine with other types as well.”

“Oh certainly, I have a few on the subject, right this way,” Madam Su led her away to find what Shizhe was looking for. 

Xueye smiled seeing Shizhe looking rather excited as she perused the materials. He glanced over to see Jinse running his fingers along the spines of the books. Xueye could hear Jinse humming softly as he approached, almost certain it was a song he used to sing himself.

“What are you looking for?” Xueye asked him.

“A little piece of learning,” Jinse glanced down at the curious young man briefly before returning to search for what he was looking for.

“Oh? I wasn’t aware you were into such things,” Xueye titled his head.

“I’ve always had a thirst for knowledge, I haven’t indulged in a while,” Jinse smiled. It was the truth but what he was looking for wasn’t meant for himself. He rarely sought out much since he was contracted to the Meigui Family, after all his curiosity nearly killed him. He especially hadn’t even felt the need to since he’d been looking after Xueye.

“Just what do you like to learn about?” Xueye asked. 

“My latest fascination isn’t one that can be found in a book,” Jinse’s golden eyes held a deep captivation as he looked down at the pretty young man next to him. There was almost an intensity to it that made Xueye squirm which only served to widen Jinse’s smile.

“T-then why are you looking for one now?” Xueye had to look away, his heart racing under such a burning gaze.

“Just a distraction,” Jinse sinckered, satisfied with the young man’s reaction. “I can’t always observe my little obsession. It’ll be useful when I have a little down time.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Xueye felt a little confused but didn’t really want to push for details. If Jinse was unwilling to share, Xueye knew he’d just talk circles around the subject. “I don’t quite get why you don’t indulge when you have the time. I feel like it’s rare enough for you and I, shouldn’t we do what we enjoy when we can?”

Jinse froze at the implication. He was uncertain if Xueye really knew what it was he meant. To him, Xueye never really seemed to quite pick up on his affectionate implications in the past, let alone accept the fact he was in fact flirting with him because he genuinely meant it. So he couldn’t help but blink, a bit stunned.

“What?” Xueye couldn’t help but giggled at the dumbfounded expression. It wasn’t very often he could catch Jinse off-guard so having been able to twice in one day was delightful. “You act like that’s never occurred to you.”

“Darling, if anything I’m known for it’s indulging in my spare time,” Jinse cooled his expression, returning to his coy demeanor.

“Then why the look?” Xueye tilted his head with an amused smile.

“It’s just rare to hear you talk like that,” Jinse sighed wistfully. 

“Well, I guess Shujing has been influencing me a little,” Xueye shrugged.

“Right, him…” Jinse tried to not let his jealousy show but it was a difficult thing to smother. “That’s a good thing. I’ve always said you deserve to have whatever it is you desire.”

“That’s true, probably why I haven’t given up on everything over the years,” Xueye nodded. “I guess without you around lately to remind me of these little things, he’s been quite helpful in that regard.”

Jinse was trying not to lose his mind and Xueye’s acknowledgement of his work over the years to keep the young man from giving up on enjoying life. His efforts for his charges in the past were always unnoticed as he didn’t typically interact, only observing. Whenever he heard Xueye thank him or even notice something he was doing for Xueye, it made him want to melt at just how sweet the words sounded from the young man.

“I’m sorry, I should have plenty of time to spend with you soon, if you are able,” Jinse would make time if he didn’t. 

“I’d love that,” Xueye beamed. “Hopefully once everything gets sorted out with my current situation and the caravan with your delivery returns things should mellow out on my end, provided father stops dumping random work on me.”

Jinse clicked his tongue in annoyance, “I’ll take you away even if he does.” 

“This time I might let you,” Xueye giggled. “I let Shizhe do so today, after all.”

“Good, don’t let that bastard push you around anymore,” Jinse grumbled. 

“He won’t get away with it much longer I assure you,” Xueye let out a breath as he closed his eyes. 

“Xueye!” Shizhe practically skipped their way with a gleeful smile and her arms full of a few books and scrolls. “You knew just where to go! The good Madam had so much to look at!”

“Wonderful!” Xueye clapped his hands together. Her excitement was rather infectious. “I thought she might, she has a knack for finding things outside of what the company supplies her with.”

“I can’t wait to go home and read all this!” Shizhe looked down at her finds with delight.

“If you’d like to, I'm sure it won’t be too hard to convince Jinse to escort me back,” Xueye giggled looking over at Jinse who seemed to have finally found what he was looking for. 

“You know I’ll escort you anywhere,” Jinse’s smiled warmly as he passed them to place payment on the counter while Madam Su wasn’t looking, knowing she’d likely insist otherwise seeing him as Xueye’s companion.

“No, no, you aren’t getting out of more shopping with me!” Shizhe huffed as she turned towards the door. “Come along!”

“If the lady insists,” Jinse motioned for Xueye to follow after first. Xueye shrugged with a smile and they both followed the small woman out.

Shizhe had their next destination in mind already. It was a shop she frequented quite often for various products for beauty and self care, but especially for the oil she used to infuse with crushed flower petals to stain her white hair the vivid pink it was. 

“You two go on in. I’ll stay out here,”Jinse stated.

“I half expected this to be one you’d enjoy,” Shizhe teased a little.

“Shops like these or ones that sell incense make me dizzy with all the smells blending together,” Jinse shrugged. “You two have your fun! I’ll wait here patiently like a good pup.”

“Okay!” Shizhe tried to stifle her laughter at his choice of words.

“We’ll try not to take too long,” Xueye followed Shizhe inside.

“Lady Guangming!” A youthful woman greeted her cheerfully. “I was hoping you would return soon!”

“I’ll always come back here, you know that Yanyu!” Shizhe beamed. “This is the only place I’ll go to for my hair oil!”

“And we appreciate your business,” Yanyu clapped her hands together and dashed behind the counter. “In fact, I have something else for you!”

“Oh, you didn’t have to!” Shizhe approached the counter, still rather curious.

“Now, now, people knowing you shop here has brought much business to us. How can we not get you a gift as thanks!” Yanyu pulled out a small box they usually set aside the oil Shizhe always gets. 

A gift as thanks… Xueye thought to himself, overhearing them as he wandered the shop. He had been wondering the best way to return the favor to Shujing, even though the older man didn’t want him to think repayment was necessary. He would have to consider it while they were out. He doubted this would be all to satiate Shizhe’s need to shop.

Yanyu opened the lid and pulled out a folded fan trimmed with gold and hanging from it was a pink tassel dangling from a glass bead in the shape of a lotus, which she had long used as her crest since she started living in the palace.

“It’s so beautiful!” Shizhe stared at it in awe as she took it from her. Shizhe slowly pulled it open to admire the painted, high quality paper. It was a simplistic yet beautiful rendition of a river with vivid lotuses striking a contrast against the watery surface depicted. 

“I saw it and it reminded me of you, so naturally I couldn’t resist,” Yanyu was delighted how much Shizhe seemed to like it. “I was already considering getting a gift for you at the time so it was like fate.”

“I will cherish this, thank you!” Shizhe closed it and held it close to her chest.

“By the way, who’s your beautiful friend?” Yanyu whispered, glancing over at Xueye browsing around the shop.

“That’s Young Master Meigui Xueye,” Shizhe smiled sweetly. 

“I’ve heard of him before! I never expected him to be so pretty!” Yanyu admired him.

“Go assist him, work your beauty magic. He could use a little more self care options in his life!” Shizhe urged with a faint giggle. 

“You don’t need to tell me twice!” Yanyu giggled and walked over to assist Xueye.

Outside, Jinse didn’t exactly stay in place as he said. He’d waited until they were both too distracted to notice him slip away for a moment. The malicious eyes that were fixated on Xueye were starting to annoy him.

After looping around behind the two men that were lurking amidst the shadows of the streets. Stepping up between them he wrapped his arms around their shoulders and pulled them in close, digging his claws deep into their shoulders.

“You two are coming with me,” Jinse’s smile was ever present but his voice was cold and deadly quiet. As much as they wanted to fight back, the blood quickly stained their clothes and the force in which Jinse was directing their movement made it clear Jinse wasn’t taking no for an answer.

As he was dragging them both into the quiet of the nearest alleyway, Jinse drained every last bit of their good fortune. He wasn’t about to let it be wasted on such foul people with ill intentions towards Xueye. 

Once decently clear from public eyes, his grip quickly changed on the one in his right hand. His claws dug deeply into the neck of the man, tearing the flesh as he was thrown to the ground to bleed out.

“What the fuck?!” The man still in his grip cried.

“Best remain silent or my hand might slip,” Jinse slammed him against the wall, pinning him there with the faintest of pressure on his neck. “I only need one of you to deliver a message to Jianhong, but there are plenty of you rats around the city. So it doesn’t matter that much to me if you live or die,” Jinse’s expression darkened. “Nod if you understand.” The man nodded slowly, trembling in Jinse’s grasp. “He just lets anyone join, doesn't he? Even spineless worms like you.” Jinse could see the conflict of fight or flight in the man's eyes. “Before you make a mistake, know you won’t survive. Now you best deliver this message before your misfortune catches up to you, just like the rest.” Jinse chuckled darkly. He knows he probably shouldn’t drain as much of their good fortune as he had been if he really wanted his message to make it. He just couldn’t care less, knowing that he’d meet Jianhong soon enough.

“You best run off and tell whoever you need to get Jianhong to stop sending his fucking minions after my darling Xueye,” Jinse growled, his grip tightening on the man who was starting to choke on the lack of air. “You better do it quick or the foxes will start hunting you.” 

Jinse’s laugh was downright sinister as he tossed the man aside, watching him stumble and scurry off. Jinse waited until he vanished around the corner before running his fingers through his loose curly hair. His fingers caught against the fox ears that he figured made their appearance, even though he hadn’t noticed when they appeared. He waved his hand and not only did the ears vanish but so did the blood that spattered his appearance. He returned to the spot Shizhe and Xueye left him. 

Peeking inside the shop, the two seemed to be having a wonderful time with the shopkeeper. Jinse was quickly at ease, seeing that cheerful smile of Xueye’s. It was touching to see him having a lovely time.

It wasn’t too much longer before they both came out, having been given baskets to carry their goods. The shopkeeper had insisted since Shizhe was already carrying her little collection of books and scrolls. 

“Thank you for waiting!” Xueye sweetly smiled at Jinse. “Sorry it took a bit.”

“Not a problem!” Jinse beamed. If his tails were visible they would most definitely be wagging upon seeing that heart melting smile. “Where to next?”

“Nowhere specific,” Shizhe shrugged. “But we ought to check out the Diqiu Market. There is always something fun there!” She started skipping off, “Come, come!”

The Diqiu Market is one of the more popular street markets. It was located at the base of one of the pathways towards the upper layers of the capital as it was built along some ridges and hills by the coast. The regular foot traffic of those who passed towards the upper levels made those who set up at the market thrive, Its ever changing goods made it all the more appealing to anyone.

Shizhe bought whatever tickled her fancy, be it trinkets or accessories. Her basket was starting to overflow. While she was enthusiastically weaving in and out of the crowd, she made sure she wasn’t far from Xueye, even if Jinse didn’t stray from his side for a moment.

Jinse took interest in some of the more rare and unique items. While some he could tell was a blatant fake, he wasn’t in the mood to cause a scene by pointing it out for once. He clung to Xueye every moment he could. As the young man was taking a closer look at some of the wares, Jinse wrapped his arms around Xueye from behind resting his chin on Xueye’s shoulder. 

Xueye was more into looking around in more of a business mindset. He was more into seeing what was available and popular rather than buying anything. Even away from work he couldn’t help being in a work mentality. 

Jinse reached down past Xueye and picked up a white jade pendant, intricately carved with a moon and rabbit among the clouds. A typical sign of the moon goddess, often considered to grant her protection but also was a symbol of love and life. If it truly did grant her protection Jinse hoped it would allow her to look upon the young man a little more favorably. Even if it didn’t it would be a little token of his love.

“What a beautiful piece,” Xueye commented.

“I would hope so, I’m buying it for you after all,” Jinse said as he handed it to Xueye, quickly pulling out his money before Xueye could even say anything.

“Jinse! You didn’t have to!” Xueye let out a defeated sigh. 

“I wanted to,” Jinse smiled softly, taking a step back and pulling him into a tighter embrace. “Someone as precious as you deserves only the best.”

“What’s gotten into you today?” Xueye didn’t resist. Jinse was always affectionate towards him but he seemed extra clingy.

“I’ve been terribly worried about you,” Jinse voiced softly into Xueye’s ear. “Even though you are staying with someone the Master Diviner trusts, I just want to take you home.”

“I promise, I’m fine,” Xueye felt his face heat up at the sultry tone of that last phrase. Xueye was used to his flirtatious nature but it didn’t mean he was immune to the effects of his charm, especially today.

“Maybe I’ll feel better if I meet this mysterious guardian of yours,” Jinse really just wanted to confirm his suspicion of Shujing’s identity as well as his intentions. If he didn’t like what he found he was going to throw Xueye over his shoulder and take him home if he had to.

“Hmm,” Xueye hummed in contemplation. “It’s not really my place to invite you over without him knowing. If you really want to, I could always bring him by when we have the time.”

“Please do,” Jinse let Xueye go but didn’t move far, one of his hands lingering between the young man’s shoulders. “My door is always open for you. I relish any time I get to spend with you.” 

“Are you two flirting in public, again?” Shizhe teased upon rejoining them. 

“So what if we were,” Jinse hooked his arm around Xueye’s neck and pulled him in close. He flashed her a coy smirk. 

“How shameless,” Shizhe sighed and shook her head with a playful smile. 

The more time she spent observing them she started to understand Jinse a little more. Jinse’s adoration was truly a deep set, desperate thing. From her meeting the fox the other day and Xueye’s comments, it was clear he’d try to flirt or seduce just about anyone. When he did try with her it was apparent his heart wasn’t in it. With Xueye, there was such a need behind those golden eyes. With such obvious hints she didn’t need foresight to determine his genuine adoration and yet Xueye seemed to be completely oblivious, or at least ignored it. She knew Xueye had developed issues with personal relationships but she didn’t think he was that dense about it. She was starting to realize she had her work cut out for her to get him to realize and accept that not just one but two men were madly in love with him. Where things might go from that moment was up in the air.

“Enough joking around and more looking around!” Xueye shoved Jinse’s face away from him with an amused smile. 

“Why don’t you stop yourself from working and look around yourself?” Jinse didn’t resist and let go.

“Oh, you noticed, huh?” Xueye giggled nervously. “It’s hard not to sometimes.”

“Xueye, you better find something for yourself here too or we aren’t leaving,” Shizhe demanded.

“Okay. okay.” Xueye laughed softly. He had almost forgotten he wanted to pick out something to give Shujing as well. He wanted nothing more than to get him something special but hadn’t any idea what to get. Nothing he had seen so far really stood out to him.

“You’ll let me pay for it, won’t you?” Jinse smirked. 

“I’m quite capable of doing that myself, thank you,” Xueye shook his head as he started wandering back towards the stalls.

“But I feel like spoiling you today,” Jinse snickered. “Pick out whatever you want and I’ll pay for it. 

“No!” Xueye glares over his shoulder. “I owe you enough.”

“You owe me nothing, dearest,” Jinse crossed his arms, an unwavering smirk on his face. “You can’t stop me. If you do, you might find more in the shipment payment.”

“Why you…!” Xueye grumbled. He sighed in defeat. “You are incorrigible.”

“I know,” Jinse basked in his victory. 

Xueye shook his head and finally started looking around the market in more interest for himself rather than business. He figured he would wait to find something for Shujing. The last thing he was going to do was make Jinse pay for a gift for another. Besides, he wanted to ask Shizhe if she knew what would be a good gift to give but even that felt a little odd to do with Jinse around. 

After a while, amidst the wares Xueye spotted a rather beautifully decorated sword. It reminded him of his dance instructor in Vual. While she was an expert in just about any dance, her specialty was sword dances. He picked up the blade and the weight of it was rather similar to the sword she gifted him.

“I wouldn’t think you would be into blades,” Jinse watched the young man testing the balance.

“My dance instructor in Vual taught me the way of sword dancing. She gifted me a lighter blade like this since I struggled to pick it up as naturally as everything else she taught me. Once I had it everything came just as easy. Unfortunately, it was terribly damaged beyond repair right before I moved into my own place…” Xueye sighed dejectedly over the memory. 

Amidst an argument with his father, many of his personal belongings got tossed around by Lord Meigui in a fit of rage. Xueye ended up tripping over most of them and the decorative sword was damaged. The person Xueye took it to in an attempt to repair it caused even more damage to it since it wasn’t his expertise like he boasted. He just kept the scraps of it in a case, displayed in his home for sentimental reasons.

“It wouldn’t be bad to get a new one to brush off the rust if I am to perform again.” Xueye smiled softly at his reflection in the blade. 

“You want to perform again?” Jinse’s voice wavered with hopeful delight.

“Mn,” Xueye nodded and smiled up at him. “I’ve been thinking about it recently. Once my time frees up I think I will try.”

“Oh, I’d love to see that!” Shizhe chimed in. “You must tell me when you do!”

“You know the stage at the Fox’s Den is always available to you,” Jinse had such a tender smile. He knew it was such a great passion for Xueye and since their return Xueye barely got the chance to try after his full recovery before Lord Meigui’s poor opinions and forced workload influenced Xueye to set it aside. “Whether you want to just practice or for an audience. I would love to see you dance and sing once more.”

“That would be delightful, I’d love to,” Xueye beamed. “I would like to practice first before any crowds, though I don’t mind if either of you want to sit in on it.”

“If the Master Diviner doesn’t have more plans for you this evening, then why not now?” Jinse smirked, glancing at the excited looking woman.

“I would love to!” Shizhe could barely contain her cheer. “That is if you feel up to it, Xueye.”

“How could I say no to you two,” Xueye nodded. He looked up to Jinse who had a surprisingly sweet delighted expression on his face. “But, isn’t it getting busy at the Den around this time?”

“Not today, we aren’t opening until much later today,” Jinse smiled. “If I was to have the afternoon off, so should everyone else.” After all, it was a waste to host the fortunate if he couldn’t be there to take advantage of it. Even so, he did his best to take care of his employees. The last thing he wanted was to be like Lord Meigui who was practically a slave driver.

“Quite the kind establishment owner aren’t you,” Shizhe giggled. 

“I do my best!” Jinse gestured for them to start off in the direction of the gambling den. “Come along darlings, we ought to go before they decide to open without me.”


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