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Fair Trade - Chapter Eight: Frigid Night and Warm Dawn

Updated: Jan 14

Xueye was immersed in darkness. Not a shred of light came from any direction. It was cold, a familiar cold, as though he was still in the frigid landscape of Vual. There were murmurs around him that he couldn’t make sense of the words. Amidst the voices he could discern his father’s and Xinhua, even though he couldn’t hear what they were saying, it reminded him of his darkest time, following his mother’s passing. He was unable to stop the tears trailing down his cheeks.

Another dark laugh caught his attention from behind him. It was unfamiliar, but it raised a sense of terror in the pit of his stomach. He had to get away. He began to run, he had to get away. However it felt as thought he was trudging through deep snow even though there was nothing there. 

Despite his struggle, several hands had grabbed him. He struggled to escape until a voice called out to him, seemingly sourceless in the darkness.

“We were told to bring you back alive, but they didn’t say in what state…”

Xueye saw a glint of silver before a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.

Xueye’s eyes snapped open, he sat up with a sharp breath. He placed his hand over the phantom pain that lingered. It was an all too familiar pain, he even felt his old scar throbbing in response.

He placed a hand over his face as he tried to catch his breath. He felt the tears on his cheeks, and he couldn’t help but let out a faint whimper.

It had been a while since he had any nightmares of this nature. While some of this one was similar, much of it was different. He was used to the sensation of falling before the pain, yet this time he was restrained. It left him confused and uneasy.

After a deep breath, he glanced up and realized he wasn’t in his own room. The sense of unease grew until he recalled a bit of last night’s events. He felt the tension beginning to melt away as he recalled the comforting, guiding hands of Shujing, keeping him steady and safe.

Xueye heard a soft knock from the doorway and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He looked up to see his protector leaning on the doorframe with a worry in those amber eyes.

“Are you alright?” Yushi asked tenderly. He’d heard Xueye’s sounds of distress and had to check on him. 

“Just a nightmare,” Xueye sighed. “Nothing new.”

“Do you have them often then?” Yushi felt a tightness in his chest.

“It used to be common. It’s been a while, well, until now…” Xueye glanced out the window as he started running his fingers through his long white hair, trying to work out some of the knots that likely ensued from his fitful sleep. He noticed the sun was already pretty high in the sky, yet he still felt exhausted. “What a pain.”

“You should take it easy today,” Yushi suggested, seeing just how worn out Xueye looked. 

“I know I should but it’ll be a bit troublesome for work,” Xueye huffed. “There’s still preparations to be made.”

“I understand,” Yushi sighed heavily, having hoped Xueye would agree with him. “I’ll accompany you for your safety until the investigation into who is trying to take you makes progress. I have contacts within the imperial guard that will reach out with more information. You will be staying here until then,” Yushi smirked, “and that is not up for negotiation.”

“Yes, yes,” Xueye sighed with a faint smile. “I just don’t want to take up all your time. Surely you have other business to deal with.”

“I told you I have time to spare,” Yushi chuckled. ”I was already intending on helping you for the duration of the week. My aid just happens to extend to this as well.”

“Thank you, Shujing,” Xueye’s lavender eyes held endless gratitude. “Who knows what might have happened to me if you weren’t there. They would have been sorely mistaken if they were trying to use me to leverage against my father.”

“You don’t think it was your father?” Yushi crossed his arms. 

“If that’s the case then your presence could have saved me from a worse fate,” Xueye looked up at him with an extremely relieved expression, however there was a sadness in those lavender eyes.

“Has he done something like this before?” Yushi couldn’t help but jump to the worst case scenario. Such bitter resentment was simmering beneath the surface at the mere thought.

“Not that I’m aware of. If he has, there’s no proof, but I don’t put it past him,” Xueye shook his head. 

“You’ve had instances like this occur before?” Yushi felt tense, waiting for an answer he dreaded.

“Well, fortunately nothing so severe,” Xueye mentioned casually with a shrug. “It’s not the first time I’ve been told to come along with a group, none have tried to hurt me before. Competitors, disgruntled former clients, people who think they can leverage my father. Usually I’m able to reason my way out of it.”

“You make it sound like it’s just a normal occurrence,” Yushi looked so pained, it surprised Xueye.

“I guess I’ve just been used to it,” Xueye chuckled nervously under that saddened gaze.

“You shouldn’t have to be,” Yushi gritted his teeth. Everytime he heard about Xueye’s past troubles there was such a strong tension in his chest and a sourness that was getting harder to suppress.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to lay this sort of stuff on you all the time,” Xueye glanced away. “I’ve been through a lot and it’s just so easy to talk to you sometimes.”

“That’s not what troubles me, Xueye,” Yushi sighed heavily in frustration. “The fact it doesn’t entirely get to you means you’ve already experienced it too much. You have enough troubles to deal with. You sounded so scared last night. I can’t stand the thought of you experiencing such terror regularly.”

“It’s sweet that you think so,” Xueye sighed softly. “I wouldn’t say I’m entirely unaffected by this one. They knew where to find my home. It’s not a very public fact that I live away from the Meigui Estate. So I greatly appreciate you letting me stay here.”

“That is concerning,” Yushi’s brow knitted. It was either Lord Meigui afterall or someone was following Xueye regularly. Yushi didn’t know which one was worse. Both scenarios made his skin crawl. “All the more reason you aren’t going anywhere without protection.”

“I guess you really will be my guard afterall,” Xueye’s giggle was accompanied by a cheeky grin. “I’ll be sure to pay you for your services, promise.”

“Are you sure you can afford it?” Yushi teased.

“Just name your price,” Xueye rested his head in his hand with an expectant yet curious shine in his eyes. 

Yushi shoved off the doorframe and approached Xueye. He placed a gentle hand on the top of the young man’s head and spoke with a warm smile, “Don’t leave my side. That’s all I ask.”

“That seems simple enough,” Xueye giggled softly, feeling such comfort and warmth emanate from Yushi’s hand. “What makes you think I can’t afford that?”

“You’re quite independent from what I can tell,” Yushi chuckled.

“I guess you aren’t wrong,” Xueye sighed with a defeated smile. He was used to doing things on his own, but he’s been quite content seeking Yushi’s aid as of late. WIth the events of last night haunting the shadows of his mind, Yushi’s presence calmed his frayed nerves that he was doing his best to hide. Xueye’s smile turned sweet and warm, “I’m relying on you, Shujing.”

Yushi was taken off guard by the precious sight as well as the words. He felt his heart racing as a warmth spread through his body. Xueye looked so soft with such a cheerful expression and his hair a mess. All the more, there wasn’t a hint of the usual void of light in those lavender eyes. Yushi felt like his heart was melting.

“What’s with that face?” Xueye asked upon seeing those amber eyes widen. “Didn’t you say you wanted me to rely on you?”

“I just didn’t expect you to so soon,” Yushi flashed a fond smile. He was quite delighted to have heard those words so soon after bringing it up. “I understand your past might make it hard.”

“I can see why you’d think that,” Xueye toyed with a strand of his light hair. There was a faint flush on his cheeks as he was unable to look at Yushi, “After everything you’ve done, especially last night, I’ve no reason to distrust you. Just…” Xueye paused, his heart pounding worse than when his life was threatened. He took a deep breath before continuing, “Just, please, don’t leave me alone like the rest…”

“Xueye…” Yushi reached out, guiding Xueye to look up at him with his fingers lifting the young man’s chin. “I don’t intend to let you go.”

Xueye turned bright red under the gentle touch and determined amber gaze. He felt consumed by that warm gaze melting into a fond smile. Xueye wanted to shy away but he couldn’t bring himself to. He was lost in those shining ambers. Xueye felt like snow melting away in the warm sunlight. 

Yushi found Xueye’s dazed yet mesmerized face just so precious. He gently stroked the young man’s cheek with his thumb and delighted in the subtle shiver it elicited. After the previous night, Yushi was starting to realize how much he relished being so close to Xueye. He never expected to savor these brief moments of contact and Xueye’s warmth.

Yushi chuckled softly to himself and retracted his hand, knowing he’d likely lingered a bit longer than he should have, “Why don’t you change into this?” Yushi patted the robe he left on the nightstand. “It may be a bit big on you, but it will have to due, at least until we can pick up some of your own later. Let me know if you need anything in the meantime.” Yushi moved to the doorway and paused for a moment, “Take your time, don’t push yourself.”

“O-okay…” Xueye was still at a loss for the moment they just shared. He stared blankly at the doorway after Yushi left. He was having a hard time understanding the storm of emotions that were swirling inside his rapidly beating heart. 

Xueye’s fingers ghosted over his cheek, still feeling the warmth on his skin. The words that came with that gentle touch also remained. He felt more out of sorts by that than the nightmare he just had. Despite the nervous and shy feelings that had bubbled up, there was a fuzzy sense of joy that was threatening to consume him whole. At this point he needed to take more time to process what just happened than he’d likely need to get ready.

“Ah, get it together!” Xueye shook his head and lightly slapped his cheeks, trying to snap himself out of it. He had much more important things to worry about. He would be able to focus on it when he had time to spare.

He got up and ran his fingers across the dark blue robe on the nightstand and noticed all his accessories and other affects he certainly didn’t recall taking off. That warm feeling began to swell once more. He couldn’t recall the last time someone took such good care of him. It felt too good to be true, like for once following the nightmare was a sweet dream rather than the waking nightmare he usually experienced. 

He picked up the robe and held it up to himself. Certainly it would be a bit large on him but he could manage. He pressed it against his chest, he caught the warm scent of wild honey and clove that he long since associated with Yushi. It was now such a comforting scent.

He couldn’t help but smile as he changed into it. The sleeves hung past his hands and he couldn’t resist bringing it up to his nose to take in that comfortable scent. He was feeling rather at ease.

After putting his hair up with that silver crescent moon pin, he finally felt presentable enough and stepped out of the room. He glanced both ways down the hall. He was half asleep when he was brought here so he’d hardly a clue about the layout of the place. While it seemed spacious it was rather simple, down one way of the hall led to a few more closed rooms while the other seemed to lead to a more open living space, where he found Yushi just sitting in one of the plush chairs reading a letter.

“Business?” Xueye asked as he slowly approached.

“Nothing urgent, it can wait,” Yushi tossed it onto the table. His gaze lingered on Xueye, taking the stark contrast of the dark robe and his fair hair. It was stirring something in him seeing the young man practically consumed by his own robe. He couldn’t help but smile, as he waved Xueye over, “Come here, I can help you make those sleeves a little easier to manage.”

Xueye smiled softly as he closed the distance. Yushi gently grabbed his hand and pushed the sleeve back, just beyond the wrist. Yushi’s calloused fingers tickled the tender skin beneath them with how soft his touch was. Xueye tried to stifle his reaction but couldn’t completely as a small giggle escaped, Yushi’s touch lingered a bit, trying to draw out a little more of that sweet sound out of him.

“Shujing,” Xueye chastized amidst the faint laughter escaping him.

“My apologies, I couldn’t resist,” Yushi chuckled as he proceeded with his original intent. He pinned a thin strip of black cloth between Xueye’s wrist and his own thumb. He began slowly wrapping the long thin cloth around the young man’s forearm and the excess of the sleeve. “I used to do this when I was younger. My father used to buy me clothes a bit larger when I was still growing. Until I filled them out more I did this so the sleeves didn’t get in my way.”

“A smart way to save money I suppose,” Xueye smiled softly until he realized something. Being from a rich family, he knew money for clothing, even for growing children, was never an issue. However, in the days he spent as a merchant, there was no shortage of families that were not so well off that he encountered who also did similar things for their children. “Was your family not so well off back then?”

“Indeed, quite clever of you,” Yushi chuckled softly as he tied off the black cloth and moved on to wrap Xueye’s other arm. “I didn’t run into that inheritance I mentioned until about ten years ago, after all.”

“I see…” Xueye was starting to realize he hardly knew anything about the past of the man helping him.

“It was just my father and I for a long while,” Yushi noticed the curious look in those lavender eyes but the hesitance to ask. Xueye’s already shared quite a bit of his own past so Yushi didn’t mind sharing what he could without giving too much away. “My mother passed not long after I was born. We managed alright. Unfortunately, my father was killed under the pointless pretenses of the previous regime.” A low growl of contempt escaped him. It was in fact the moment that set him on the path to overthrow the previous emperor, but that was a story for another time. He let out a breath to relax, trying not to concern Xueye.

“I’m sure it was quite satisfying to hear of the previous emperor being overthrown by the current,” Xueye placed a comforting hand over Yushi’s. 

“You have no idea,” Yushi chuckled darkly, he’d long since gotten his revenge. He was more than pleased with the end result.

“It’s a shame it couldn’t have happened sooner,” Xueye sighed softly. 

Yushi was a bit surprised that Xueye shared such a sentiment. Often people avoided the topic all together regardless of what they thought of the emperors, especially thoughts of ill repute. Then again, Xueye never fit the typical Meihua mold. 

“Just what do you think of Emperor Buxiu?” Yushi couldn’t help but ask, amused at hearing Xueye’s thoughts on himself as a ruler. 

“I haven’t met him so I can’t say much about his character,” Xueye thought aloud. “Honestly, I don’t get why everyone seems so intimidated by him. He’s done nothing but good for this country and its people.”

“People fear his power, dragon blood runs through his veins, making him different, strong enough to nearly take an army on his own. I’m sure you know all too well, people will fear what’s different from them.” Yushi gently stroked the back of Xueye’s hand with his thumb.

“Ignorance,” Xueye huffed in a pout.

“Indeed,” Yushi smiled sweetly as he stood. “Come now, you are late enough as is.”

“What’s a little more time?” Xueye shrugged. “Let’s take our time, and perhaps finish some preparations while we’re at it.” 

“Really? Not worried about your father’s suspicions?” Yushi raised a brow.

“I think he’ll be more suspicious with you accompanying me today,” Xueye laughed. “Best to stick with business out of the office for now, and stop by after he leaves, I can pick up anything pressing and leave word with the company that I’ll be working away from the office for a bit. Wouldn’t be the first time I have. Besides,” Xueye's cheery expression dimmed a bit, “if those people last night were sent by him, he may know more than he lets on.”

“In that case, let’s discuss our plans for the day over breakfast,” Yushi suggested as he walked towards the front door, gesturing for Xueye to follow.

“Sounds delightful,” Xueye followed after him with a little skip in his step.


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