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Fair Trade Chapter Twenty Six - Yearning

Shizhe sighed as she paced the palace courtyard. She was starting to feel as restless as Yushi had been earlier. She had so much to consider that it was driving her insane especially when she was struggling to focus. She was beginning to consider heading out to meet with Xueye in hopes his calming presence would settle her mind as well. Then again with Xinhua there it might not have been able to keep her thoughts straight at all. 

“Lady Guangming?” Riluo’s voice startled her. She hated that she never suspected he was near if she didn’t see him first. 

“Lord Qiuji, could you just-!” Shizhe stopped herself from telling him off, instead just sighed and rolled her eyes. “Nevermind…”

“I apologize, it’s never my intent to sneak up on you,” Riluo tried to veil his amusement. “I had to stop wearing that bell you gave me to outmaneuver our opponent.”

“I get it,” Shizhe waved it off. “I don’t mean to get upset.”

“Is everything alright?” Riluo knitted his brow in concern. “You seem a little frazzled, which isn’t normal for you.”

“It’s just a lot to deal with at once,” Shizhe sighed.

“I understand,” Riluo closed his eyes. If she was on the verge of losing her cool then they really were in for a rough time.

“I just need time to think. To organize. To plan!” Shizhe grumbled. “The threads are starting to tangle. I need to straighten them out.”

“Remember, you don’t need to handle it all yourself.” Riluo stated, “You have more than one person at your disposal that doesn’t need an explanation if you cannot provide one.”

“I… I know…” Shizhe huffed. “There’s just so many uncertainties, even for me. I’m a little unnerved. Planning without foresight isn’t always my strong suit.”

“Then find someone who is,” Riluo crossed his arms with a faint smirk. As unsettling as it was to see her in such disarray it was also hard not to find it amusing to see her acting more like she used to rather than the prim and proper lady of the court she always tries to portray. 

“You say that like it’s just that simple!” Shizhe dragged her hands down her face. “Normally I would ask His Highness but I can’t tell him everything, especially not in his current state. Before you volunteer you have far too much on your plate already as does Lady Shanfeng. I refuse to stress you two out more than necessary.”

“I already am just watching you,” Riluo shook his head. “Lady Mingmai might be too busy this time of year and Lord Wen won’t be of much help if it isn’t financial or resource management. The General is more reactive than preemptive. I understand your predicament. I still think you really should confide in someone you trust with these matters.”

“There’s no one else that knows the full scope,” Shizhe sighed dejectedly. 

“Shizhe, you are the ideal person to find someone outside the upper court who can, so stop hesitating and do it,” Riluo shook his head. “You really aren’t like yourself if you can’t think of that.”

“Heavens!” Shizhe felt incredibly stupid. Xinhua really had scrambled her brain that morning. The moment she thought of her it became clear. Yuliang even mentioned earlier that she wanted to borrow Xinhua for help investigating various things and Yuliang rarely seeks someone to do so. “I really need to head over there…”

“Glad I could help,” Riluo couldn’t help but laugh seeing her come to her realization. 

“Did you just check in on His Highness?” She asked.

“He finally seems to be resting,” Riluo sighed in relief. “You should be fine to head out and do what you need for now. It sounded like Dr. Jingji wanted to keep an eye on him for any strange reaction to the new treatment.”

“So at the very least another day,” Shizhe nodded. “I’ll be sure to let Xueye know. Lady Li mentioned he looked a little disappointed upon hearing the news of his delayed return.”

“I would imagine. They both seem to not be handling the separation well.” Riluo couldn’t help but flash an amused smile. “They have grown quite attached to each other.”

“Unfortunately it might make this a bit harder on them,” Shizhe sighed. “Please remind His Highness to pace himself in the coming weeks.”

“I will,” Riluo smiled. “You might have to visit the Young Master more often to reassure him.”

“I plan on pestering him often,” Shizhe giggled. “He’s at the center of much more than he knows. I won’t leave him be. More to ease my mind than anyone else’s.”

“I understand,” Riluo nodded. “They will appreciate your support nonetheless.”

“I know,” Shizhe smiled up at him. “I appreciate your help as well. I have been a little out of sorts.”

“Anytime,” Riluo chuckled. 

“I best be off then,” Shizhe straightened her appearance a bit.

“Take care, Lady Guangming,” Riluo smiled as he watched her walk off, fretting over her appearance. 

Shizhe returned to being a bundle of nerves on her walk to the Crystal Estate. This time it was for entirely a different reason than before. Just the idea of seeing Xinhua was making her feel a flutter. She was a little glad Xueye would be there to not only help her calm down but also she figured she wouldn’t even be able to grasp the words she needed to start briefing Xinhua to get her insight.

She stood at the front door fiddling with her hair again, hoping it looked halfway decent. She was feeling hesitant to even knock. She couldn’t understand why she was more nervous than before around Xinhua. She’d always expected her nerves to calm whenever her feelings came to light.

She took a deep breath and knocked softly. She shifted back and forth as she waited, just shy of pacing. She heard them faintly until Xinhua opened the door, Xueye was just behind her with a delighted smile. Tension visibly bled from Xinhua upon seeing Shizhe.

“Good evening, My Lady,” Xinhua smiled softly.  

“Welcome back,” Xueye waved but quickly slipped further inside. He thought it best to give them a moment to themselves. “I’ll go make some tea.”

“H-hello,” Shizhe stammered a bit, trying her best to remain calm but couldn’t help but squirm a little under Xinhua’s warm regard. 

“Did you manage to finish those emergency tasks of yours?” Xinhua asked, as she motioned for Shizhe to enter into the main sitting room. The moment she closed the door behind Shizhe, her hand slid beneath the pink hair, across Shizhe’s back. The soft touch caused Shizhe’s mind to blank as it sent a tingle down her spine. Shizhe didn’t even realize she was leaning into it until Xinhua let out a tender, amused laugh under her breath. “Miss me that much?”

“I… I did…” Shizhe admitted. “To both, I mean! Well, the first is complicated but for now it’s as settled as it can be. I might actually pick your brain about the matter later, if you don’t mind…”

“Anytime,” Xinhua beamed down at her. 

“I’m sure it’ll help as you assist Lady Shanfeng as well,” Shizhe beamed at the thought. 

When Shizhe had spoken to Yuliang about having Xinhua guarding Xueye for the time being, Yuliang informed her of her plan to utilize Xinhua as an investigator, feeling for some time that her talents were being wasted under the General. Yuliang had yet to reveal as such to Xinhua since this took priority but the initial thought was to bring it up as she questioned Xinhua about Lord Meigui.

“I’d be all the more grateful then,” Xinhua urged Shizhe forward towards the main sitting area where Xueye was setting for tea as he waited for the kettle to heat up. 

“I’m guessing since you are here this late in the evening, Shujing won’t be coming home tonight either.” Xueye asked, looking a little disappointed despite the smile on his face. 

“You would be correct,” Shizhe sighed heavily. She hated seeing that look. Unfortunately, she expected she would quite often in the near future. “Make no mistake, it bothers him that he can’t be here right now. It’s just…” Shizhe paused, catching herself before she said something that didn’t keep Yushi’s identity a secret. “What he’s dealing with right now is important.”

“It’s fine really,” Xueye shook his head. “I don’t expect him to drop everything for me. He has his own duties after all.” Xueye started back towards the kitchen, “I’ll be right back.”

“Shizhe?” Xinhua drew her attention. She was already sitting and waved Shizhe over. Shizhe approached and as soon as she was within reach Xinhua grabbed her and pulled her down next to her. Shizhe tensed as Xinhua pulled her to lean against her. “This okay?” Xinhua was a bit worried by Shizhe’s reaction, but she just wanted the woman close, as she had with her brother most of the day.

“J-just fine!” Shizhe said quickly. She let out a breath, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. “You surprised me, is all…”

“I’ll be sure to warn you next time,” Xinhua giggled, running her hands through the pink locks as she’d always wanted. It was just as silky as she imagined, if not more so.

“You told him then?” Shizhe wouldn’t imagine Xinhua would be acting on her affection so openly if she hadn’t.

“I couldn’t help it,” Xinhua smiled. “Aside from you, he’s the one I tell just about everything.”

“Would you two rather spend some time to yourselves?” Xueye teased as he approached with the kettle on a tray. “I don’t mind retiring early if that’s the case.”

“Nonsense,” Xinhua chuckled. “You are welcome to stay and chat.”

“She’s right,” Shizhe nodded, pushing herself off of Xinhua to sit upright, closely next to her. Xinhua still kept an arm around her shoulders. “I wanted to spend time with both of you. I wish I could have arrived sooner.”

“You had matters to attend to, it couldn't be helped,” Xueye shrugged, settling in a chair across from them after having poured them all tea. “Honestly if Xinhua wasn’t so insistent on staying inside today, I might have ended up working late.”

“And that’s exactly why I did it,” Xinhua smirked. “Though, I admit I also wanted to be a little selfish and spend time with my didi.”

“There’s just going to be so much to catch up on…” Xueye sighed, taking a sip of the warm tea. “It’s not often I take so much time off.”

“Have you ever?” Xinhua raised a brow.

“N-no…” Xueye glanced away. 

“Xueye!” Shizhe was appalled. Even though most of the upper court rarely did, they took time to themselves or away from the palace, even if sometimes it was ordered. Hearing that Xueye hardly took any extended time off in the past three years made her upset.

“It’s not like I don’t take a day or two off each week,” Xueye shrunk into his chair, trying to hide behind his cup of tea from the irritated women in front of him.

“That’s not enough,” Xinhua sighed. “Even I took vacations, if anything, to get away from father for a while.”

“I don’t know what to do with all that time,” Xueye shrugged. “I’ve honestly felt a little useless the last few days. Stuck with too much time to think. Not all of it great…” Xueye shook his head not wanting to get into it. “Besides, this isn’t exactly a vacation.”

“We’ll have to work on that,” Shizhe huffed. “Still, since you are safe here, you should just relax. You don’t need to do a thing, no one expects you to.”

“We really need to get you a hobby then,” Xinhua shook her head. “Keep you busy but not in a way that’s overworking you.”

“Well, practicing dancing and singing will likely take what little free time I have outside of work,” Xueye shrugged. “Besides. I can’t even fathom what I would do.”

“That’s not a bad option. Still we’ll work on that,” Shizhe giggled. “It’s just about trying things until you find something you enjoy.”

“You can always travel as well,” Xinhua suggested. “Visit Vual again or head somewhere else. You’ve always enjoyed that.”

“Hm, I guess so,” Xueye took it under consideration. There was always a bit of hesitation to venture like he used to in Vual but the recent outing with Shujing, even though it wasn’t special, did bring the interest back to the surface.

“Not like it’s hard being a part of the company,” Xinhua smirked. “I took advantage of those resources and you should too.”

“You make a compelling argument,” Xueye let out a breathy laugh. “Might be a while still. I have work to catch up on and an investment to keep an eye on. Hopefully things clear up soon.”

“They will,” Xinhua smiled, satisfied he was at least considering it. “Right?” She cast her questioning gaze down to Shizhe.

“You know I can’t answer that,” Shizhe still flashed a comforting smile. “I will say that I don’t intend to let anything happen to you, Xueye. I want to keep you safe.”

“Thank you,” Xueye smiled sweetly. Hearing her say that warmed him more than the tea he was holding.

“It means a lot to hear you say that,” Xinhua smiled with such adoration. She had always hoped that Shizhe and Xueye would get along, but seeing them already so close in such a short time of knowing each other was so heartwarming. 

“Well, I would think it would be a given. He’s not just your brother but a precious friend,” Shizhe shifted nervously under her gaze.

“Even so, you two and Qingkong are the most important people to me, hearing you want to protect my dear little brother is reassuring,” Xinhua stated, pulling her closer and nuzzling into her hair. She wanted to show more affection but she didn’t want to make either of them uncomfortable.

Xueye tried to suppress his laugh at seeing Shizhe’s mind blank as she turned bright red. He couldn’t help but find them adorable. Even though they said that he was welcome, he still felt like he was intruding a little.

“You know, I might retire early after all,” Xueye stood up. He topped up his tea for his sleep remedy. “Try to not stay up too late jiejie. I would like to take care of that shipment tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about me,” she sighed with an amused smile. “Get your rest.”

“Perhaps I should leave so you can as well,” Shizhe stated. “Best I not stay out too late in case I am needed at the palace anyways.”

“As much as I’d like to keep you a while longer, you may be right,” Xinhua sighed, a little disappointed they didn’t have the time to spend with each other. “Xueye, you stay put, okay? I’m going to walk our Lady back to the palace.”

“That’s not necessary!” Shizhe waved her hands frantically. “I’m perfectly fine, I assure you!”

“Go ahead!” Xueye beamed from the doorway in the kitchen before vanishing within. 

“You heard him,” Xinhua snickered as she stood up, offering a hand to pull SHizhe to her feet. “He’s been safe here on his own thus far.”

“I can’t convince you to stay, can I?” Shizhe sighed in defeat, taking her hand.

“What kind of guard would I be if I let the esteemed Lady Guangming walk the evening alone?” Xinhua pulled Shizhe’s hand up to her lips, kissing the back of her hand, delighting in the similar shade Shizhe’s skin took to her hair. 

Once Xueye was alone with his thoughts again, a strange sense of longing hit him. All Xinhua’s advocating for him to find love and seeing her with Shizhe had struck a chord with him. He found himself wondering what he would do provided someone showed him similar affection. He found his face heating up as he considered it. He knew he’d likely be no better off than Shizhe, especially if it was Shujing or Jinse involved. Both of them tended to be rather close and affectionate towards him. He wasn’t sure he would be able to withstand it the same way as before now that Xinhua planted the idea in his head.

Xueye let out a little whine as he proceeded to down his tea. He really needed to get to sleep if anything to avoid such thoughts from driving him mad. Last thing he wanted was to delude himself into such fantasies, no matter how appealing they were.


Next chapter is already available on Patreon if you are unable to wait. There is also a new Patreon exclusive prequel about Yushi's rise to the throne that I started. It won't update it as regularly as the main story. If you can't spare the monthly $1 minimum you can pay a one time fee of $10 to buy access to the full collection.


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