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  • Commander

Race:  Earth Spirit - Gorgon

Tether: Mask

True Name: Unknown

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Height: 5'11"


  • Earth Legion


Therris is filled with fury and rage. She is a bitter Spirit with a deep seated hatred of humans and no qualms with killing them. She can even be a little sadistic when it comes to using the curse in her gaze against others. She's deeply loyal to Turfurius, The Earth Celestial.


Therris has always held a bitter sentiment towards humans since The First Order enslaved the Spirits. When The Earth Celestial decided to rise up against humanity she had no qualms about joining his effort to wipe out humans and Demons alike. Turfurius saw her abilities were a great asset and she quickly rose the ranks in The Earth Legion.


  • The mask she wears and uses as her tether was made by Turfurius out of a crystal infused with grains of Earth Runes. It can block her curse from affecting those around her and she's able to see through it.

Official Art

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