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Record Thirty - Resigned Fates

Updated: Feb 2, 2024

The hum of a cheerful tune could be heard all through the tower. It echoed and carried through the metallic walls. Every note could be heard perfectly from top to bottom. The sound was mesmerizing, the humans working throughout the tower either stopped to listen or mindlessly worked humming along.

The source was rather high up in the tower fortress. Golden eyes watched the storm in the distance with amusement as he pet the calico feline Spirit in his lap.

“Hmm, It would seem our partner is no longer tethered to me,” He didn’t sound bothered by the notion. He picked up April and she seemed just the same seeing the mark that was beneath her little bandana was still present. “With you two still Kinbound we know she’s alive at least. Fascinating that Regulus breaks a tether but not a Kin Bond. No simple magic arte binds Spirits together.”

“Mistral coming home! Coming home!” April cheered happily.

“Is she now?” His golden eyes lit up with excitement. “I do hope she’s bringing my precious Aliya with her.”

“What is your fascination with that Water Fae anyways?” Claudia hissed from the doorway to the study he was in. She hated that he was keeping Spirits around now like they were pets when before they were just experiments to him.

“She’s everything, my dear,” He stood up, his long black and white hair slipping off his shoulder and falling to his waist. He set April down to rest on his right shoulder. He pressed a black gloved finger against his forehead, “Aliya is the key to unlocking the pesky memories I’ve yet to access. She is also the only being who has the power to stop me. On top of that, if she were to perish I would lose the most valuable ability I have obtained.” He started pacing the room circling past Claudia, his jagged toothy grin made her feel as though he were a shark circling its prey, “So if your Knights get a little too overzealous then I will have to use you in my next experiment. It’s been a long time since I’ve carved into a human you know? It really is unfortunate that the assassin managed to escape. She was using some sort of strength boosting magic arte, if it weren’t for that I would have severed the arm she stabbed me with.”

“You never said the assassin stabbed you!” Claudia narrowed her eyes with an air of concern. She knew he couldn’t be killed given how her men found him encased and impaled with stone deep within the earth they were excavating for the lower levels of the research lab in the capital. He’d been trapped in the earth for nearly two centuries and yet once he was exposed to the air he took a breath and opened his eyes. Ever since he’d been helping her further her vengeance against the Spirits for killing her mother in the crossfire of their war. 

“Perhaps we should increase security here,” She didn’t want anything to take him away as an asset to her. She didn’t even want it to be a risk. He was twisted to his very core and it made her skin crawl to be around him, but she needed that mad genius on her side if she were to get what she desired most.

“I see no need, the one who sent them was Mistral,” he snickered as he walked to the open double doors to the balcony. A storm was growing closer, the thunderous rumble made his heart pound with excitement. “She won’t cause us trouble anymore. Besides, there's nothing in this world that can kill me, believe me, I’ve tried everything. I’ve never needed protection before but if it’ll amuse my darling caretaker, do as you wish.”

“If you are so confident about it I’ll defer to your judgment on the matter,” Claudia sighed. “Might I at least request that you stop projecting that voice of yours to captivate this tower’s denizens. You are aware your voice carries even to the ground floors from here, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I designed this place to do just that after all!” He had no intention of listening to her request. He was doing it with every intention of controlling what was happening within the tower. 

“Then what if this tower gets attacked when this occurs?” Claudia grumbled under her breath. “The Earth Legion has been active on this continent as well.”

“Then they would fall under its effects as well, dear.” He slowly closed the gap between them. “You are immune to it because of this,” his thin finger pointed at the Water Rune broach on her lapel.

“This?” Claudia glanced down and put her hand on it. She had always thought it was just some trinket he gave her as gratitude for supporting his mad endeavors. She had no idea it was shielding her from the strange effect his voice had on those around him.

“It is supposed to shield you from my darling Aliya’s voice as well,” He dragged his finger across the surface of the broach before using the digit to pull her chin up to look him in the eye. “Even so it still affected you. It might not be as infallible as I expected it to be. Perhaps we should test it for ourselves.”

She saw a dangerous glint in his eyes, one she’d only seen when he was experimenting on the Spirits they captured for his machines. One he only gets when an experiment of his involves screaming of the subject. Her heart raced, terrified of what he might do to her, or make her do.

A loud crash of thunder outside made her jump. The wind that followed tore through the room causing loose papers to fly around the room in a flurry. The rumble shook the very tower and Claudia found it hard to remain on her feet. 

Claudia regained her balance after the torrent settled and leered bitterly at the dragon that landed on the balcony. The massive form quickly shrunk into a Wind Spirit that had caused her so much problems.

“Mistral home! Mistral home!” April cheered.

“Mistral, my dear, I’m disappointed you’ve returned empty handed,” he approached Mistral who was crumpling to the ground clutching her stump of an arm. He still had an amused grin on his face despite his words. “In fact, it seems you are missing one. Aliya isn’t strong enough to do that. From what you two told me of her companions, I find the odds unlikely that they had the strength to best a dragon with access to my mana. Mistral, tell me what happened.”

“She’s traveling with a Fire Celestial named Sigmis!” Mistral hissed, her voice shook with rage and pain.

“Sigmis, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in nearly ten thousand years,” his grin widened. “Here I thought Alcor killed him.”

“Mistral hurt! ...Hurt…” April pressed against Mistral’s leg and looked up with teary eyes.

“April…” Mistral looked down at her. She was right there. Mistral could scoop her up and fly away. Mistral was no longer tethered to him. He and Claudia wouldn’t have time to react if she escaped then and there. Everything told her she should cut her losses and run away with the only being she loved because she’d never get this opportunity again.

“What do you want to do, Mistral?” He could see her hesitation. He was willing to let her go if she did leave but he knew the desire for power when he saw it. Those were the people he could get to do anything without even needing to use his voice.

“I want you to make me stronger than a Celestial!” Mistral roared and the sky cracked with lightning and thunder. “I want to destroy them! I want to be able to crush that pesky tether of hers and let you do whatever twisted idea you have for her!”

“Tether?” The usual smile he held vanished. “My darling Aliya is tethered to that human?” 

Claudia felt a chill run down her spine. Never had she seen him conscious without some creepy grin adorning his face. She was glad it wasn’t in regards to herself. She’d seen the torture he puts his test subjects through with a sick sense of pleasure, but she couldn’t fathom what he’d do to someone when he was serious.

“Stronger than a Celestial?” His twisted grin of amusement slowly returned. “I have only created a Celestial once and that was from a very special human. Every Spirit has failed. It’s more probable it will kill you.”

“I might as well be dead for standing beside you,” Mistral hissed. “So do it!”

“Claudia, I’m going to need some of your subjects for this,” He grinned, narrowing his eyes at Claudia.

“I see,” Claudia was disappointed he agreed so easily. She really hoped Mistral would end up dying in the process. “It was inevitable to maintain power here in this tower anyways, correct?” 

“So you have been listening to me,” His grin widened.

“I will see to it you have all you need,” Claudia turned around and left the room.

“Jack! Jack!” April ran up to him cheerfully. “Make April strong too? Strong too!”

“Darling little April,” He picked her up again and started petting her. Mistral was shocked to see how friendly April was towards him. “When it’s all over you will end up one of the most powerful Spirits to exist.”

“Yay! Yay!” April cheered. 

Mistral knew what he really meant by those words. She knew he wasn’t wrong either. The Kin Bond meant once Mistral died, April would inherit all her mana. Even if the process killed her, the amount of mana that April was going to receive from Mistral was already great. She feared what might happen to April after she was no longer there to protect the innocent cat Spirit.

“Please don’t hurt her,” Mistral voiced quietly.

“I would never harm this sweet little kitten,” Jack beamed as he rubbed April’s chin. “After all you love me don’t you, little one?”

“April loves Jack! April loves Jack!” The cat cheered as she rubbed her head against him. Mistral thought it was so absurd to hear her chant that to someone who was the worst being alive. 

Mistral looked away realizing she no longer had a right to think like that. She gave up her own life to this man in the name of her revenge. What happened to April was no longer in her control the moment she decided to give up her opportunity to escape. Mistral’s heart was shattered.

“Shall we tether once more?” Mistral looked at him lifelessly.

“Yes,” He was positively giddy with excitement at how complacent she was. “I can’t have you tainted before you are ready, after all.”


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