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Fair Trade - Chapter Five: Dragon’s Distraction

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

Tucked away in the north western corner of the palace walls is a large training yard squared in by the imperial army barracks. In the early morning a long shadow is cast over the entire area making the air rather cool, which made it Yushi’s favorite time to train, especially when sparring with General Liequan.

General Liequan was one of the few people who could push Yushi to his limits in a fight. Yushi’s never lost to him but the General has been the closest to besting him. So it came quite a surprise to both of them when the General disarmed Yushi. They both stood there stunned.

“Y-your Highness?” General Liequan was catching his breath. He never thought he’d be able to best Yushi. However, it wasn’t by any means a satisfying victory. He could tell Yushi’s mind was elsewhere the entire time they were sparring this morning. “How unlike you, to be so distracted.”

“So you’ve noticed,” Yushi chuckled a bit abashedly as he moved to pick up the wooden sword that he was sparring with. “I apologize, certainly not the way you wanted to finally defeat me, is it?”

“I don’t count this as a victory, sir,” General Liequan shook his head. “If I do so at your best then I will.”

“Take the victory, Huoyuan,” Yushi sighed. “I think it’s deserved after all these years. Even if you caught me off guard, it’s only fair.”

“What’s got you so bothered this morning anyways?” the general asked. He still refused to accept the victory but wasn’t going to argue with Yushi about it. “It isn’t the upcoming meeting with the Elian Emissary, is it?”

“I admit I’m not looking forward to it, but no, that isn’t it,” Yushi set the wooden sword back in its place on the rack. “It’s simply that I’ve met someone quite special on my recent excursions outside the palace and I can’t seem to get my mind off this one.”

“Oh? Has the mighty emperor finally found someone to become his empress?” General Liequan teased with a coy smirk as he also returned his sword to the rack. 

“You are always so keen on that,” Yushi shook his head with an exasperated sigh. “Though that would be a nice excuse to get the Elians to stop pushing for some political marriage.”

“Unlikely, they’d probably move on to the rest of the upper court. At least I’ll be safe from that,” he beamed, thinking of his wife that he so adored. 

“I won’t make any of the others do so even if it is the case,” Yushi sighed heavily. “After all we’ve been through, you all deserve a choice in the matter.”

“We all admire you for that, sir,” General Liequan was elated that Yushi encouraged for each of them to marry the one they loved. Especially since Elia was always so keen on allying themselves through marriage since the moment Yushi took the throne. The general wasted no time marrying his beloved since their rebellion to put Yushi on the throne was over and he had survived. In the tentative peace they had forged with their neighboring countries, his only enjoyments in life were his family and sparring with Yushi.

“I just wish the Elians would get it through their thick heads,” Yushi grumbled under his breath.

“It truly is unfortunate,” the general laughed. “So, who’s this person who has you so out of sorts? They must be special to draw your attention away from our sparring match.” 

“Young Master Meigui Xueye,” an incredibly soft smile brightened Yushi’s eyes.

“He sounds familiar,” the general took a moment to think back. “Ah, wait. He has white hair like Lady Guangming, doesn’t he?”

“Yes, that’s the one,” Yushi was a little curious how General Liequan would know Xueye given they were in such different circles. “You know him?”

“I haven’t met him in person,” General Liequan smiled, recalling some of the performances he’d seen in the past with his wife. “But a few years back when my wife took me to the theater often, I recall seeing him perform. Don’t tell her but it was honestly the first time I enjoyed being there. His performances were such a breathtaking sight. It’s a shame he hasn’t been able to in recent years.”

“A shame indeed,” Yushi pouted a little. Ever since Xueye mentioned it he wanted to see the young man perform. After hearing the General’s glowing review that curious desire only deepend. “I hope one day I get to see him perform, myself.”

“Do you know why he stopped?” General Liequan was always curious but he and his wife never were able to find out why.

“His father apparently has great distaste for it,” Yushi’s expression darkened a bit. “In order to lessen the scolding he would receive regularly from his father, he stopped all together.”

“What a crime,” the general crossed his arms. “That old geezer must be blind.”

“Somehow I doubt he’s ever attended Xueye’s performance, given what I’ve heard of him,” Yushi sighed heavily. He was starting to wonder how he might be able to convince Xueye to perform again, but he knew that the young man would likely be too busy to even consider it. Likely he’d never see it until Lord Meigui was out of the picture. “It may be quite some time, provided he’s still willing to.”

“You could always invite him to the palace to perform,” the general smirked.

“Unfortunately, that would burn my cover as Shujing,” Yushi frowned in dismay. He wasn’t ready to give up their arrangement just yet. The idea wasn’t lost on him though. Perhaps one day… Yushi thought with a faint smile. “There’s too much to do still. Besides, I quite enjoy these little meetings he and I share.”

“My, my, he really is special to you,” General Liequan crossed his arms and looked rather delighted. “Will we have a second Emperor instead of an Empress?”

“Enough of your teasing, it isn’t like that,” Yushi looked away in a huff. 

“Not ideal for continuing your bloodline but since when have you been conventional anyways?” The general chuckled. He never minded Yushi’s unconventional way of thinking.

“Bearing a child with the blood of the dragon is dangerous anyways,” Yushi’s cheerful mood diminished, recalling the stories his father told him about their family’s history with the blood of the dragon. “My mother grew quite weak and died not long after I was born.”

“A soft heart as you definitely couldn’t bear to lose your beloved,” General Liequan smiled sympathetically, feeling bad for even bringing it up. He decided to try and lighten the mood and change the subject, “Don’t let him make you too soft, I might lose my best sparring partner at this rate.”

“You could always ask Riluo,” Yushi smirked, knowing full well the general usually got frustrated whenever the two sparred.

“I’d rather not. He may not be as strong but he’s more relentless than you,” General Liequan looked rather tormented all the sudden.

“You can ask anytime, General,” Riluo spoke up from behind him, a faint smirk cracking his usually serious expression.

“I appreciate the offer, but I’m good, really!” General Liequan waved his hands nervously. He hadn’t even heard the man come up behind him so he truly was a little startled.

“Is something the matter, Riluo?” Yushi asked. It wasn’t very often Riluo would seek him out while he was sparring with the general.

“Nothing major, I just figured you might want this,” Riluo held up an envelope with the Meigui Trading Company seal imprinted on it.

Yushi’s eyes shined as he took it. As he began to open it and walk away he called back to the general, “Thank you for sparring with me, General.”

“His new pet?” The general flashed a teasing smirk towards Riluo.

“Careful, His Highness might not like you calling him that,” Riluo raised a brow. He let out a sigh before following after the emperor, “But yes, it’s his new fascination.”

“Good luck,” the general waved with a grin.

Riluo was able to easily catch up to Yushi given the emperor’s casual pace as he was reading the letter with a cheery grin.

“Quite clever,” Yushi couldn’t help but admire the direction Xueye took his advice. If Xueye hadn’t he was planning on doing the same with the imperial supply but with the Meigui Trading Company taking point it would be much easier for the common people to have easier access as well as solidify Xueye’s standing in the company. Two birds with one stone. On top of it all, Xueye asking for further input and advice was a wonderful excuse to see the young man once more.

“Would you go see Lady Mingmai and ask her for a list of imperial contracted farms that specialize in herbs and discretion?” Yushi paused his stride, glancing over at Riluo.

“Right away,” Riluo bowed his head before changing his route.

Yushi looked at the last couple of written lines again as he made his way to the hot spring to wash up following the sparring session. He couldn’t help but notice the difference in those lines compared to the formal report. He was delighted to know that Xueye also had such a desire to meet again.

Yushi was considering just heading over to the Meigui Trading Company to surprise Xueye, but the last thing he wanted to do was stir up trouble with Lord Meigui. It was still quite a temptation. He needed time to review and gather information anyways. Until he confirmed with Riluo there wasn’t any important business he’d be missing he wouldn’t settle on a visit just yet. He still needed to decide where they would meet as well, since they agreed upon it. However, based on what the General said earlier he was starting to get an idea.

Once Yushi cleaned up he found Riluo already waiting for him in his study.

“Here’s a list based on what you requested,” Riluo held out a piece of paper for Yushi, who took it and was quietly looking over the options. “Just what exactly is the Young Master up to?”

“Read for yourself,” Yushi handed Riluo the letter.

After a moment of reading it Riluo was pleasantly surprised, “I see. This will be much more beneficial if he handles it than if we arranged it.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Yushi smiled. “I wasn’t certain he would take the bait when I pointed him towards the herbs found in the east. He’s as kind as he is clever it seems.”

“I’m sure you realized that already,” Riluo placed the letter on Yushi’s desk. “I doubt you’d be as invested in him if he wasn’t.”

“You got me,” Yushi chuckled. “Is there anything important I should worry about before I pursue helping Xueye put things into motion? I feel like the more he can get ahead on it the less likely his father can interfere.”

“For once I agree,” Riluo sighed. “Go ahead and do as you please. I will take care of things in the meantime.”

“Really?!” Yushi blinked in surprise. 

“Yes,” Riluo found Yushi’s shock rather amusing. “Those herbs are rarities, many of them would be extremely beneficial. Having better access to them not only helps us but the people. It’s when you meddle in matters like these I don’t mind taking on the extra work. At the very least, be here to meet with the Elian Emissary, I doubt I could handle them as tactfully as you do.”

“I wasn’t planning on abandoning that meeting, as much as I’d like to,” Yushi groaned internally. “Besides, it's next week, right? There’s plenty of time.”

“Yes, I just wanted to be sure you remembered,” Riluo nodded. 

“Thank you Riluo. I appreciate your assistance as always,” Yushi smiled warmly. “I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“It’s hard to imagine, but I’m certain you would get by,” Riluo teased.

“I doubt that,” Yushi shook his head. He glanced down at his black and gold robes, “I suppose I should change into something a little less ostentatious.”

Yushi went back to his room once more, opting to put on something a little more simple but still a touch of elegance that made him seem less like an emperor and more like one from a noble clan. Favoring elegant robes of red and black with a few accessories of black leather and golden facets. He let his long dark hair down, much preferring to wear it a little messier to hide his features a bit more when he went out in disguise. Very few of his people have seen him up close as the emperor but it didn’t hurt to take a little effort to be more discreet. He much preferred it anyways, he rarely kept his hair up before becoming Emperor so it was a bit comforting and made him feel a little more normal.

Before departing he wrote a note he intended for Xueye on where to meet him in the evening, should the young man be available. He stopped by the office for the Meigui Trading Company and handed it to the receptionist to deliver before quickly departing so as to not cause a scene.

Xueye was toiling away at the latest pile of paperwork his father dumped on him. It wasn’t what he usually handled, in fact he was certain his father never handled it personally. It seemed like work their subordinates handled regularly. Xueye wasn’t about to pass it off on the rest of the staff as they already had their own work to deal with. He couldn’t help but wonder if his father was trying to keep him busy to keep him from his secret project.

Xueye leaned back and let out an exasperated sigh. Once he heard a soft knock at the door he groaned internally, worrying his father sent someone else to deliver more unnecessary work. Still he wasn’t about to show weakness to his father’s unrelenting demands, “Come in.” Xueye smiled warmly at the receptionist, especially seeing she only had a single note.

“Someone just dropped this off for you, Young Master,” she smiled softly, seeming to relax a bit more when Xueye seemed to light up a bit.

“Thank you, Miss Yun,” Xueye took the note and she bowed respectfully before leaving.

Xueye leaned back and read the short simple note:

I’d love to meet once more and aid you in this matter. If you are available this evening, please meet me in the central fountain square before sundown.

Xueye was elated. He wasn’t certain that Shujing would get back to him so quickly, let alone agree to meet as soon as possible. He stared at the elegant handwriting with such a warm feeling in his chest. He wasn’t certain he’d ever felt so overjoyed since he was quite young and blissfully ignorant. He couldn’t quite place the feeling, it was odd.

He shook his head and returned to his work with a renewed sense of vigor, hoping to finish early enough so he could stop by his home and change into something more comfortable for the occasion. Even if he didn’t he’d at least take the excess home to complete in his spare time. Fortunately, it didn’t come to that. Xueye managed to sneak out of the office a bit earlier than usual without his father noticing and returned home.

After returning from Vual, Xueye left the Meigui Estate to live separately from his family. He felt bad for leaving his younger brother, Qingkong, on his own with their father. Qingkong had informed Xueye that their father still didn’t pay him much mind, and it put his heart at ease. Xueye always offered a room if anything ever changed. Xueye may have gotten a smaller abode but he ensured that there was enough room if his brother ever needed to escape. 

Xueye had gone through quite a few robes before finally settling on a loose fitting lilac outer robe with a long white one over it to stave off the wind chill that came from the sea once the sun set. The white one had faint light blue clouds embroidered near the hems. Lastly he ensured the hairpin Shujing had gifted him was still neatly in its place before he departed for their meeting place with cheer in his step.


Sorry it's been a bit since I've updated any story on this site. My health has taken a bad turn and I'm still recovering. Updates will probably won't be weekly for a while. I give out this chapter to everyone same day but next chapter will be up on Patreon later today if you can't wait.


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