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Fair Trade - Chapter Two: The Moon Suits the Snow

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

“Xueye!” A fierce, spiteful voice echoed through the building. 

Xueye sighed heavily, it was first thing in the morning and his father was already livid. While he expected it, he was wondering if it would be worth it if he jumped out the window and returned home for the day. Then again knowing his father, the man would show up at his home and yell at him there. Might as well get it over with.

“Yes, sir?” Xueye didn’t bother to stand up from his desk. He just casually sipped the jasmine tea as he waited for his father to barge into his office. Sure enough he did just that. Xueye just smiled sweetly up at him, “Something I can help you with, Father?”

“Don’t give me that!” His father slammed his hands on the desk, displacing some of the papers there, which Xueye let a small scowl through as he watched the documents float to the ground. “What is this about you stealing my information broker?”

“Stealing is a bold claim,” Xueye closed his eyes. “He’s not an object to be possessed, Father. I can’t help it if he favors my company over yours.”

“Have you no respect?!” His father growled, grinding his teeth in anger. “You’re such a disgrace!”

“So you tell me everyday, yet here I am, being far more competent than you expect so you can’t get rid of me,” Xueye flashed a very obviously fake smile.

“Keep up this attitude and I will,” his father stood straight and glared down at Xueye.

“Sure you will, and have to go through all the hassle to train a third heir,” Xueye smirked at the faint twitch in his father’s face.

“Don’t think that makes you safe. I have my limits!” His father’s voice was low and deadly.

“I’ll take my chances,” Xueye took another sip of tea.

“Go make the rounds today!” His father waved his hand dismissively as he marched out of his office.

Was already planning on it, Xueye thought to himself. He’d already predicted his father would stick that on as a “punishment” given the timing. In fact, following a letter of inquiry to the trading company’s imperial liaison, he was already preparing some of the documents he needed to deliver to their various merchants and stores around town.

Xueye finished his tea and picked up the scattered documents before returning to organizing the ones he needed for the day and planning the most efficient route that left the docks for last.

Xueye decided to take his time today, as he went to each shop or merchant they had dealings with in the capital. He just wanted to be away from the office so his father couldn’t berate him over the littlest things. After dinner, he planned on dropping off any of the documents he picked up through the exchanges. 

Even though his father meant it as a punishment, he genuinely enjoyed it. He didn’t mind talking to the merchants, hearing about their families and what sort of sights the traveling merchants saw on their last trip. Since he couldn’t wander the way he used to in Vual, at least he could live vicariously through their adventures.

As he walked to his next destination he started wondering where he should take Shujing. His initial thought was to take him to a restaurant near the docks that he always enjoyed since they were at one Shujing enjoyed yesterday, but he’d forgotten to ask if there was anything Shujing couldn’t eat. 

Perhaps, it wouldn’t hurt to think of something else just in case, Xueye couldn’t help but fret. He was quite taken with the restaurant they went to yesterday, quality tea and even better food, but also perhaps it was just the company he enjoyed. He was genuinely looking forward to meeting Shujing. Thinking about it put some skip in his step.

“Young Master Meigui, you look to be in a chipper mood,” one of the merchants noticed the sparkle in Xueye’s eyes.

“Oh, yes, quite,” Xueye smiled brightly and handed him the documents. “I have a dinner to attend tonight, I’m looking forward to meeting someone.”

“Oh? Who’s the lucky woman?” The merchant looked quite fascinated. Xueye always seemed content at being alone. He’d even offered to set Xueye up with one of his daughters in the past but he politely refused, worried about what his father would think and any repercussions that would result.

“Don’t get your hopes up, sir.” Xueye chuckled, seeing the thoughts on the merchant’s face clear as day. ”Just a friend I met yesterday.”

“I hope you have a wonderful time regardless,” the merchant beamed. “Now don’t let me keep you, I’m certain you have plenty more stops to make today.”

“Yes, we’ll have to catch up next time,” Xueye smiled sweetly and waved as he continued on his rounds.

He’d had quite a few exchanges that were rather similar. It was rare he had anything personal to share with the merchants but he was pleasantly surprised by how genuinely interested everyone was. Sometimes he could barely escape the more chatty ones that tried grilling him for more details on this mysterious person that could light up their normally listless Young Master, but he kept it vague in case his father caught wind of them gossiping about it with the wrong impression. Even so, it made him all the more excited to meet with Shujing.

The sun began to sink on the horizon, dying everything in an orange glow. There was just one stop left and it was just about the time to meet with Shujing, so Xueye rushed down to the docks rather quickly. Just before the coble turned to wood, Xueye spotted a familiar tall, striking figure amidst the crowd. Xueye’s face lit up and he dashed to catch up.

“Shujing!” Xueye matched his pace, wrapping an arm around Yushi’s and smiled brightly up at him, “Hope you haven’t been walking around here for long.”

“Not at all,” Yushi froze for a moment, a bit taken aback by the close proximity, it was rare these days he came into contact with anyone. People tended to keep their distance out of reverence or custom, but regardless he smiled back, not minding the warmth that accompanied it. “I was just on my way to meet with you.” He noticed the handful of documents and scrolls that Xueye was carrying under his free arm, “What’s all this?”

“Just some work,” Xueye released Yushi’s arm and glanced down at the last documents in hand that needed delivery. “I just need to drop this off for one of our merchants. She’s likely gone home for the day but I can stash it in her stand.”

“By all means, finish your work, I’m in no rush,” Yushi gestured for Xueye to lead the way and he would accompany him. “I hope your day has been well.”

“Better seeing you,” Xueye voiced cheerfully as they walked. 

“Your father didn’t give you too much hassle did he?” Yushi asked.

“Nothing more than I was already expecting,” Xueye chuckled. “Honestly, I expected him to put up more of a fuss. Then again I purposely idled my time on this outing, so I didn’t have to return to the office today.” 

“Well I’m glad it didn’t put a damper on your spirits,” Yushi smiled fondly. 

“Seeing you at the end of the day, I don’t think anything he could have done would have kept me in low spirits,” Xueye flashed a bright smile up at Yushi.

“You flatter me,” Yushi glanced away. That smile of his was certainly a sight to behold.

Xueye giggled as he glanced over to see the vendor stall that was on the boardwalk. He was genuinely surprised to see that the one who manages it was still there. He quickly closed the gap wondering if something was up.

“Jiahao? What are you still doing here this late?” Xueye greeted the middle aged woman with a worried smile. “Don’t you have a family waiting for you?”

“Oh, Young Master,” she smiled back at him, “Nothing to worry yourself about, I was simply a little worried I wouldn't quite meet quota, given how ill I was earlier this month. I’ve been working into the evening to try and make up for it.”

“Nonsense, you always make more than enough,” Xueye shook his head and handed her the report he had for her, “See, you were over yet again.”

“Oh goodness, you are quite right,” Jiahao was delighted and sighed in relief. She looked down at some of the wares she had on display, all sorts of jewelry, hairpins and accessories. “It must be because of some of these newer pieces we got in from the south. They’ve been quite popular.”

“Oh, these are wonderful,” Xueye lit up upon seeing the unique and intricate designs.  “I heard you got them but I hadn’t had a chance to see them.” His fingers brushed against a particular silvery hairpin that looked like vines supporting a white jade crescent moon, suspended from it were two thin silvery chains that held matching star-like beads. Though it was just a brief moment that held his attention, Xueye’s interest didn’t escape Yushi’s notice.

“You’re free to take a piece if you like, Young Master,” Jiahao smiled sweetly. “You’ve done more than enough for me, it's the least I could do.”

“No, no, wonderful pieces like this would be wasted on the likes of me,” Xueye waved his free hand in front of him with a self-deprecating smile.

“I disagree,” Yushi leaned in and picked up the hairpin Xueye looked interested in and placed it in his hair. It looked perfectly in place in Xueye’s fair hair, glittering in the dimming light of the sunset giving him an even more ethereal presence. “Just as I thought, it suits you perfectly.”

Xueye was speechless as he blinked dumbfoundedly at Yushi. Yushi just smiled warmly at him.

“He’s right!” Jiahao clapped her hands together.

“But I can’t just take this,” Xueye’s cheeks flushed, unable to keep looking at the intense amber eyes that admired him.

“Then consider it a gift from me,” Yushi placed more than enough coins down for Jiahao to take.

“Oh, sir this is more than what I offer these for,” Jiahao was about to hand him the excess back when Yushi held up his hand.

“Keep it,” Yushi smiled warmly, “Use it toward acquiring more pieces like this in the future.”

“Shujing…” Xueye whined with a slight pout, about to take out the hairpin.

“I insist,” Yushi said sharply before Xueye could even touch the hairpin.

“Alright…” Xueye sighed in defeat, his hand dropping.

“It really does suit you, Young Master!” Jiahao giggled at their interaction.

“I’ll take your word for it,” Xueye smiled weakly in defeat. “Now, you should pack up and head home for the evening, Jiahao. Go home to your family, you’ve earned and deserve it.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll shut down now,” Jiahao started to organize and gather what she needed to take with her. “Please take care this evening you two.”

“You as well,” Yushi still had a delighted smile as he saw the little star beads sway in as Xueye moved.

“You really didn’t have to do that,” Xueye still looked rather pouty. 

“It would be wasted on anyone else,” Yushi voiced softly,

“Fine, I’m paying for dinner then!” Xueye latched onto Yushi’s arm and dragged him off. 

Yushi wasn’t expecting the forcefulness the lithe young man imposed, simply going along with him as a result. The close proximity was just as startling as before, though his face didn’t portray that in the slightest. 

In Meihua, it was rare for people to be in close contact if they weren’t family or lovers. Many people kept a respectable distance, so it was rare for Yushi to be in such close contact with another even when he was in disguise. As the Emperor of Meihua, that distance was usually even greater. He wasn’t used to being this close to another, yet he felt quite at ease by this proximity, especially being able to pick up the faint scent of sandalwood with a hint of orange blossom that drifted from Xueye. He never expected to enjoy being this close to another.

“I hope you don’t mind seafood,” Xueye glanced up at Yushi who quickly looked away upon realizing he was staring.

“Perfectly fine with me,” Yushi replied warmly.

“Wonderful!” Xueye finally released Yushi and practically skipped to the door of a restaurant just off the boardwalk, “This place has the best, freshest in the city!”

“Young Master Meigui! Good Evening!” The hostess greeted him warmly, she noticed Yushi following closely behind. “You’ve brought a guest with you tonight? How rare!”

“Yes, rare indeed, but I like this one,” Xueye flashed a smirk over his shoulder at Yushi. “I figured I’d treat him to one of my favorite places tonight. Is there a private room available on the second floor?”

“Yes, follow me,” she bowed slightly before leading them up the stairs.

She brought them to a private dining room that overlooked the harbor. Large windowed doors opened the way out to a small balcony, letting in the sea breeze. The sun was barely glimmering on the water as the sky grew darker. The lanterns of the ships and along the boardwalk began to be set alight, reflecting off the glassy surface.

“Bring us some of that plum wine I like and your house special to start,” Xueye asked the hostess before he set aside the paperwork he’d been carrying on the table. He stepped out on the balcony to admire the view.

“Right away, sir,” the hostess bowed and left the room.

“A wonderful sight to behold,” Yushi slowly wandered out onto the balcony, standing not far from Xueye. His eyes only briefly scanned the horizon before returning to the young man leaning on the railing.

“One of the many reasons I love this place,” Xueye laughed lightly. “I probably come here more often than I should.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” Yushi chuckled. “It’s good to take time to go and do the things you want every once in a while.”

“Certainly hasn’t been much of that lately,” Xueye let out a breath as he straightened up. “Feels like I can never find the time.”

“Then perhaps during these meetings of ours, we should make it the time,” Yushi smiled warmly.

“You undoubtedly come up with the most unique ideas, Shujing,” Xueye laughed. He noticed the hostess brought back the wine and he wasted no time grabbing a cup.

“I’m quite serious,” Yushi followed suit, picking up the other cup of wine that was poured, “We can carve out a little time to do something we enjoy and still be considered doing business. While a simple chat would suffice, I feel like we should make our time a little more enjoyable. In fact, I make it non-negotiable.” He held out his cup towards Xueye who looked genuinely stunned before his face lit up into a bright smile.

“I can accept these terms,” Xueye tapped his cup against Yushi’s before taking a massive drink of the sweet fruity plum wine he always craved. He let out a sharp breath and beamed, “Yeah! That’s the stuff!”

“Indeed, this is quite wonderful,” Yushi had also taken a drink and was pleasantly surprised by how crisp and clean it was with just the right sweetness. It also tasted very little like alcohol which could be dangerous for those that enjoyed such a flavor.

“So, Shujing? How often is it you’d like for us to meet like this?” Xueye hummed as he sat at the table and poured another cup for himself.

“Depends on the flow of information, at the very least we could meet up once a week, and adjust if need be,” Yushi also sat at the table, further sipping on the plum wine.

“I can get behind that,” Xueye voiced cheerfully, this time taking a sip of wine instead of practically downing the whole cup. “This is my thing so you get to decide the next meeting’s location.”

“Fair enough,” Yushi nodded with a cheerful smile. “I’ll think of something for the occasion and send word to you at the company.”

“Sounds good to me,” Xueye grinned.

“Speaking of, did you speak with your imperial contact?” Yushi was quite curious, certainly he could check back at the palace but he would rather hear it from Xueye.

“Oh, I sent a letter before I left to make my rounds. I wonder if a reply is waiting back at the office? I’ll have to check when I go to drop these off,” Xueye tapped the pile of documents on the table.

“Don’t go working too late, now,” Yushi light heartedly warned.

“I won’t, just a peek, to satiate my curiosity. I’ll deal with it proper in the morning,” Xueye giggled. He thought it was sweet how Yushi seemed to be looking out for him in little ways even though they just met. Made him wonder how such a nice man got involved with the likes of his father. However, he didn’t feel like dwelling on that bitter old man for long. He was a little more curious about how an information broker that isn’t bought by money had enough to pay for extravagant restaurants like the one they were at the day before and the expensive hairpin with extra, all without batting an eye. “Shujing, you said yesterday you don’t charge for information. Yet you didn’t even think twice about buying this hairpin for me. So where do you get all your money from?”

“I suppose you could say it’s a hefty inheritance,” Yushi smirked. It wasn’t entirely a lie, he did in a way inherit it from the man he killed for the throne. In any case, it was the usual response when people asked him that question so it sounded convincing enough.

“You must be from quite a reputable family then, perhaps that’s why you seemed so familiar when we first met,” Xueye had long since thought there was a faint sense of familiarity when he first saw his face, but it was so vague and distant he hadn’t given it much thought.

“Perhaps, or perhaps you’ve seen me in passing when dealing with your father,” Yushi suggested. He was grateful he rarely showed his face at formal imperial events, it allowed him the freedom of peaceful moments like this.

“That’s a good point,” Xueye was more than satisfied with both of them being the most likely answer and didn't even think to dig too much deeper. “I feel like I would remember someone as striking as you, then again I don’t pay much attention at the social gatherings and avoid my father.”

“I don’t blame you, larger social gatherings are such a hassle.” Yushi let out a soft sigh. “I tolerate them but I prefer smaller gatherings with a select company, such as yourself.”

“Your flattery is wasted on me,” Xueye felt his cheeks heat up a bit, he was starting to think it was the alcohol hitting him.

“I only speak the truth,” Yushi looked at him fondly. “I don’t say that about just anyone. I’ve enjoyed our time together thus far. There’s something about being with you that just makes me feel at ease.”

“I get that a lot,” Xueye let out a chagrined laugh. “It’s not like I'm doing anything that warrants that reaction.”

“I can’t speak to others but I quite enjoy the fact you don’t put up much pretense. You feel very genuine. I greatly admire that quality in people. It makes me feel like I don’t have to either.”

“Then don’t,” Xueye stated simply. “I can’t stand when people are fake like that, I’ve dealt with it enough through my life between my father and people who just want to use me in business or social standings. I can’t recall the last time I’ve had any sort of companionship that hasn’t ended in bitter jealousy or betrayal. So do me a favor and don’t be like that, please.”

“You don’t really have any genuine friends, do you?” Yushi picked up on the desperation in Xueye’s voice. It made Yushi’s chest tighten seeing the sad look on Xueye’s face as he glanced away.

“Closest is probably some of the merchants at the company, but I’m their superior so I can’t show them preference like that. So it never extends beyond casual conversation in passing.” Xueye rested his head in his hand and swirled the wine in his cup, watching the rich liquid whirlpool. “Such is the life I lead.”

“Don’t just settle for that,” Yushi scowled at how defeated Xueye seemed by the notion. “You deserve a chance to have companions that make you happy and comfortable to be around. I hope in time you’ll be able to consider me as more than just a business partner.”

“You’re so sweet, Shujing,” Xueye flashed a bright smile at him. “Keep that up and I don’t think it’ll take much time at all.”

“I’ll keep that in mind then,” Yushi let out a sigh of relief. He’d preferred if it was the case already but he understood his reservations. Yushi’s had to deal with countless people who simply want to gain favor and be in his good graces when more often than not they coveted his position. That’s why he arranged his upper court to only be those he genuinely trusted and had close bonds of friendship with. People with power couldn’t trust easily, lest they be spurned by hidden intent.

Yushi couldn’t help but see a bit of his younger self in Xueye. There was a time where he’d given up on the idea of being close with others. He couldn’t help but want to help Xueye out of that darkness as Riluo had done for him. Someone as lovely as Xueye deserved at least that much and even more.

“Xueye, if you could have anything in the world what would it be?” Yushi asked, out of mild curiosity but also to keep in mind to pamper the young man in the future.

“Trying to win me over?” Xueye smirked playfully.

“Perhaps,” Yushi replied with a coy smile.

“The thing is in this line of business I could have just about anything, so I haven’t given it much thought,” Xueye tapped the table as he thought about it.

“Yet I know from how you reacted to the hairpin, you don’t indulge yourself,” Yushi noticed Xueye’s flustered surprise and couldn’t help but find it adorable.

“Well when you want for nothing long enough, and don’t succumb to greed, you just want nothing at all,” Xueye pouted and looked away.

“I don’t think that’s true. It’s just harder to hear that voice, those desires,” Yushi spoke from experience. He started favoring his secret outings for rather similar reasons. “Since my inheritance, I found myself in a similar position. I found myself wanting unique experiences and bonds over anything material. Thus, now I deal in information.”

“Huh,” Xueye blinked. He was still drawing a blank. He’d been so complacent with his lot in life that he stopped wondering what he’d want for himself. “I might have to get back to you on that…”

“Please, take your time,” Yushi smiled softly. “I’m curious to know but if you’ve forgotten how to desire, then take the time to rediscover it.”

“Thank you, you’ve given me much to think about.” Xueye looked rather pleased despite the deeper topic. “I have a feeling your curiosities will be on my mind for a while.”

“I’ll try to refrain from adding too many more,” Yushi laughed. For some reason it pleased him to hear that even indirectly he would be in Xueye’s thoughts.

“No, I quite like it,” Xueye always enjoyed intellectual and deep conversations. It wasn’t very often he ran into someone he was willing to speak at length about such things. “I won’t hold it against you.”

“I’m glad, because I’m not certain I can promise I’ll tamper my curiosity about you,” Yushi’s amber eyes watched Xueye with such apt fascination. “An unfortunate habit of the trade.”

Xueye couldn’t help but squirm under his burning gaze. It wasn’t discomfort, but excitement. He didn’t know what he did to capture this handsome man’s attention but he felt so much more lively in his presence. For once he felt like he was treated like just another person. While his rationality said to not trust him so easily, else he could end up disappointed again, his heart was already getting there, desperate for this ray of hope that maybe he can be a little more normal.

“Say, Shujing? If I were in need of contacting you, where should I send word?” Xueye couldn’t help but wonder if he found his answers sooner rather than later if he really could wait a week to tell him.

“Oh, yes, I apologize I should have considered that.” Yushi did have a small residence outside the palace that he would use for such instances along with the rare times he needed to entertain guests as Shujing. Typically Riluo would stop by to pick up any correspondences and bring them back to the palace for him. “Perhaps I’ll walk with you back to the office so I can write it down for you.”

“Please, I appreciate it!” Xueye beamed at the idea of spending just a little more time with him.

By the time they finished their dinner and were two wine jugs deep, Xueye was stumbling a bit and had to cling to Yushi who seemed perfectly fine. Yushi opted to carry the documents so Xueye didn’t keep dropping them. 

“Shujing, you really are too sweet,” Xueye pressed his cheek against the taller man’s arm. Yushi found the sight adorable. “I bet whoever has snatched you up is one lucky person!”

“I suppose that remains to be seen,” Yushi was so amused upon seeing him so flushed and clingy, the alcohol had definitely brought that side out of him more.

“What?! No way you aren’t taken already!” Xueye looked genuinely shocked.

“Not as though others haven’t tried, but I decided a long time ago to wait for my fated person,” Yushi smiled warmly. “Of all the choices I’ve had to give up in the past, that is the one I refuse to sacrifice.”

“How romantic,” Xueye giggled. “My mother wanted the same for me, I wonder if there really is someone at the other end of this red thread of mine.” Xueye held out his hand. Looking at the slender figure the legends say the invisible red thread of fate was tied that bound one to their fated love.

“Of course there is,” Yushi tightened his arm around Xueye’s to keep him from falling again. “Don’t lose hope on that either, okay?”

“Alright!” Xueye’s smile was so bright it was a relief to Yushi. He was a little worried he’d have to help Xueye believe that he deserved love in that regard too. Even if the wine made Xueye more cheery and at ease, at least a part of him wasn’t ready to give up on love if he agreed so easily.

The main office of the Meigui Trading Company wasn’t far from the docks. Though they took their time so Xueye wouldn’t fall, it didn’t take them long to make it there. Xueye struggled with his keys for a bit and Yushi just enjoyed the adorable pout on his face. Eventually, Xueye found the right one and waved Yushi inside, leading the way to his office.

“Forgive the mess,” Xueye stated as he lit the oil lantern near the door. “You can set those on my desk for now.”

“You call this a mess?” Yushi was in disbelief, it was far cleaner and more organized than his own desk. Even Riluo’s seemed like a mess by comparison and his was usually immaculate. 

“Would be nicer if my father didn’t keep piling more work on it,” Xueye looked annoyed as he approached his desk, seeing a different assortment of documents on it compared to when he left. His face quickly lit up upon seeing a letter with the seal of his  imperial liaison. He snatched it up and fished out his reading glasses from the drawer in his desk. He quickly opened the letter and gave it a quick skim. He giggled cheerfully, “Seems you were right!! Tomorrow I’ll be stopping by the palace to discuss terms.”

I’ll be sure to remain scarce tomorrow, Yushi thought to himself as he smiled fondly at the overjoyed young man. “Wonderful, you’ll have to tell me more about it next week.”

“I’ll do you one better,” Xueye set out a blank piece of paper and his brush and ink. “I can at least write to you about it tomorrow.”

“Yes, I’d like that,” Yushi chuckled as he quickly jotted down the address. Of course, he would be able to hear word of it in the palace but he was so taken with Xueye’s reactions, he just couldn’t resist the idea. Part of him wished to simply see him again tomorrow but he knew Riluo would be absolutely livid if he skipped out on more work. 

“Alright! Plans for tomorrow are set!” Xueye giggled cheerfully as he put the address, letter, and his reading glasses back in the drawer. “Let’s head home!”

Lantern snuffed and door locked once again it was time to part ways, however both of them seemed a little reluctant to.

“Rest well, Xueye, I look forward to hearing from you, tomorrow,” Yushi let out a breath.

“I promise to let you know right away!” Xueye giggled. “I can’t wait to see you again.”

“As do I,” Yushi leaned forward and brushed a stray lock of hair from Xueye’s face and tucked it behind his ear. “Be sure to wear that hairpin next time as well.” He gently tapped one of the little star beads dangling from it before pulling away.

“I was already planning on it!” Xueye grinned childishly as he started to dash down the quiet street. “Goodnight, Shujing!”

“Goodnight, Xueye,” Yushi reluctantly turned to head back towards the palace.


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