Kindle and Terbius had returned to Baker’s Pub. They all had ordered a drink, Gwen was gone but Xander informed them that their drinks for the night were on her.
A silence remained among the trio for quite a while, their thoughts realizing what had happened in the past hour and how much it could affect their stay. Kindle was already coming up with ideas for the three of them to live outside of any province and away from any possible commotion, then again she would probably have to leave them from time to time to get supplies. Terbius were both thinking the same thing, they probably ruined their chances of staying in probably the only city that would welcome them.
“Argh! That ungrateful water wench!” The small Fire Spirit was still fuming mad, having thought about the interaction with Aliya again. She was in her head and she couldn’t think of why. “Those with the fire for it.” Kindle mocked before standing on her stool and slamming her foot down on the bar. “I'll show her fire!”

“So we’re going?!” Terbius both grew ecstatic with a sparkle in their eyes.
“Hell no!” Kindle shot them down immediately as she settled down on her barstool once again taking a big swig of her mead. “We said we were going to stay away from this war and that's how it's going to stay! It’s like Aliya said, we are staying home, as soon as we find one that is. In any case, we are going to have to find a new town before rumors spread.”
“Sorry sis’… Our bad…” Terbius voiced in unison rather dejectedly.
“That wasn't all bad,” Xander reassured them with a smile. “What you boys did was pretty noble.”
“The people in the street won't see it that way…” Kindle mumbled bitterly under her breath.
“True but Gwen was grateful.” Xander pointed out. That act alone had put them in his good books since she is such a close friend. “A little good can go a long way nowadays.”
“That's it… We could stay!” An idea sparked in Ter’s mind and he lit up.
"How Ter, how!?" The force in her voice was enough to cause those around them to jump back a bit but the boys weren't affected at all.
"We did something bad, something that put the wrong impression on us, in public,” Ter continued the conversation with his older sister alone. “Rumors have probably already spread of the two of us looking to harm others. What if we did the opposite?"
"What do you mean?” The fiery childlike figure eased her tone and responded. “Do something good? Who's gonna take that as a genuine action and not a lie?"
"We do something big, something…” Ter paused trying to think of what word would fit best for what he had in mind, “Heroic, maybe?"
"Yeah right, get your head out of the clouds and just let me deal with this!" Kindle took a swig from her mug and continued to let the gears in her head turn to solve the problem.
"What's new with the war? Anything crazy happening?" Bius leaned on the bar a bit and got the attention of Xander. He asked in the interest of two parties, one to see if there was something for them to do, and the other was to see where and how close the war had escalated in the area, to eliminate any areas they could seek refuge.
“Gwen mentioned that she passed through Ervic earlier and The Earth Legion hit them pretty hard. It's the next town over.” He hoped someone would help the people of Ervic out, he had a handful of close friends there and wanted to help himself but his responsibilities in Gaylette kept him from being able to. “Should definitely be up your alley.” Bius's eyes lit up at the situation and turned towards his brother Ter, who had the same fire in his eyes. They glanced at Kindle who heard the man talk and she simply took the knowledge in another aspect.
“They've come this far?!” Kindle slammed her hands down on the bar. She was shocked just how far west The Earth Legion had made it. She leaned back and huffed as she waved away the notion, “Just great another town to avoid!”
"No Kindle!" Terbius, in unison, slammed their fist into the countertop, cracking it slightly. This was the first time they were really defiant against their caretaker. She was stunned by their outburst.
"Enough running away." Bius led off the exchange. "We've been at this for too long and this is our chance. We can prove that we are not all bad."
"Helping this town could really make a difference for us." Ter backed his brother up. People nearby needed help and they knew they could make all the difference. "We might even receive acceptance there."
"Just give us a chance." They softened up their voices, speaking together. A silence fell throughout the whole bar, everyone seemed to be involved and could probably piece together the history of the trio.
“Fine Terbius,” Kindle sighed heavily before downing the rest of her mug and letting the loud clang echoed through the pub as she set it down on the counter. “You've pulled my leg, but if you screw this up just know it's only gonna be harder than it is right now.”
The boys lit up with glee, punching each other’s shoulders roughly and finishing their nearly full double pint mugs with their arms locked. Letting out a breath of air whilst slamming their mugs down they looked to their older sister, "We won't let ya down sis’!"