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Fair Trade - Chapter Eleven: Comfort

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

“Who was that?” Xueye felt as though he’d seen their visitor before but couldn’t quite place his face.

“A dear friend of mine,” Yushi smiled softly as he sat next to Xueye on the divan. “We’ve been close since we were quite young. He helps me with gathering information, among other things. Perhaps, when things settle down I’ll be able to introduce you two properly.”

“I’m sorry again for imposing on you like this,” Xueye looked as though he was about to cry again. He was always so emotional after a nightmare. It was difficult to pretend everything was alright like he usually did.

“That’s not the case at all,” Yushi placed a hand on Xueye’s head to reassure him. “I brought up our current situation and he’s trying to help in his own way, that’s all we were discussing. Right now, what you need is rest and he recognizes that.”

“If only I could,” Xueye sighed. “If that shipment gets here soon, the apothecary I consulted mentioned that there is a root among its contents he recommended would help. If all goes well, it’ll be two, maybe three days provided there are no issues on the road.”

“You shouldn’t have to wait that long. Perhaps we should get you another remedy in the meantime?” Yushi suggested. “You mentioned you had these issues before, correct? What did you do then?”

“There was a particular blend that I received from the same apothecary,” Xueye mentioned. “I suppose, I could see if he could make a small dose. It always used to be a supply meant to last me about a month. I’d rather not waste his stock.”

“I’m certain it’s possible,” Yushi stood and held his hand out to Xueye. “It’s not terribly late, why don’t we see if he’s still open.”

“Knowing him, he probably will be,” Xueye sighed in defeat, taking Yushi’s hand. He could tell Yushi wouldn’t let it slide, but also with how much work there still was to be done, it would help to be well rested in order to get through the mountain of tasks and problems with a clear head.

The night air was cool and a little humid, not so much it was unbearable to breathe, rather, it was refreshing. There were dense clouds slowly blocking out what little of a crescent moon was smiling down at the city. As Xueye guided them through the lantern lit streets, he lingered near Yushi more than usual. Yushi matched the young man’s pace. Xueye still seemed quite drowsy and though he was unbothered during the day, he seemed a bit nervous walking around at night. 

Along their walk, there was a loud crash of a few crates knocked over nearby that made Xueye jump in a startle and latch onto Yushi’s arm, much to the older man’s surprise. Yushi placed his free hand over Xueye’s trembling fingers.

“You’re safe with me,” Yushi whispered softly and sweetly. He was delighted that Xueye sought his comfort when scared.

“I know…” Xueye let out a breath to calm himself. “I think I’m just more tired than I realize…”

“All the more reason to ensure you rest easy tonight,” Yushi rubbed his thumb tenderly across the back of Xueye’s hand as a way of comfort.

“Mn…” Xueye nodded, a dreary look starting to take hold again.

Xueye was hesitant to let go for a bit but was worried what Dr.Jingji might think if he was hanging on to his companion, feeling haggard and exhausted. The doctor was worried enough about Xueye. He lingered for a moment longer until the shop was in sight.

“Right there,” Xueye pointed out the shop and there was a little skip in his step as they approached. Yushi could tell it was Xueye’s fake cheer but it looked like he was trying to hide his weariness rather than the dark shadows of his past like when they first met.

Xueye stepped in and Yushi followed closely behind him. There were a couple people in the shop being helped by a chipper young girl with her auburn hair tied up in a bun. She glanced up at the newcomers and lit up with recognition upon seeing the familiar white hair she’d never forget considering how doting her master was towards Xueye.

“Young Master! Lovely to see you again!” She waved cheerfully before she poked her head behind the curtain to the doorway to the back. “Hey, Master! Xueye is here!”

“Send him back here,” Dr.Jingji called from the back. “When you’re finished with our current customers, close up for me, will you, Lingyao?”

Yushi recognized the voice and couldn’t help but smile. Dr. Jingji used to be the palace’s head physician, and one of Yushi’s most trusted, but the doctor had a desire to help the common people of the empire, to which Yushi wholeheartedly supported. It was comforting to know that this was the man Xueye sought out.

“Sure thing!” Lingyao waved Xueye over. “Head on back!” She quickly returned to finish the blend of herbs she was working on for the others in the shop. 

Xueye gestured for Yushi to follow as he walked towards the doorway. “Sorry to stop by this late,” Xueye smiled apologetically as he stepped past the curtain.

“You know it doesn’t matter to me what time you stop by, Xueye,” Dr. Jingji smiled sweetly as he looked up from working on grinding some herbs. He stiffened slightly upon seeing Yuhsi enter just behind with an endearing smile. “Your-!” Yushi put his finger to his lips since Xueye was still facing the doctor. Dr. Jingji’s expression softened understanding that Xueye didn’t know who Yushi was, “It’s been some time, Shujing. I wasn’t aware you two knew each other.”

“It was a rather recent fateful meeting,” Yushi’s smile broadened.

“You two have met before?” Xueye glanced back and forth between the two.

“The good doctor used to patch me up when I was young and reckless,” Yushi chuckled, it wasn’t a lie, he’d known the doctor since he was young, before his father was killed. Dr. Jingji tended to Yushi’s warriors as they fought against the previous regime.

“I don’t think much has changed but at least you handle yourself better,” the doctor smirked and gestured to the table, “Come, sit. I’ll make some tea.”

“Thank you,” Xueye smiled softly, knowing he probably couldn’t convince the doctor not to.

“While I’m at it I’ll prepare some of your usual remedy,” Dr. Jingji skimmed his drawers of herb stores. 

“You could tell?” Xueye’s shoulders sagged a little.

“I recognize when you are exhausted, Xueye,” Dr.Jingji frowned with a bit of worry. “Is it because we talked about it the other day?”

“No, something else happened since last we met that triggered the nightmares to resurface, it’s been blending with the same ones as before,” Xueye sighed. “The shipment is still a few days away from arriving, I would have preferred to not bother you over it. Shujing insisted, however.”

“He was right to.” The doctor nodded in approval. His expression tensed,  “What happened?”

“Oh, well…” Xueye shifted nervously, he hadn’t wanted to tell Dr.Jingji so he wouldn’t worry but there was no helping it since the young man let too much slip. “The other night while returning home a group ambushed us and wanted to take me away again. They were a little violent but Shujing protected me. Not a scratch!”

“The ones behind them are being taken care of, right?” The doctor looked directly at Yushi.

“I ensured the best people are on the case,” Yushi nodded. He couldn’t help but smirk at the doctor’s protectiveness towards Xueye. It rivaled that of Yushi and the upper court. “In the meantime, Xueye is under my careful watch until we know he’s safe.”

“That’s reassuring. You are in good hands, Xueye,” the doctor smiled. He’d seen first hand what Yushi was capable of. The aftermath of an entire palace in the wake of him storming ahead of everyone else was savagery incarnate. Very few that crossed his path remained alive and those that did survive certainly wished they’d perished.

“How long have you been under Dr. Jingji’s care?” Yushi asked Xueye, taking over making the tea so the doctor could work on Xueye’s sleep remedy.

“Since I was born, really,” Xueye giggled. “He and my mother were quite close friends.”

Yushi realized the connection. He recalled the doctor had someone dear to his heart that was promised to another. Yushi looked to the doctor and flashed an understanding and sympathetic smile. It made sense why the doctor seemed to care a great deal for Xueye. He was certainly a better father figure than Lord Meigui, even just from seeing them interact together in this brief moment.

“Shujing, the weather should be turning soon. Would you like me to make you some of what I used to give you?” Dr. Jingji asked.

“Don’t worry about me, I haven’t had any issues in recent years,” Yushi shook his head with a soft smile.

“Suit yourself. You know where to find me if anything changes,” the doctor shrugged.

“Does something bother you when it rains?” Xueye asked. There was a while after his injury that he often ached in the rainy season. Thankfully the more it healed and time passed, he hardly had any problems with it.

“Something like that,” Yushi smiled. His dragon blood usually affected him during the rain. He’d gotten better at handling how it affected his mood and it didn’t really cause him any pain like in his youth. These days he simply got a little more restless and on rare occasions was a bit prone to ill temper. Typically he’d just avoid matters or people that tended to get a rise out of him. “Nothing to worry about these days.”

“That’s good to hear,” Xueye beamed.

“Here you go, Xueye,” The doctor slid a small packet with the individually dosed bundles of the powdered herb. 

“That was fast.” Yushi glanced up at the doctor with a gentle smile.

“Xueye looks like he could use the rest so you two best head out soon, as much as I enjoy the company,” Dr. Jingji crossed his arms. He gave Yushi a pointed look, “We can talk another day.”

“Yes, perhaps we shall save catching up for another time,” Yushi nodded knowingly. He’d have to find a good opportunity to visit on his own some other time.

“I know you probably don’t need me to remind you, but add it to a mild tea when you get home,” The doctor addressed Xueye, a bit concerned at how exhausted he looked.

“Mn, thank you, doctor…” Xueye smiled wearily.

“Please take good care of him, Shujing,” Dr. Jingji voiced adamantly.

“I already promised him that no harm will come to him under my care, “ Yushi smiled affectionately at Xueye who looked very appreciative with a faint flush on his cheeks.

On the way back the clouds had fully blocked out the stars, a few droplets dripped from the sky as they walked.

“Now I see why the good doctor mentioned the rain,” Yushi held out his hand as a few drops splattered on his palm. “I wonder if he has a sense for it?”

“Could be,” Xueye hummed softly. “Or it's likely he had an increase in customers today that have old injuries that act up when the rain comes.”

“I didn’t consider that,” Yushi chuckled at the clever deduction. A faint sense of worry began to fill him, he was hoping he wouldn’t accidentally snap at Xueye should he become irritable. He wanted nothing more than to care for the young man.

Yushi saw a faint sign of a shiver run through Xueye. Without even thinking he wrapped his arm around Xueye’s shoulders and pulled him in close.  Xueye stiffened in surprise, Yushi has always been rather slow and often hesitant when touching Xueye. Xueye felt his heart pounding at being so intimately close, but it was also nice. The warmth Yushi emitted was comforting.

“Last thing we need is you falling ill,” Yushi voiced softly.

“Thank you,” Xueye’s cheeks reddened and he melted into the embrace. 

Yushi felt more delighted than usual holding Xueye. Perhaps it was the proximity or his sweet calming scent. He had the overwhelming urge to press his nose against Xueye’s fair hair and breathe in that soft scent, but he refrained. Savoring the close proximity and the sense that Xueye was safe and comfortable in his arms. The fact that no one was daring to linger their gaze upon the beauty in his arms brought a strangely sated feeling in Yushi. It was strange to think he was craving this close proximity. 

By the time they got back to the Crystal Estate, as loath Yushi was to let Xueye go, their clothes were a little damp from the light rain.

“Why don’t you go get changed into something dry and I’ll make some tea so you can rest?” Yushi took the little packet of herbs from Xueye and gently pushed him towards the room he was staying in. The young man seemed rather out of it at this point as he yawned and started dragging his feet. Yushi was worried Xueye might fall asleep before he was done. He was starting to wonder if the doctor’s reminder was more for him to know than for Xueye, regardless he was grateful for the knowledge.

Yushi brewed a mild floral tea. After he poured a cup for Xueye he pulled one of the smaller packets from the bundle, it looked as though there were about a week’s worth of doses, in case the shipment did get delayed. He added the green powder to the tea and stirred it in. 

He brought the tea with him back to the room Xueye was in. The door was partially open and it was rather quiet. He softly knocked as he opened the door a little  more, half expecting Xueye to be asleep. Xueye was sitting on the bed absentmindedly running his hands through his hair, struggling with the damp locks that ended up knotted as he let his hair down. What really caught Yushi’s attention however was that the robe Xueye changed into was mostly open in the front  and mostly off one shoulder, exposing the pale expanse of smooth skin. Yushi’s breath hitched at the sight and found it oddly difficult to tear his attention away.

“Do you need assistance?” After a breath, Yushi sat next to Xueye on the bed. He offered the cup of tea to Xueye, who took it and held it in his hands to warm them a bit.

“It’s no big deal,” Xueye said softly, breathing in the steam and the familiar herbal scent along with an unfamiliar but pleasant floral scent from the tea. “I can take care of it in the morning.”

“Now, now, it will be worse then,” Yushi reached out and tucked his fingers beneath the hair draped over Xueye’s bare shoulder. He ran his fingers slowly through the white locks while allowing the back of his hand to brush Xueye’s bare skin, delighting in the soft feeling of both. “Let me help, just drink your tea and relax.”

“A-alright…” Xueye slightly turned away and held the tea up to his lips. Even though Yushi couldn’t quite see his face from that angle he noticed Xueye’s ears turning a little pink and couldn’t help but smile.

Yushi carefully ran his fingers through Xueye’s hair, even a little damp it was so smooth to the touch. He worked his way up progressively from the ends. Any time his fingers caught a tangle or knot he’d gently work on it until he was able to run his fingers were able to move freely through the fair locks. As he got closer to the scalp, Xueye started letting out rather contented hums. The sweet sound made Yushi’s heart race. His fingers weaved through a few more times than was really necessary just to hear it again.

“This feels so nice,” Xueye sighed contentedly with his eyes closed. He subconsciously leaned into Yushi’s touch. He enjoyed the comfortable closeness, warm tea, and the soft patter of the rain outside.

“Your hair is so lovely, Xueye,” Yushi practically purred in praise, pressing a strand to his nose and taking in the soft orange blossom scent. “I could do this all night.” He found himself starting to crave more of Xueye. He was starting to wonder if Xueye tasted as sweet as he smelled, the exposed skin was so tempting. 

“If I wasn’t so tired I’d probably let you,” Xueye sighed, almost sounding disappointed.

Yushi’s more rational mind surfaced and he realized the peculiarity of these thoughts that started surfacing. He felt a strange heat spreading through his body and it wasn’t from a sense of shame or embarrassment but rather an overwhelming need. He knew he couldn’t let this searing heat in his veins take over.  He wanted to cherish the beautiful young man, not scare him away with this sudden sense of neediness and strange passion that was welling up within. He was also finding it rather difficult to pull away. However, most of all, Xueye needed rest, that was what was most important. Focusing on that, the searing beneath his skin began to fade just enough.

“Let me braid your hair and I’ll let you rest,” Yushi said as he started dividing the white hair into three. “It’ll be easier to take care of in the morning.”

“Mn,” Xueye drowsily hummed in confirmation.

Yushi tried not to drag out weaving his hair into a loose braid. He reached over and grabbed one of the thin strips of fabric he used to wrap Xueye’s arms earlier and tore a shorter piece off with his teeth and used it to tie off the braid.

“There,” Yushi beamed pridefully, running his hand along the braid to feel the soft hair one last time as he let the braid down gently against Xueye’s back. “Do you need anything else?”

“I’m fine for now,” Xueye’s soft weary smile was filled with sparkling appreciation. Yushi couldn’t help but admire the sweet sight. 

“Very well,” Yushi stood up. He reached down to take the empty cup from Xueye’s hands. “Rest well this time, alright?”

“I’m sure I will, between the medicine and your care,” Xueye sighed contentedly yet again and he sank into the plush bed. “I feel very relaxed, thank you.”

“I’m glad,” Yushi lingered in the doorway, eyes filled with adoration and the smoldering hunger he couldn’t quite smother. “Good night, Xueye.”

“Good night, Shujing,” Xueye noticed something was a little different about the way Yushi was looking at him but his exhausted mind was too weary to analyze or overthink it. He could barely keep his eyes open. 

Yushi closed the door behind him and leaned against it. He pressed his palm to his forehead as he felt a familiar ache setting in. He felt lightheaded as that strange craving for Xueye hit him stronger than before. He couldn’t get the look of that flawless pale skin out of his mind. 

So the dragon does more than rage, Yushi thought to himself. He forced himself away from the door before he went against his better judgment. He went and set the cup down in the kitchen before returning to his room, closing and locking the door behind him. Yushi sat on the edge of his bed, head in his hands as his thoughts and emotions spiraled. 

He’d never had an instance where his dragon blood reacted in this way. He was perplexed and it gave rise to a different set of worries than he expected. His care and adoration of the young man has given a rise to his more draconic side developing a strong passionate desire for Xueye. Then again, perhaps he already had such desire, often the rain his emotions were heightened and his senses sharpened.

Xueye’s scent lingered on his skin. Each breath he took in was stoking that hungry heat that was threatening to burn him. Yushi threw himself back on the bed, trying to force himself to relax. However, it wasn’t so easy to do so as this restlessness took on a new form of uncertainty alongside suppressing his burning desire. He was trying to sort out whether or not it really was just a fleeting feeling spurred on by his unique heritage. It was so difficult to focus on anything, as he thought of Xueye, the image of that exposed pale skin taunted him. At the moment, all he wanted was to see more. What would it look like all flushed? How beautiful would that fair hair spread across his bed?

“Heavens, what’s wrong with me?” Yushi groaned. “Curse this blood of mine.”


Yushi finally realizing just how down bad he is for Xueye, teehee!

A certain beta reader requested the art and I couldn't say no uwu

The HD version and NSFW bonus is over on Patreon.


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