Claudia entered her father’s study in a fury, upset about the fact her knights lost the Spirits, Erik and the assassin in their escape from her research facility. She froze upon seeing her head researcher sitting across the desk from her father. He flashed her his calm, unnerving smile over his shoulder, she knew he was just amused at her frustration. She collected herself, not wanting to give him the satisfaction over seeing her toil over his own personal wishes.
“Claudia, I’m glad to see you are well.” Emperor Artorius smiled upon seeing his daughter. “I was concerned after hearing what occurred last night. Emrys, told me how you saved him from the assassins sent by Blacksong.”

“She drove them off quite admirably,” golden eyes watched her carefully for any fracture in her mask for a reaction, given she now knew of his true identity. He informed her the night prior that some of his missing memories had returned and he’d finally remembered his actual name was in fact Jack Mystic, albeit it was a clever deception. He'd known it all along, simply choosing to go by Emrys to avoid persecution. “If she wasn’t there that night surely I would have perished and all my research destroyed.”
Claudia narrowed her eyes on Jack. He didn’t need to lie for her benefit. He could have just as easily gained favor by saying he’d saved her instead. It was irritating her to say the least. He always had some angle, knowing his identity, it all made sense.
“Why would they target Emrys?” Artorius questioned rather confused, completely ignorant to the true nature of the man across the desk. “Your work has done nothing but benefit the Empire. You’ve improved the livelihood of our people.”
“Blacksong was recently taken over by a Fae,” Claudia said with great disdain. Claudia found it laughable how little it seemed her father truly knew about what was going on in the Empire. It was so easy to twist the truth. “Perhaps she’s actually a member of The Earth Legion. Most of the guild were Fae, in fact. The humans that were with them were mostly paid off.”
“If so, it seems The Earth Legion is afraid that the progress I provide for the Empire will exceed their capabilities to hinder humanity.” Jack suggested calmly. “Perhaps they’ve become aware that I was the source of the barrier that utilizes the Mana Lantern network to protect Lurline from their assaults.”
“So, they wanted to target you before you could extend to the other towns of the Empire this week,” Artorius sighed heavily. “How could they have known? It’s hidden in plain sight.”
“Allow my knights to look into it, Father,” Claudia suggested before her father could read into it any further.
“Emrys, are you still able to implement the plan at all?” Artorius looked hopeful yet worried.
“Unfortunately they destroyed the equipment and some of my notes on the subject,” Jack waved his hands dramatically in defeat, still playing the victim. “It’ll take time to rebuild the necessary magic technology to make it function without me present.”
“Do what you can,” Artorius nodded. “Will your lab at Belfaygor Tower still suffice?”
“Most certainly,” Jack nodded, quite pleased he didn’t have to suggest going out there himself. He wanted to return to his other work at Belfaygor Tower now that his memories were returning. “It will be much faster to directly receive the materials necessary from The Picanni Republic via the bridge in Fort Soforth.”
“Claudia, I know you have your hands full, but would you see to it he’s safely transported there and the tower is well guarded to prevent any further attempts.” Artorius requested. “Utilize as many of the Knights as you need, even outside your division.”
“Yes, Father,” Claudia bowed her head respectfully as her father stood up.
“You take care, Emrys,” Artorius patted Jack on the shoulder as he walked towards the door. “You’ve done so much for us these past couple years we could never begin to repay you.”
“You flatter me, your highness,” Jack chuckled with a half hearted bow as Artorius left the room.
“Shall we depart then?” Claudia asked Jack.
“Not quite, allow me to see those prisoners you brought in last night,” Jack’s smile had a sinister feel to it that sent a chill down Claudia’s spine. “They could be quite useful.”
Claudia guided him down to the dungeons. She was bothered by the way he was practically skipping and humming along the way. Upon arriving she stood back and watched as he paced along the cells. He was clearly looking for someone in particular but he was enjoying seeing the miserable looks on the prisoners’ faces.
“Jack Mystic?!” A terrified mumble escaped from a Spirit cradling a small cat Spirit in her arms. Mistral’s one eye peered through the bars in abject horror at the man she saw standing on the other side. “Y-you’re supposed to be dead!”
“Clearly it didn’t stick,” Jack snickered sinisterly. He recalled her inherent strength when he first had her under his control. He could sense that time had only made her stronger. His golden eyes almost seemed aglow in the dim shadows of the dungeon as they settled one the Spirit in her arms. “Mistral, right? What’s your little friend’s name?”
“April,” Mistral didn’t know why she answered. She wanted to do everything she could to keep her from him. Panic coursed through her body.
“April, come here,” Jack snapped his fingers and the door opened on its own. April squirmed out of Mistral’s tight hold and walked over.
“April! Don’t-!” Before Mistral could finish warning her Jack spoke again.
“Mistral, no need to speak out against me,” He picked April up and started gently scratching the top of her head. He spoke cheerfully with a sweet smile, “We are old friends. Which means April is also my friend.”
“Mistral’s friend is April’s friend,” April happily purred.
He smiled down at April who seemed to relax in his arms. Mistral felt disheartened to see. Her kin, someone closer than family, was happily in the arms of one of her worst enemies, blissfully unaware of the dangers he posed. His words had such power over them both. Despair was beginning to sink in.
“Mistral, do you know who’s fault it is that you ended up here?” Jack asked rather amusedly, not even glancing at her. He simply smiled at April, petting her.
“What? Are you saying you didn’t sick your Imperial lap dogs on us?” Mistral glared bitterly at Claudia behind him.
“How dare-!” Claudia stopped short of giving her a beating when Jack held his hand up.
“No. You see, I forgot your guild existed until last night. There’s some holes up here,” Jack tapped on his temple with a finger. “Come now, Mistral, you’re smart. You wouldn’t have eluded capture so long without someone betraying you to the highest bidder,” Jack smirked seeing Mistral’s expression shift from disbelief to bitter rage the moment she understood.
“Erik Tierney!” Mistral let out a scream and it felt as if all the air in the room rushed out. “That bastard sold me out! I should have turned that little rat over to The Order when I had the chance!”
“Let me give you the power to get your revenge,” Jack was far more pleased with her reaction.
“What are you doing? You can’t let her walk out of here!” Claudia spoke up again.
“Claudia, interrupt us again and you’ll be my next subject,” Jack’s joyful tone was so matter of fact, Claudia couldn’t help but take a step back. She’d seen some of the subjects he’d used following the Devitalization research, it wasn’t a pretty sight. She shivered just thinking about it.
“What do you want? That can’t be all,” Mistral leered at him suspiciously. “You’d never do something like this for my sake.”
“All I ask for in return is that you retrieve the gun Erik was wielding and bring Aliya safely to me.” Jack returned to petting April who began purring again. “In the meantime, I will keep April safe for you.”
“When I’m done will you return her to me?” Mistral knew she was striking a deal with someone far worse than any Demon. It was going to be impossible to defy him and likely she’d never actually escape him but this was the only way to ensure April’s safety.
“Yes,” Jack’s grin widened. He could just as easily cause her to submit to the magic arte that allowed him to control Spirits the world over, however he took enjoyment in seeing someone, who fought so desperately against him in the past, bend to his requests. “Now Mistral, renounce your current tether and be so kind and remind me of your true name.”